30. Michael X Reader

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  The quiet was unnerving. The shuffling footsteps and the whispering voices were present in the background, like white noise, but it wasn't enough for you. The quiet got under your skin and you didn't like it.

A single guard chaperoned your journey through the halls of Smith's Grove Sanatarium, walking behind you and directing you where to go. You were considered a low risk patient so much security wasn't necessary.

You were on your way to your first therapy session. Your doctor was a man named Dr. Loomis. You had heard around that he was treating the most dangerous patient in the entire sanatarium. That made you nervous, made you wonder how scary this doctor must be to take on the worst patient ever.

  "Stop here, lass," your guard – you think his name was Jeff – instructed, placing a hand on your shoulder.

   Immediately, you flinched away from his touch. "Please don't touch me," you requested quietly.

  "Sorry," Jeff apologized.

  You liked Jeff. He was a bit older than the other guards and had a thick Scottish accent. He was kind and gentle and really good about your no touch policy. You supposed today it just slipped his mind.

  He had stopped you just outside of a stark white door, just like everything else in this place. Three guards loitered outside the door, chatting quietly amongst themselves. One of the guards noticed you and Jeff and waved.

  "Dr. Loomis will be ready soon. He's almost finished with Michael," he explained.

  "Michael?" You piped up.

  "Michael Myers," Jeff whispered to you. "You heard of him?"

  Silently, you nodded. The rumours you had heard about the most dangerous patient included a name: Michael Myers. You had heard numerous horror stories about him, about how cold his stare is, how he murdered his sister, how some thought he wasn't even human. You shivered.

  A knock sounded on the door from within the room and the three guards bustled inside. You noticed that one of them was holding a straightjacket. It was a little hard to see what was going on, but it looked like they were unstrapping Michael from a chair only to force him into a straightjacket. Once he was secure, the three guards cautiously moved him out of the room and that's when you saw him.

  He was tall and a little scrawny. He had wildly untamed brown curls and a deceivingly gentle looking face. As he was moved past you, he met your eyes only for a moment. He had dark, almost unreadable eyes, but there was something there you couldn't quite decipher. Was it something human? Or was he just thinking of all the ways he could kill you?

  You didn't have time to dwell on it because Michael was gone as soon as he was there. You were quickly ushered into Dr. Loomis' room for your therapy session, but all you could think about Michael.

/ /

  It was time for bed in the sanatarium. Everyone had been tucked into bed, the lights had been dimmed, and sedatives had been given to those who required them. You, however, couldn't sleep. Your mind was whirling and you couldn't find the switch to turn it off. You were still thinking about your brief encounter with Michael. He didn't look like the horrible monster everyone claimed him to be. He just looked like a person. You had asked Dr. Loomis about him near the end of your session, but he had refused to talk about him.

  Suddenly, you heard something outside your door. A soft scratching. You sat up in bed, clutching the covers tight to your chest. So many terrible theories and ideas of what it could be flashed through your mind. You felt your heartbeat steadily increasing, your breathing becoming louder and more ragged. You weren't equipped to fight your anxiety; that's why you were here in the first place.

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