Choices,part 3

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Toby's pov

Rumours had spread, that Sports club's new Vice President was going to be John, and that Toby didn't want to be in the club. The Literature club was his place, he didn't need power. All he wanted was love, and good relationship with Sayori, nothing else. " It takes guts for someone to decline to be Vice President," A voice hissed. Toby turned around in the middle of the hallway, where he saw Jack behind him.

" Your a fool for not taking that job, people have said that you chose love," Jack smirked. " So, I love Sayori, more than power, she's everything to me, power is nothing," Toby splat back at the other boy. The exiled club leader smiled some more making Toby uncomfortable. " Power is everything, it's greater than love," Jack said softly, " She'll be done with you in no time, your not meant to be," Toby didn't believe a word he was saying, but the other boy continued. " You deserve more Toby, I can get you that," He couldn't take anymore and yelled " I'm done with your games, I want nothing to do with you!" Toby turned away and started to walk to the Literature club.

He could still feel Jack's eye watching him from the shadows. Toby knew Jack, won't stop until he gets what he wants. As he entered the club Monika came up to him with a little bit of an upset grin. " Good you're here, I need to tell the club something," Just like that, she called the club together, and waited until everyone calmed down. " I'm going away for two months," Monika began, but was cut off from Natsuki " What! Monika you can't leave we need you," The President sighed as she looked down and then looked back up again at her club members.

     " I have to go," Monika told everyone . After when she finished everyone came over and hugged each other. The president grabbed her stuff and walked out the door. " Monika's leaving for a little so that means," Yuri said as her head looked over  at Sayori " Sayori's our president,"

Best friends since childhood- a Doki Doki  Literature club Novel, editing/doneWhere stories live. Discover now