12. Pennywise X Female!Laughing Jack Reader

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      ✨Requested by Grystina
       • • • • •

  The footsteps of your latest victim splashed through the shallow river of the Barrens. You followed stealthily from the brush, the monochrome colours of your clothing providing surprisingly good camouflage in the shadows. Even from this distance, you could tell how scared this young girl was. Her frantic breathing along with the quick glances behind her gave away that she knew something was following her. You delighted in the fact that yet, she didn't know exactly what you were.

You saw her come skidding to a halt and turn sharply into what appeared to be an opening. You emerged from the bushes, discovering that your victim had sought escape through a large opening to the sewer. A buzzing giddiness spread through your chest at the idea that you'd have to follow her into the sewers.

You knew you weren't the only evil presence in town. You had heard, whilst invisibly stalking a group of kids, that there was an entity around Derry. It most commonly took the form of a clown, the kids had said, calling itself Pennywise and it usually resided within the town's sewer systems. The thought that there might be somebody similar to you was intriguing and, judging from the amount of children that went 'missing', you quickly came to admire this clown.

You shook your head free from your thoughts as you crept into the tunnel, trying to push down the hope that you might have a chance encounter with Pennywise. However, you couldn't stop the excitement pulsing through your veins as you imagined all sorts of scenarios should you actually meet your idol.

It wasn't very difficult to track your victim through the tunnels. The thick sludge had slowed her panicked running considerably and her heavy footsteps echoed off the walls. As you turned a corner, you saw her, nearly at the next turn, struggling to force herself through the grimy sewer water. A terrible smile made its way across your black lips, exposing your pointed teeth. You whipped your hand to the side and a sharp dagger materialized in your grasp. Methodically, you crept towards the girl, letting an eerie whistle escape your lips.

Your victim turned around, eyes wide as she saw your menacing figure moving towards her. You thought, amused, that you no doubt made for a terrifying sight with your matted black hair, snow white skin, pointed nose, and black eyes.

Before your victim could even turn to run, you thrust the dagger through the air with frightening speed. Just as you intended it to, the blade found its mark, burying itself deep into the girl's right shoulder and pinning her to the stone wall. You knew that only you had the power to remove it and the thought made your smile grow ever wider.

You blinked and within an instant, you were standing in front of the girl, towering over her. Her pained cries and wails resonated throughout the sewer and in the back of your mind, you couldn't help but hope that a certain clown might hear them and come to investigate.

You put a finger to the girl's lips, shushing her with mock sincerity while with your other hand, you summoned another dagger, gripping the handle tightly. A manic laugh bubbled from your throat, one that you couldn't contain.

"Pop goes the weasel!" You cried gleefully and you drove your second dagger straight into the girl's heart.

Your eyes flashed with feverish intensity as you twisted the blade as deep as it would go, reveling in the way your victim gasped for breath, the way her chest heaved as the life slowly leaked out of her.

Only when the light drained from her eyes, when her jaw went slack and her body fell limp, did you rip the dagger from her flesh, mesmerized by the crimson river that now coloured the front of her shirt. You did away with your second dagger, then yanked the first from her shoulder. Her body slumped to the sewer floor, partly submerged in the grey water.

You crouched down in front of the lifeless corpse, paused for a moment, then unceremoniously pushed your hand into the cavity you had created in her chest. You pulled it out, your fingers now dripping with the still warm blood, and proceeded to paint a giant toxic sign over the chest of your latest victim. Your trademark. You finished it off by pulling a wrapped candy from seemingly out of thin air and placing it right in the center of the body's chest. The cherry on your bloody sundae.

You stood up to admire your work. You took a step back, but felt your back hit something solid. Alarmed, you jumped forward, quickly whipping around and your eyes grew wide as you realized you had bumped into Pennywise.

Your mind went blank for a moment as you merely started at him, awestruck. He was at least a foot taller than you with wild orange hair and blood red lines running down his white face. You took in the grey, ruffled costume that looked worn with age and those glowing yellow eyes that seemed to burn into you.

Something of a manic giggle escaped you and you quickly slapped your bloodied hand over your mouth. For so long, you had dreamt of meeting this infamous clown and now, here he was, standing in front of you. It almost felt surreal.

You saw his gaze fixate on your blood coated hand, then wander to the body behind you. Was he impressed? You secretly hoped he was impressed.

"You did this?" He asked, his voice rough and high, a demented smile slowly forming on his lips.

You nodded excitedly. "Chased her here all the way from town," you said from behind your hand.

Pennywise giggled, the sound unnatural and wrong. However, it just made your heart beat faster. "What a squealer!" He laughed, apparently amused. "I could taste her fear from miles away!"

Pennywise continued to laugh and you found his mirth contagious, unable to hold back your own snickers that came sputtering forth. Before you knew it, the two of you were nearly doubled over with laughter, laughing at a joke that had seemingly gone unspoken. Your joy was uncontainable as the clown continued to provoke such happiness from you and you from him.

And in the back of your mind, you knew that you would always feel this way. You would always feel this way with Pennywise by your side.

okay so i was like obsessed with creepypastas when i was like 13 but funnily enough i never got into laughing jack

i don't know that much about him so i'm very sorry if i got something wrong grystina!! i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless though!💕☺️💕

and if anybody else has a request feel free to leave it on the request page!!

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