22. Creeper X Male!Reader

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Requested by MadameWilson
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You let out a sigh. You were getting bored. You had spent the night in the Creeper's abode which currently was an old abandoned barn out in the middle of no where. The Creeper had left early in the morning to go hunting, leaving you by yourself. You had spent the majority of the day alone in the big empty barn and you were going a little stir crazy.

  You had wandered around, looking at the sparse furnishing the Creeper had somehow managed to move in here. There was an old, faded couch that had numerous rips and holes, most likely from the Creeper himself. You knew from personal experience just how sharp his claws could be. The couch was situated in front of the back doors that always remained tightly closed.

  Tucked away in one of the corrals was the Creeper's workbench. It was covered with various tools and weapons, along with jars full of bits and pieces you knew were from humans. You tried not to look at them as you admired the Creeper's craftsmanship, despite the materials' macabre origins. You were always impressed with the amount of detail he put into his things.

  The Creeper usually liked to enter and exit the barn through a sizeable hole in the roof. You knew that there was a collection of dirty and tattered clothing somewhere in the barn's loft, since that's where everything got dumped as soon as the Creeper shed parts of his human disguise. There was a red sweater he sometimes wore under his coat that you had grown particularly fond of.

  There were various other random items strewn about the barn, too. Old farm tools, burlap bags, ropes, chains, and a lot of junk, too. The barn was fairly empty, otherwise. However, there was one more item the Creeper liked to keep with him. Your favourite item.

  It was an old rusty phonograph that sat on a little table with a broken leg. It was propped up against one of the closed corral gates. A weathered cardboard box sat on the ground beside it, holding an impressive collection of vintage records. You hadn't listened to any of them, but you had snuck a peek in the box. You immediately backed away, though, scolding yourself for snooping through the Creeper's personal belongings.

Now, though, you were seriously tempted to return to that box and put on some music to pass the time. You were growing bored without the Creeper to keep you company and you had no idea when he'd be back. The thought proved too enticing and soon enough, you were crouched in front of the little box, flipping through the records. Some were dated from the 60s and 70s, while some were all the way back from the 30s.

Overall, there was a good collection of classic tunes. You removed the record that seemed to hold a permanent place on the phonograph – there was no doubting what the Creeper's faourite song was – and put on one of your own choosing. There were a few moments of static, but soon enough, the record found its groove. A soft, jazz tune flowed from the speaker and you smiled. You felt like you were in a classy lounge from the 40s.

  You swayed and spun around the barn by yourself, imagining how you were in an old, swanky nightclub. You imagined all eyes were on you, the mysterious visitor who appeared out of the rain, with your flawless looks and mesmerizing dancing.

  You were so entranced by your made-up scenario, you didn't even realize that the Creeper had returned until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You jumped, startled, and turned around to find the Creeper staring at you. He was still wearing his coat and hat.

You felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment. The previous shame you felt from looking through the Creeper's things without permission returned in full force and you shyly directed your eyes to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I-I know I should've asked first," you stammered out an apology. "I just... I didn't know when you'd be back and I was bored and--"

You gasped in surprise as the Creeper took hold of your waist, cutting off your apology as he pulled you close. You didn't know if he was angry or disappointed or if he was going to punish you or what. However, you were surprised further as the Creeper, instead of being cross, began to dance with you. It was nothing more than a simple sway, but to you, it was everything in the world. You had never seen the Creeper act like this.

  With your hands resting on the lapels of his coat, the two of you continued to dance together, keeping in time to the slow, romantic rhythm of the music. The fantasy you had conjured in your mind earlier changed. Now, a tall, handsome stranger, just as mysterious as you, joined you on the dance floor, taking you by the waist and sweeping you off your feet. You smiled. This imaginary scenario was much improved over the previous one.

  And as the record came to an end, you were pulled from your daydreams, pulled from imaging the Creeper and you as mysterious, fated lovers in a 40s era world. You gazed up at The Creeper, loving the way he looked at you so sharply, no matter how cloudy his eyes were. As the soft sound of static emanated from the phonograph, the two of you stopped swaying, yet the Creeper never removed his hands from your waist.

  "So...you're not mad?" You said lightly.

  The Creeper stared at you for a moment, something of a purr vibrating in his throat. Then, without warning, he suddenly pulled you forward, his lips connecting with yours. You melted into the kiss, your eyes drifting blissfully closed as you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck. The Creeper's hold on you tightened, pulling your body flush with his.

  Well, you supposed that answered your question.

eeeeeee i really love how this one turned out!

i thought it was really cute x3

i hope y'all liked it! lemme know if you did! i love hearing from you guys💕💕

also i keep forgetting to mention, i added the huntress from dead by daylight to the request page! so now if you'd like to request a big strong murder lady, you can!☺️

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