1. Jason X Reader

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Winter was quickly approaching Crystal Lake and you were definitely feeling its icy grasp. Jason's little shack had little to no insulation and countless cracks and holes. Chilly drafts were always blowing through, making the cold seep deep into your bones.

  You had tried to do what you could to keep warm. You bundled up in the warmest clothes you had and tried to avoid sitting near the rickety walls where the wind was most likely to hit you. Jason did his best to help as well. Often times, he would give you his old tattered coat to wear, draping it over your shoulders with care. He was by your side whenever he could be, holding you in a close – and warm – embrace. You appreciated his efforts and often thanked him for trying so hard to make you comfortable.

  Yet you both knew that it was only going to get colder. Winter was just beginning and then one day, a wicked cold snap hit unexpectedly. You were bundled up as much as you could be, having both Jason's coat and the thin blanket from the bed wrapped around you. Yet you were still freezing. Jason was almost beside himself because you were unhappy, you could tell. The poor boy would wander aimlessly around the small cabin, trying to come up with ways to help you, only to come right back to your side and hold you as close as he possibly could. He'd nuzzle his masked face into your neck and you knew that he was trying to apologize for your frigid state.

  "It's alright, Jason," you said to him. You reached up and gave his arm, which was currently wrapped around your body, a gentle squeeze. "I'm sure I'll warm up soon."

  Jason pulled his face away from your neck and you saw those big sad eyes of his staring at you from behind his hockey mask. You let out a sigh, gently caressing his covered cheek with your hand.

  "Relax, Jason, it's alright. You're doing everything you can and that's what matters," you told him, hoping it would help calm him somewhat.

  He merely stared at you for a few moments more before his eyes practically lit up. He looked like he had suddenly gotten the best idea ever. Before you could even begin to ask him what it was, he was up on his feet and lumbering towards the door.

  "Where are you going?" You asked.

  Unfortunately, you got no response. Jason didn't even turn around as he opened the door and promptly left you alone inside the shack. You sat there, both perplexed and amused as you thought what might be going through his mind. Wrapping your many layers tighter around yourself, you smiled. You'd find out soon enough, surely.

/ /

  A lengthy amount of time had passed and Jason still hadn't returned. You almost started to worry, yet quickly reassured yourself that there was nobody at the camp at this time of year. Even if there was, you knew that Jason could handle himself just fine.

  You were just as cold, if not colder, without Jason. Without him holding you close, effectively protecting you from the cold winter air, a chill quickly penetrated your many layers, leaving you shivering.

  You jumped as Jason suddenly kicked the door open. He walked inside, carrying what seemed to be every blanket and sheet that was on the property of Camp Crystal Lake. He dumped the pile of fabric at your feet, looking at you with pleased eyes. You couldn't stop the smile that spread across your face.

  "Oh, Jason, you're so sweet!" You quickly jumped up from your seat, maneuvering around the mountain of blankets to tackle Jason in a hug. Of course, he barely moved since you were so much smaller than him. He carefully wrapped his arms around you as you looked up at him with sparkling eyes. "Thank you so much."

  You gave him a quick peck on the cheek of his mask, then escaped from his grasp to start going through the blankets. You looked up at Jason to find him with wide eyes, standing stock still. You giggled.

  It seemed our roles have switched and now he's the frozen one, you thought, amused.

  "C'mon, big guy," you said, taking his hand and giving it a tug, pulling him out of his trance. "Let's get these blankets wrapped around us in the biggest cocoon ever."

so i had this super cute idea and i couldn't sleep so i thought what the hay i'm gonna stay up late and write a cute jason drabble lol

i'm actually really happy with how it turned out too like it's so adorable i love it xD

i hope you all enjoyed it too!❤️

remember if you've got an idea you'd like me to write, just visit the request page and drop it there☺️

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