Friends, part 2

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Toby's pov

George joined the Literature Club three days ago, and was always spending time with Sayori. Toby watched as the other boy patted the teenage girl on the head. " Sayori doesn't have anytime for me anymore, when she does George always tells her to go with him," Toby thought to himself. He removed himself away from the two, and slumped down in a sit next to the class room door. Monika was organizing papers, Yuri was reading in the corner, and Natsuki was in the closet with her mangas. He could feel time slowly slipping by.

"All right everyone," The club president called. Sayori removed her attention from George to Monika, Natsuki came out of the closet, Yuri put a bookmark in her novel, and Toby just moved his amber eyes up. " Since the festival is coming up we need supplies that we don't have in this room," Monika started. " Natsuki and Yuri will find the decorations," Both girl's nodded. Monika scanned the room, she saw Toby looking up at her but he looked very frustrated. " Ah yes, Sayori and Toby will go find the poster and crayons," Monika said sounding pleased at what she had accomplished.

All of the sudden George jumped up from his chair and looked Monika in the eyes " I think I should go with Sayori, after I don't back stab people," The President gaze turned toward the male " Well, here at the Literature Club George I make the decision, and if you don't like them the exit is that way ," Monika pointed at the wooden door.  " Now sit down before you hurt yourself," The boy with the brown eyes growled then sat down. " Ok, George and I will stay here," Something jumped on Toby's back, he saw Sayori on him with a smile.

" So where do you want to start," Sayori asked. Toby responded with a smile back at her " Anywhere's fine,"  She grabbed his hand and ran out the door with him, they stop in the hallway. " Do you always make something an adventure Sayori," Toby asked her. " I try to," she responded. The strawberry blonde enter the green classroom next store. He followed Sayori as she walked quickly ran over to the closet. " Crayons!" Sayori squeaked like a child opening a preset on Christmas. " And posters," Toby added. He grabbed the poster, he waited for Sayori as she tried to grab the Crayon box, but she hit her head.

Toby quickly needled down and carry her out of the closet with the crayons in her hands." Ow, it hurt's," Sayori groaned. Toby stopped and look at her " She's so beautiful," He thought, but this wasn't the time to think that he had to find ice. " I'll be back, I'm going to try to find ice," He told her while walking out of the room. Toby looked every wear, he could not find the ice. So he substituted that for Apple juice. He walked back in,Sayori was still on the ground, groaning in pain. " Here, Sayori," He said while handing her the juice. " Thanks," Sayori responded.

" Toby," Sayori winced. "Yes?" Toby asked. " Remember when we were young, I would always hit my head on scrape my self," Sayori told him. " Ya, you'd always hit your head under the slide," He responded. Sayori laughed,then started to speak again " You where always there for me, you are now too,"  Sayori opened the Apple juice and stared drinking it. " I don't think you should drink that," Toby said. Sayori smiled and kept gulping it down. There was moment of silence for two minutes until the Vice President said " I think it's time we get back to the club," Toby nodded his head, help the female up, then walked with her in the hallway.

When they both walked in Toby handed Monika the crayons and poster paper. " Sayori what happen to your head," Monika asked. Before the girl with the blue eyes could respond George jumped in, " Did Toby hurt you!" Sayori gulped and told them " NO! Of course it wasn't Toby's fault, It was me being clumsy," Sayori responded. He watch as his best friend walked away from him, to go to George. Monika came over and put her hand on Tobys's back. " I don't trust him," Monika whispered. Toby responded with " Nor, do I,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now