4. Bubba X Reader

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You hummed happily to yourself as you knelt in the dirt, gardening tools in hand. For so long, you had wanted to plant some flowers around the Sawyer farmhouse, make it look more homey, and now, you were finally getting around to it.

  It was very hot outside, so you had made sure to dress as lightly as possible. You wore a simple pair of shorts along with a white tank top. You also made sure to wear a hat to protect your face from the heat.

Bubba would pop outside every once in a while to check on you. He would make sure you had enough to drink and he would periodically bring you little snacks. Sometimes, his attention would be caught by something specific you were doing, so you'd invite him to come kneel beside you so he could get a better look.

It was those times you loved the most.

You spent most of the day outside, working on your little garden project. Bubba let you know when it was almost dinner time so you had enough time to gather up your things and wash up. As you scrubbed the dirt from your hands, you thought, amused, that you'd be finding dirt under your nails for weeks.

/ /

  When you woke up the next morning, the first thing that registered in your mind was the searing pain all across your shoulders. You figured it was just your muscles, sore from all the work you did yesterday. However, you were quickly proven wrong when you shifted in bed and your shoulder rubbed against your shirt the wrong way.

It burned.

You let out a yelp, shooting up from the bed. You soon realized that your muscles weren't just sore and that you had gotten a sunburn. How bad, you couldn't tell, but not from lack of trying. You tried to get a good look at your shoulders, but the task proved itself impossible.

Quickly, you got out of bed and raced to the nearest bathroom. Without even bothering to close the door, you peeled off your shirt, getting a good look at your shoulders in the cracked mirror. You winced.

It was bad.

  Suddenly, you heard the heavy steps of Bubba approaching and you internally smacked yourself. He was probably worried because you ran, thinking there was someone after you. The poor boy was too paranoid.

  Sure enough, he appeared, that worried look in his honey coloured eyes. However, he quickly averted his gaze once he saw you had no shirt on, thinking he had ventured somewhere he wasn't supposed to. You merely smiled, finding his bashfulness adorable.

"It's alright, Bubba. Everything's okay," you reassured him. "I was just looking at my shoulders in the mirror. I got a nasty sunburn from yesterday."

  You saw his eyes dart over to you, but he quickly looked away again. He mumbled something, a timid question, it sounded like. You had become quite fluent in Bubba's unique language.

  "Yes, you can look at it," you answered with a smile. "Go ahead."

  Even after you gave permission, though, Bubba was still hesitant. However, you managed to coax him over with some gentle reassurance that everything was alright, that you were okay with letting him look.

  Once he was right in front of you, you turned around, letting him freely look at the havoc the sun had wreaked on your skin. You felt him run his fingers lightly over your shoulders, his touch holding all the gentleness in the world. He explored the extent of your sunburn in his way and you merely stood there, happy to let him.

  Suddenly, he grabbed your arms, spinning you back around to face him. You stared at him curiously as he pointed vaguely in the direction of your room, a newfound urgency in his eyes.

  "You want me to go to my room?" You guessed.

  Bubba nodded vigorously. You merely shrugged and gathered your shirt from where you had tossed it on the floor. Slipping it back over your head, you walked out of the bathroom. Bubba gave you a gentle little push, hurrying you along, and you let out a giggle.

  You made your way back to your bedroom, sitting down on your bed. You smiled to yourself, amused by Bubba's behavior. You briefly wondered what was going through his mind, but you knew you'd find out soon enough.

  And you were right. About 10 minutes later, Bubba came hurrying into your room with what seemed to be 2 hand towels clutched in his grasp. He climbed onto your bed, sitting beside you.

  "What are you up to?" You questioned, smiling.

Bubba didn't answer, reaching out to tug at the sleeve of your shirt instead. You were confused for a moment, but his meaning got through to you when he repeated his action.

"You want me to take my shirt off?" You clarified and he nodded.

  You did so without question, being careful not to aggravate your sunburn as you did so. Once it was off, you tossed it to the side. Looking back at Bubba, you saw him pointing fervently at your shoulders.

  "You wanna see my sunburn again?"

  You received another nod from him. You complied, turning yourself around on the bed so he could see your shoulders. You expected to feel his light touch exploring the skin like he had back in the bathroom, so it was safe to say you were surprised when you felt something cool be draped over your shoulders, one at a time. Glancing down, you saw that it was those 2 hand towels Bubba had brought in with him now resting on your shoulders.

  They were nice and cold, which helped the burning on your shoulders immensely. You let out a contented sigh. Bubba must have soaked them in some cold water in an effort to make you feel better, you figured.

  Turning back to face him, while being careful not to knock the towels off of yourself, you saw Bubba staring at you with concerned eyes, his hands anxiously clutching pretty much anything that was close to him.

  "Thank you, Bubba. This makes my shoulders feel a lot better," you said sincerely, unable to hold back a laugh when you saw a smile appear on his face.

Carefully, you leaned forward, pecking him on the lips through the opening of his mask. When you pulled back, you saw his smile grow even brighter, incomprehensible mutterings tumbling from his lips as he flapped his hands happily. He was quick to repay you, placing the tiniest of kisses on your forehead, to which you simply giggled in response.

ahhhh i love my boy bubba so much💛

i hope y'all enjoyed this one! i really loved it x3

feel free to leave me a comment if you want! your feedback is always appreciated☺️

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