Couple, part 1

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Monika's POV

     Monika understood that it was Saturday, and that's why most of the members were late. Toby had come in early, without Sayori it seemed odd that she'd had not tagged along. Toby told Monika that he left Sayori at her house, and the president told him to go to her house. He'd left in a split second, and hadn't come back since then . Just then Yuri had come in with Natsuki. Five minutes later George walked in the room with a smirk on his face. " Hey, Monika," George called the club president." What do you want George," She growled.

         The boy swallowed and said " I need to go get a drink of water," " Fine, but make it quick," He nodded his head and sprinted out the door. Monika did not trust him, and followed the male near the boys bathroom. There was he was meeting Jack, the president of the sports club and the one who bullied Sayori along with other kids. Monika quietly peered from the corner.  " So, did you do it? Have you captured her heart," The sports club president demanded. " Almost, but Monika is aways in the way, I'll never get Sayori to fall for me," George told him,. What! Had George been using Sayori this whole time? Did he really not love her?

          " You know the deal, get Sayori and Toby not to fall in love with each other, steel her heart, then as promised you'll get a spot on the sports club," Jack smile was crooked. He doesn't love Sayori he's using her! George nodded his head and Monika ran back to the club. She quickly grabbed a note book, and sat down in a seat. The master mind slowly walked in then looked up at the clock. Monika knew the truth, she had to make Sayori date Toby.

     " Sorry were late," A voice said. Monika turned around, and saw Toby, he was holding Sayori's hand. That's odd they never hold each other's hands." That's fine, we'll start in ten minutes," The President said with a smile. Monika looked over at the traitor, he smiled at Sayori but she wasn't paying attention. She sat down in a chair next to Toby with her head on his shoulder. The boy with brown hair smiled softly then rubbed Sayori on the back she smiled with her eyes closed.

      All of a sudden it came to Monika. The only reason the two were acting so loving towards each other was because they were dating. Monika didn't have to do anything, George would find out then would be crushed. At some point in time when the two would tell the club they were dating. She would revel the truth he had tried to keep hidden.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now