16. Michael X Reader

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    ✨Requested by Tip11957
                        • • • • •

  You slowly opened your eyes, shielding yourself from the sunlight pouring through your window. You waited a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the light, then dropped your hand back onto the bed. You laid there, a sleepy smile crossing your face as you remembered how Michael had come to visit you last night.

It had been late and you were just getting ready for bed when Michael slipped in through your living room window. Initially, you had panicked when you heard his entry, thinking it was a stranger. You got the daylights scared out of you when you ran into him in the hallway, but the fear quickly faded once you realized it was just Michael.

His coveralls and mask were splattered with blood. His knife was covered as well and his knuckles were raw and bleeding. You tried not to think about what Michael could've done as you pulled him to the bathroom, instructing him to wash up while you grabbed him some clean clothes.

You kept some clothes for Michael on hand for occasions like this, when he'd show up after a night of killing looking for some place to crash. You were not about to let him sleep in your bed covered with someone else's blood. You grabbed a plain grey t-shirt and a pair of black boxers for him before returning to the bathroom.

Michael had removed his mask, letting you see those unruly brown curls you loved so much. He was washing his knife in the bathroom sink. You glanced at his knuckles, seeing he had already cleaned them up.

You set the clothes on the counter beside the discarded mask. "You can change into these for the night, okay? Leave your coveralls on the counter; I'll wash them tomorrow."

  Michael's gaze darted to the clothes, then shifted up to you. He didn't say anything, but you could see the shine of a thank you in those dark, tired eyes. You pecked him on the cheek before returning to your bedroom and climbing into bed.

It wasn't long before Michael entered your room, joining you under the covers. He was quick to sidle up to you, your back against his chest, with an arm wrapped securely around your waist. You loved it when he held you like this. He only did so when he was sleepy. You figured he got a sense of comfort from feeling you against him, like it was the only time he was one hundred percent certain nothing could happen to you and he could truly relax and sleep. Judging by the dark shadows that were usually under his eyes, it didn't seem like Michael slept often.

You were more than happy to fall asleep snuggled in Michael's embrace. You snuggled deeper into the covers, resting your hand over Michael's.

"I love you," you whispered to him as you let your eyes drift shut.

Michael gave a quiet hum in response.

/ /

You slowly returned to the present, smiling at how sweetly the previous night had ended. It wasn't uncommon for Michael to leave before you woke up, so it's safe to say you were surprised when you glanced over to the other side of the bed and saw that Michael was still there, sleeping soundly.

  Honestly, you were glad to see him still there. Michael always looked so tired, yet somehow was able to keep pushing himself. You supposed this time, he must've pushed himself too far, so you were happy he was getting the sleep he needed.

  As carefully and quietly as you could manage, you slipped out of bed and tiptoed down the hall to the bathroom. You also took Michael's coveralls and put them in the wash. Hopefully all the stains would come out alright. You figured they would. Navy was a pretty resilient colour.

You turned to return to your bedroom. You knew there was a chance that Michael might freak if he woke up and you weren't there, so you planned on just reading a book until he woke up.

You were surprised, however, to see Michael sitting up and awake when you returned. Well, his eyes were open, at least. He still looked pretty out of it. You tried not to giggle at just how adorable he looked, what with his messy bedhead and dazed, sleepy expression.

"Morning, Mikey," you greeted him, joining him on the bed. "I'm surprised you're up. You crashed pretty hard last night."

Michael grunted softly in response, running a hand through his wild curls.

"Did you sleep well, at least?" You asked.

Michael turned his sleepy gaze to you and nodded, a rare smile gracing his features. You couldn't help but smile in return, seeing just how cute Michael was being right now. You had never seen him like this and honestly, you were loving every second of it.

"Did you want to sleep some more or are you ready to get up?" You asked him.

Michael nodded in what you assumed was agreement to the second option as he pushed the covers off of himself and made to get up. You followed suit and the two of you walked down the hallway. Michael stopped at the bathroom, no doubt looking for his coveralls.

"They're in the wash right now," you said, and when all the response you got was a confused look, you continued. "I said I'd wash them last night, remember?"

Michael thought for a moment, but soon nodded. You chuckled to yourself. He must've been exhausted last night.

"C'mon," you said, taking his hand. "Why don't we have some breakfast while we wait for your coveralls? Sound good?"

Now that he had fully woken up, only the hint of a smile appeared on Michael's face as he gave a slight nod. You still found it incredibly cute, though, and you smiled as you led him to the kitchen.

whoo!! two oneshots in one day!!

i'm so happy i'm able to get these out for y'all lol

so this one was for the darling tip11957 so i hope you enjoyed it!! sorry it took so long!💙

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