27. Jason X Male!Reader Pt. 2

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You did just as you said. You called the police once you drove back into town, following them back to the camp. You were questioned like crazy about where you had been, who you were with, if you had seen anyone suspicious, etc. You figured the police knew of the legend of Jason so that's why they were acting so sketchy.

Finally, you were allowed to leave the scene as the cops investigated and bagged your friends bodies. You didn't want to stay to see that, so you hurriedly jumped back in your car and left.

  You drove to the checkpoint you had decided on with Jason, pulling over onto the side of the road. It was still dark out and you hesitated before turning off your car. With the headlights extinguished, you were plunged into total darkness. Tentatively, you exited your vehicle, squinting into the inky night for any sign of Jason in the woods.

  You heard footsteps to your left and you turned, trying to see a figure in the darkness. The night was black as pitch, though; you couldn't see anything.

  "Hello?" You called out, panic starting to creep into your chest.

  You let out a shout as a hand clamped down on your shoulder. You whipped around and even in the dim moonlight, you could recognize the tall figure of Jason.

  "Sorry," you said breathlessly, placing a hand on your chest to calm your racing heart. "You just...really scared me, is all. It's pretty dark out here."

The silence from Jason was a little eerie considering you couldn't get a read on his eyes. You were startled as you felt his hand grab your wrist, tugging you in the direction of the dense forest. You complied and followed where he wanted to lead you.

You had a hard time keeping up with Jason in the brush, what with the long grass and the sticks and the thorns and the...everything. You kept tripping or getting caught on something and every time, you'd apologize profusely for slowing Jason down. After about the millionth time of nearly falling over, you let out a yelp as Jason suddenly hoisted you up and over his shoulder. Probably frustrated with your inability to keep up, you figured with a smile.

  Jason carried you through the dark forest for a little while longer before finally setting you back on your feet with a clumsy pat on the head. You turned around to see where he had taken you and found yourself standing in front of a structure. It looked like a little shack with a warm glow emanating from within.

  You looked back at Jason. "Is this where you live?"

Jason nodded slowly, giving you an encouraging little push towards the doorway. A soft chuckle escaped you as you obliged, stepping into the small dilapidated cabin with Jason trailing behind you. Inside, it looked old and beat up, worn from the elements. There were a few crudely put up shelves along the walls which held lit candles, wildflowers, and various little trinkets Jason had picked up here and there. There were a few boxes and crates scattered around in groups. You wondered if Jason used them as makeshift chairs.

  You were still looking around when Jason tapped you on the shoulder, waving you over to the little back room. It seemed there was something he wanted to show you. You walked over to the back room, letting out a gasp at what you saw.

  There was a large boulder sitting in the middle of the room. A tattered knit sweater was spread over the surface of the rock. It was a dingy grey and you briefly wondered what its original colour had been. Numerous candles had been placed around the edges of the boulder, almost in an alter-like fashion. The thing that really caught your attention, however, was the decomposing decapitated head of what you guessed was once a woman.

  You fought the urge to gag, not wanting to offend Jason. The way he looked between you and the head alter told you it was obviously something very special to him. Though you found it more than a little revolting, you did appreciate how much Jason trusted you, enough to show you something that was this important to him.

  "Who is she?" You asked, staring up at the mask clad killer.

  Jason lumbered over to a wooden shelf at the back of the room that held various weapons. A machete, an axe, a fire poker, a pickaxe, screwdrivers and knives...and were those hedge clippers? He pushed a few weapons around on one of the shelves, looking for something in particular. Finally, he found it and wandered back over to you, holding it out for you to take.

  It was an old polaroid photograph, dirtied, torn, and faded from time, but you could still make out the two figures in the sepia photo. One was a young boy, physically deformed and obviously suffering from hydrocephalus. The other was a smiling woman with short hair, who was hugging the boy close. They looked happy. You looked back up at Jason.

"Is this you?" You asked, pointing to the boy in the picture.

Jason nodded.

"So...is this your mother with you?" You continued, pointing at the woman.

Jason nodded again, but slower. You didn't miss the way he fiddled with his hands as he turned his wistful gaze towards the alter. You let out a soft gasp. That was the head of his mother.

"I... I'm sorry," you said softly, not really knowing what else to say. "How did she die...?"

  Clearly, that was something Jason did not want to talk about. He took the old photograph back from you and hurried over to the shelf, busying himself with putting it back in its proper place. It seemed the subject of his mother was a bit of a sore spot.

  "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked," you said quickly, hoping you hadn't wrecked the tentative relationship you had with Jason. "I didn't mean to make you upset."

  Jason merely stood at the wooden shelf, eerily unresponsive. You bit your lip, shifting uncertainly on your feet. You were getting nervous. Had you said the wrong thing? Had you just undone everything you had built up with Jason over the last few hours?

  Jason turned suddenly, stalking over to you in a way that made your blood run cold. He stopped right in front of you, staring down at you with those unreadable mismatched eyes. You merely stared back, completely at a loss for what to do or say. Had you offended him? Was he going to kill you because of it?

  You let out a squeak as you were suddenly enveloped in the tightest hug of your life. Your feet dangled off the ground as the giant that was Jason lifted you up, hugging you like his life depended on it. You let out a laugh, hugging him back as best you could with your arms pinned to your sides.

  "I guess that means we're okay, huh?" You said to him.

  Jason looked back at you with the brightest eyes and if he hadn't been wearing his mask, you're sure you would've seen the big guy smiling.

you asked for it and here it is!!

i did not expect the jason x male!reader i wrote to be so popular but here we are lol

i had a great time writing this and i think it turned out just lovely☺️

i hope y'all enjoyed it! lemme know in the comments if you did! i always love hearing from y'all💕💕💕

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