Choices, part 1

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Sayori's pov

         When they got home, Toby had to tell her something, as the both sat on the couch. She could see happiness in his eyes. " Sayori, after the meeting today, Sam asked me to be his Vice President," He smiled at her. " What did you say?" She asked " I told him I would think about, and I'm going to tell him yes!" Sayori couldn't believe what she was hearing, if Toby went through with this they couldn't be a couple anymore. Tears started to roll down her  cheeks and face, she was going to have to break up with him. Toby noticed this and put his arm around her. " It's ok," He soothed her. 

       " You don't understand," she sobbed. " If you become his second in command, we can't be together," Toby looked shocked then said " Why?" " It's rule, it's a very weird rule," " Tell me about this rule Sayori," Toby asked. " Club people can date whom ever they want," She started by was cut off from Toby " So I don't see a problem," "
I not done!" she snapped " But a President of a club can not date a President of a different club, same goes for Vice Presidents," She finished, then sniffled. Toby huffed, he didn't look angry nor sad, but upset.

     " The reason, that rule is in place is because, they don't want both powers to join forces, or they could break up causing a war between the clubs,"  Toby didn't respond, so she walked away with tears running down her face. Sayori went to go to the bedroom. An hour had passed when Toby came in, " I thought about what you've said, and I don't want to leave you," Toby whispered " I love you more than power, Sayori I would hate myself if I left you," Toby paused. " I'm staying with you, no matter what happens to me or you,"

      Sayori's eyes blazed with happiness " You mean it" Toby nodded his head. Then she rushed over, and kissed him. " I love you Toby," " I love you too Sayori,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now