29. Predator X Reader

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     Requested by GiecoZilla
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It was a fairly late night, yet you were still awake. You were snuggled up on the couch with a blanket, watching reruns of one of your favourite shows. You knew you probably should've gone to bed about two hours ago, but you were just so comfy, you just couldn't force yourself to get up.

  You were alerted by a knock on your apartment window. Excitedly, you hopped up from the couch, comfiness forgotten, and hurried towards your bedroom window. It seemed your yautja friend was back. It had been a few days since he had visited, so you were happy to see him.

  You saw the familiar masked visage through the window and promptly opened it for him. You were always surprised at how nimble the predator was for how tall he was. With hardly any effort, the 8 foot yautja was able to climb through your little window more gracefully than you probably could.

  You were about to greet him like you usually did, but then you noticed the bloody gash across his thigh, leaking bright green. A quiet gasp escaped you.

  "What happened?" You asked, looking concerned.

  The predator responded with a series of clicks and chitters, motioning vaguely to the outside. You had been trying to learn the yautja language, but unfortunately, you were still a beginner.

  "Sorry, I-I don't understand," you said sheepishly.

  The predator simply waved a hand, knowing you weren't anywhere near fluent yet. It was a relationship of few words, but you two got along just fine.

  "Why didn't you heal yourself with that...that magic goo stuff?" You asked.

  Removing the medkit from his belt, the predator opened it and removed the vial that held the 'magic goo stuff', showing you that it was empty.

  "Ah," you said. "Ran out, huh?"

  The predator nodded as he placed it back into the medkit. He then motioned you forward to look at the kit's contents, pointing at some otherworldly looking needle and thread before pointing at you. You cocked your head to the side.

  "You want...me to stitch your leg up?" You asked incredulously. The most medical thing you had ever done was put on a band-aid.

  Nevertheless, the predator nodded, setting the medkit on the bed before sitting beside it. You simply stared at him, dumbfounded. You weren't qualified for this, but then again, who who would be for an alien? The predator noticed your hesitation and waved you forward encouragingly, insisting that this was what he wanted.

  With a resigned sigh, you approached the bed and sat down, the medkit between you and the predator. You still weren't entirely sure about this and the predator could sense that. In a sign of complete and total trust, the predator disconnected the atmosphere tubes in his helmet before removing it, showing you his face. You had only seen those bright yellow eyes a handful of times, so you appreciated the gesture.

  Letting out a breath, you picked up the needle, threading it after only a couple of tries. You glanced back up at your yautja, finding him watching you with a gentle gaze.

  "This will probably hurt," you warned him. "Sorry."

  He merely nodded and waited for you to begin. You figured he probably wouldn't be so forgiving once you started stitching. Leaning forward, you examined the wound on his leg. You grimaced. It was a pretty deep cut, so it would probably take more than a few stitches.

  You lined up the needle, ignoring how oddly cold the green blood was, before committing and making your first stitch. A low growl of pain emanated from the predator's throat and you winced.

  "Sorry," you said.

  You repeated your apology several times as you continued stitching up his wound, hoping you were doing a good enough job. About halfway through, you hit a particularly painful spot in the predators thigh. He roared ferociously, mandibles extended in a fierce display. He almost pushed your hand away, but stopped himself at the last second.

  "I know it hurts!" You hissed fervently. "But please, be quiet! My neighbours are gonna hear you!"  

  Your yautja grumbled and growled at you in response and it didn't take a genius to understand that he was pouting. You rolled your eyes, unable to fight the smile forming on your face.

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," you said dismissively, which earned you a very harsh reprimanding click. You chuckled.

  You finished your amateur stitch job without further incident. You set the needle and remaining thread back into the medkit, then ran to the bathroom for a wet washcloth. You returned to your yautja to clean up the blood still on his thigh, being as gentle as you could.

  "There," you said as you finished up. "I think you're good."

  The predator took a moment to examine your crude stitches. You couldn't tell if he was pleased or not, but you got your answer soon enough. He clapped a hand on your shoulder, staring at you with those almost luminescent yellow eyes. He gave a swift nod before removing his hand. You smiled. He was proud of you.

  "Not bad for my first time, huh?" You said, feeling pretty impressed with yourself.

  The predator chittered animatedly, looking over the stitches once more. You couldn't understand much of what he was saying, but you did pick up the word 'good'.

  "Thanks," you said, smiling. "I'm glad you like it. But I do have a question."

  The predator turned to you, head tilted inquisitively.

  "You're more skilled in this kind of thing than I am," you explained. "Why didn't you just do it yourself?"

  The predator seemed to think deeply about his response before answering. You were surprised, however, to hear him speak in English, in a rough imitation of a human voice.

  "Wanted...to...see you..." he said in a garbled voice.

  Your heart absolutely melted. "Oh my-- that's so sweet!" You gushed.

  Your yautja placed a hand on the back of your neck, bringing you forward until your forehead touched his. You knew that this gesture in his culture had the equivalent affection as a kiss in yours. You smiled, your heart melting even further, as you closed your eyes, your hand snaking underneath his dreads to embrace his neck in return.

  "I love you," you whispered.

  The predator let out a soft series of clicks. Though you couldn't understand his words, you knew he was saying it back.

i think this is one of the most adorable things i've ever written lol

i've always had a soft spot for preds x3

i hope y'all enjoyed it!

lemme know your thoughts in the comments! i always love hearing from you guys💕💕

also let's give it up for 3 uploads in one day!!☺️

okay now imma crash lol

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