Choosing a club, part two

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Sayori's Pov

            She couldn't believe that she got Toby to come to the Literature Club after school. Sayori was really excited all day long, she couldn't wait. As she walked to the lunch room a shadow fell over her, when she looked up she saw Jack. He was standing over her in way that told her ,he was not pleased. Sayori gulped as he looked down at her. She felt like a small mouse.

" Hay, Jack," Sayori said in a quiet voice. He grabbed her by the arms and pinned her to the nearest wall. " Listen to me, you little bitch," Jack rasped. " Don't you dare, think twice that Toby will go to your club," Sayori looked down at her shoes not wanting to make eye contact. " Are you listening to me!" The boy spat. Again Sayori did not respond. All of a sudden Jack raised his hand and slapped her on the face. She fell down on the ice cold floor.

He repeated himself once more " Now are you listen!" Sayori nodded her head up and down." I couldn't hear you," The boy growled. " Y......yes," Sayori stumbled on her words as she looked up at him. " Good, if you ever invite or become closer to Toby I'll kill you," She did not know what to say, but saddens washed over like, a old long lost memory.

" Hey, why don't you go pick on somebody your own size," a small girl with pink hair in pigtails said. Once Jack looked up and saw her he scoffed " What are you going to do about!" " Your only four feet tall," A different shape appeared this time, but they were right next to the pink haired girl.

" What are we going to do,Jack," The other girl with green eyes said." I don't know,maybe will tell a adult that, you smacked Sayori on the cheek or you can go your merry way and never bother Sayori again!" The male huffed and turned back at her "I'll leave you alone," He said. Jack grabbed his bag and walk away from the girls.

"Sayori! What happened! Are you ok?" The girl with the pink hair asked. Before she could respond, the teenager with the green eyes said " I think she's fine Natsuki," Natsuki looked up at her and said " You don't know that Monika! She could not be ok," Sayori hated the sound of fighting, it was all because her parents did it all the time,she was sick and tried of it.

" Stop!" Sayori screeched. Monkia and Natsuki turned around and starred at her. " It hate it when you guys fight," She paused then spoke again " I'm fine by way, it was only a slap," Monika looked at Natsuki with a worried glance and Natsuki gave one back to Monika too. " Sayori, why..........why did you get slapped," Monika asked her Vice President.

" It's because Jack wants Toby to dislike me for some reason and is mad," Sayori finished. " Why is he mad?" Natsuki questioned Sayori. " It's because he joined a club that was not the sports club," She told them, while getting up. " Which club," both Natsuki and Monika said at the same time. " This was supposed to be a surprise, but he joined our club, the Literature Club," She smiled at the other members.

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now