39. Mermaid!Jason X Reader

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You had heard the legends ever since you were a child. All the kids at school were always talking about it, having heard it from older siblings or cousins. A lot of people brushed it off as nothing more than a cautionary tale made up in order to scare children into behaving. But even as you grew older, something about the story stuck with you.

  It was said that something was living in Crystal Lake. Exactly what it was varied based on who was telling the story and how scary they wanted to make it. Some said it was something prehistoric, left over from the dinosaurs' era. Others would say it was somebody who had drowned in the lake, their rotting corpse waiting to pull you down with them.

  Whatever it was, the legend said that if you went swimming in that lake, if you so much as dipped a finger in those waters, you would be dragged to the watery depths by this mysterious creature, never to be seen again. The idea of it rattled you as a child, and you made sure never to go swimming while you were at camp.

  As you grew older, however, so did your curiosity. You began to wonder if there was any truth to the stories from your youth. Most legends had a basis in reality, so maybe there really was something living in Crystal Lake. Of course, you figured it would turn out to be an overgrown fish or something, but the curiosity nagged at you nonetheless.

  So, you rented a cabin out at Crystal Lake and vowed to stay there until you got to the bottom of this mystery. There had to be some sort of explanation, you just knew it. The first few days of your mission were more than uneventful, to say the least. The surface of the lake remained pristine, not even being disturbed by the wind. You came to notice how there were no birds ever floating about, no insects skimming the surface of the water. You thought that was weird, but nothing groundbreaking.

  By the time the fourth day rolled around, your patience had begun to wear thin. You should've known there would be nothing out here. Why would there be? Sometimes, stories were just that: stories. Imaginary tales made to keep children close to their parents. You felt a little foolish for even believing the legends in the first place.

  As the sun was beginning to set, you threw aside your childish fears and walked out onto the dock. You wanted to admire a good sunset from the best spot and you weren't going to let the horror stories surrounding this lake stop you. You could hear the water lapping from underneath against the wooden planks as you took a seat at the end of the dock. Feeling a little brave, you took off your shoes and socks, letting your toes dip into the tepid lake water. It felt nice.

You let out a long breath as you admired the various shades of pink and orange the sky was turning. You could hear the occasional bird call mixed among the gentle waves of the lake. Overall, everything felt perfectly safe. You didn't know why you were ever worried in the first place. You dug out one of the rocks that had gotten stuck between the slats of the dock. You threw it, watching as its entry shattered the pristine surface of the lake with a circle of ripples. Gradually, they faded away, and you began to dig for another pebble.

And that's when something landed beside you on the dock.

You looked down and there, sitting in a puddle, was a wet rock. You looked out over the lake, your heart beginning to pick up the pace. You hadn't heard anything go into the water or exit the water. Looking back to the wet rock beside you, you began to feel very cold.

You threw a rock into the lake and something had thrown it back to you.

In a panic, you pulled your feet out of the water and back to the safety of the dock. Your eyes scoured the dark depths of the lake, trying to discern any shape that looked out of place. Of course, you couldn't see anything. There was no disturbance anywhere. Crystal Lake was perfect once more.

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