Bonus Chapter, for 1k reads!

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George's POV

                 George walked back forth from the president's door, he didn't know what to expect. Toby had blown Jack off saying he would rather be friends with Sayori then, be popular. The door opened as Sam one of the members came out of the room. George gulped as he entered and sat down on the wooden chair. Jack was looking outside the window which led to the courtyard. Outside was the Literature club writing poems down, Jack growled at the sight as he kept looking out paying no attention to George.

    " You needed to see me," George asked. The president turned around " Yes, I have a deal for you," " What is it?" George asked. " You need to join the literature club, get Sayori to be your girlfriend," Jack smirked " I'll let you join the Sports club if you do that," George nodded his in a agreement, but little did George know that he would fail at this task.

Thanks for the one k reads this really amazing, I hoped you guys and gals liked the bonus - Flamesparkwriter

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now