Couple, part 2

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Sayori's POV

Ten minutes had passed by, Sayori slowly opened up her eyes as Monika told the club to go share their poems with one and other. Toby looked at her and said " I'm going to share mine with Monika right now, I'll come to you later so people don't get suspicious," Toby whispered in her right ear. He got up, grabbed his poem and walked over to the president. Sayori just wanted to sit there in peace, but that would not last long. George came walking towards her with a pleased grin on his face. It was like he wanted something from her.

" Sayori......I, wrote this for," The boy handed her the paper, and she started to read it. The poem was something about love and finding the perfect match. She looked up at him, when she was done " I don't get?" George blushed, then took her by the hand, and placed her in the middle of the classroom. Toby stopped talking to Monika, and watched her, Monika seemed to notice and did the same. Natsuki and Yuri didn't stop talking about their poems, they hadn't notice George. She gulped, then looked up at him, his look was very anxious.

" Sayori, will you be my girlfriend," He asked with a slight grin. Stunned, she couldn't say anything, she was dating Toby not him. " George.. I'm sorry,but I'm already dating someone," His thrilled gaze turned into a ice cold stare, he curled his lips and growled. " Who are you dating!" Sayori turned away from him, she was ready to go back to her seat when the boy grabbed her by the collar. That caught Natsuki's and Yuri's attention. The room went silent, you could hear a pencil drop, that how quite it was. " WHO IS IT!" He repeated.

            Tears dropped from Sayori's eyes, she felt like no oxygen was going threw her lunges, as George pulled harder on her collar. Finally Toby step forward, he sternly gazed at the other boy. " Let her go George," Toby told the boy calmly. His gaze lifted up to Toby's " Why would I?" I want a answer, then I'll let her go," He splat at the other male figure. Toby huffed then looked down at the floor, then looked back up at him. " I'll tell you if, you let Sayori," George started to let go , when the boy with amber eyes added " After when I tell you, you're not going to harm Sayori," George rolled his eyes and threw Sayori on the floor.

                Toby grabbed on Sayori's hand and pulled her to the other side of George. " TELL Me!" He demanded. Toby paused, then looked directly into his soul. " I'm only going to tell you once, I'm dating Sayori," The other male changed his expression, his eyes blazed with furry. Every gasped expect for Monika. " Good luck Toby, she'll ditch you once she starts liking someone else other, than you," he growled. George was leaving the room when Monika stepped in front of the door.

" Where do you think your off to?" Monika asked him. George huffed and told her " I'm leaving the Literature club," The President smiled at him " I think before you go, you should tell your ex-members that you planned with Jack the president of the sports club, to make sure Sayori fell in love with you and not Toby." Sayori thought that Monika was done, but she continued " That you were going to use your ex-Vice President, just to get a spot in the sports?" He looked frightened on what the president just said, Toby narrowed his gaze, Yuri and Natsuki looked shocked. How could this be I thought he was my friend, I guesses I was wrong.

" How do you know that," George gasped at her. Monika laughed " I was watching you that day, when you met Jack. Now leave my club you are no longer welcome here," George looked ashamed at what he'd done, but he turned around and said " Watch your back Toby. Vengeance is coming," The only male in the literature club looked at the traitor, but said nothing. A war between the Literature club and Sports club was brewing.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now