48. Bubba X Reader

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      ✨Requested by PrincessCat2002
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Content Warning: Sexual harassment, borderline assault. Nothing too explicit, but it may make some people uncomfy. He dies, though, so there's a bright side. To skip, read from the beginning until the paragraph ends with "Enough said." and skip to the paragraph that starts with "You heard footsteps shuffling closer"

  So, hitchhiking had been a mistake.

Not like you had had much of a choice. When your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, you weren't left with many options. You had needed to get somewhere with a phone to get your car towed to a mechanic's shop. Plus, you couldn't stay out in the sweltering heat. It was the middle of the day in Texas. Enough said.

So when a semi driver pulled over and offered you a ride to the nearest gas station, of course you had accepted. The sooner you could get this mess sorted out, the better. However, as soon as you climbed into the cab, it was obvious this driver had a slightly different idea of how things were going to go. He would take you to the gas station, sure, but...

Well, you were getting more and more nervous about what could happen to you afterwards.

When you saw the gas station approaching in the distance, you would've sighed in relief if you hadn't been afraid to breathe. Finally, you could escape from this nightmare and move on to getting your car fixed.

However, as the truck drove closer to the gas station, you quickly noticed how vacant it was. No other vehicles, no other customers, no employees milling about... A horrible sinking feeling settled deep in your gut. You were still going to be completely isolated with this guy.

As the semi rolled to a stop, you had to stop yourself from gagging as those grubby fingers squeezed your leg once again.

"Now, you just stay right here and I'll go get that phone thing figured out for you," he drawled with a smile that screamed perv.

"Oh, no, that's okay," you quickly said in a shaky voice. "I can do it myself, really."

"No, no, no, I'll take care of it," he insisted. "You just stay right here, looking pretty. I'll be back in a jiffy."

You tried to protest further, but anything you said fell on deaf ears as the trucker exited the vehicle. You watched him as he wandered into the convenience store, but before you could even think about making a move, he was already walking back out.

"Doesn't seem to be anyone manning the register, darlin'," he told you as he got back into the semi. You didn't miss how much he enjoyed saying next, "What say we drive together to the next station, see if we have better luck there?"

But you were not going to travel with this guy any longer. Certainly not to the next gas station that came along. Out here, that could be miles. You desperately wracked your brain for something to say, some reason to stay at this station.

"Well...wh-what if the attendant is in the bathroom or something?" You stammered. "Like, is there a bathroom around back you can check?"

  "Say, that's a good idea," he said. "In fact, why don't we go look together?"

  Your eyes widened. "What...? No, no, I'll just stay here and--"

  "Oh, but I insist," the man interrupted. "Come on."

  Suddenly, his hand was on your arm, hauling you out of the cab of the truck. You tried to struggle against him, but his grip was firm. He wasn't letting go. Against your will, he brought you around the back of the convenience store where the bathrooms were located. You tried once again to shake your arm free from his hold, but he only pressed you against the wall of the building.

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