14. Jason X Reader

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You were aware of the strange circumstances surrounding Jason's life. You knew the story of how he drowned as a child, yet miraculously reappeared as an adult. You knew that he had died and you knew that he had inexplicably come back to life. Despite all the oddities surrounding Jason's very existence, you loved him all the same.

However, you weren't aware that these ailments from life could continue to plague him after he had already returned from beyond. You found this out on a sunny day in the middle of May. You and Jason were relaxing in his dilapidated cabin. You were reading a book and Jason was sitting beside you doing...whatever it is he liked to do. You figured he was a bit of a daydreamer. You often found him sitting or standing idly with a far off look in his mismatched eyes.

The silence was comfortable between you two. The only sounds came from the buzzing of insects and the birds chirping outside. However, the tranquility was soon shattered when out of nowhere, Jason suddenly began to cough uncontrollably.

  Immediately, your book was down, concern written all over your face as Jason seemingly struggled to breathe. You placed your hand gently on his back, hoping your touch might bring some comfort in the middle of this attack.

  After a few moments, the coughing seemed to subside, at least enough for Jason to pull in some laboured breaths. You rubbed his back in a circular motion, hoping to soothe whatever was causing him trouble.

"Are you okay, Jason?" You asked after a minute or two.

Silently, he nodded, but you could tell he wasn't feeling completely one hundred percent. His breathing was irregular and strained, as if it was hard to get air in and out.

"What's wrong?" You asked. As far as you knew, you didn't think Jason could get sick.

  Your question made Jason pause as he struggled to find a way to explain. A few moments passed as his eyes darted around the room, hands hovering in midair as he slowly got his thoughts together.

  Finally, Jason looked to you. His eyes held a somewhat confused look, almost as if he himself didn't fully understand what was happening. He raised his hands over his chest. They hovered there unsurely for a moment, before he clenched his hands into tight fists. He repeated the motion several times before dropping his hands into his lap.

  You worked it through your mind, trying to grasp Jason's meaning. "Your chest...feels like it's being squeezed?" You guessed uncertainly. "Like tight or something?"

Jason nodded enthusiastically. You nodded in response, feeling proud you had understood so quickly. "And that's why it's hard to breathe?"

  Jason nodded once more, but he was interrupted as another coughing fit took hold of him, even more violent than the first. Watching him with a worried eye, you continued to rub his back, trying to comfort him as his body shook, racked with shudders and spasms as his lungs constricted, forcing more air out than what was coming in.

  Jason sputtered and you let out a yelp of surprise as Jason coughed up an alarming amount of water. It took you a moment for your mind to process that no, it wasn't vomit. It was literally just water.

The fact that Jason had drowned as a child flashed through your mind. Could that be the reason that, because Jason was living in some impossible plane between life and death, he sometimes found it so difficult to breathe? Were his lungs just infinitely filling up with water?

You snapped yourself out of your thoughts and directed your attention back to Jason, who seemed somewhat more at ease now that his lungs were free of any fluid. However, breath still wasn't coming completely to him.

"How about you take off your mask, Jason? You might be able to breathe better without it right now," you suggested.

  Almost instantly, Jason shook his head, turning his head away from you. You were confused. Wouldn't that help? You couldn't tell if Jason was just being stubborn or if there was something deeper going on.

  "Why not?" You pressed.

  You kept your hand on his back, using your other to gently guide his gaze back to you. You stroked your thumb over his masked cheek, your heart nearly breaking at the sad look in your sweet Jason's eyes.

  "What's wrong, sweetheart?" You asked, your voice softer than before.

  Jason hesitated, but you got your response soon enough. He raised a hand, hovering it over his mask, shaking his head. As he dropped his hand, you tried to understand his meaning. What was wrong with the removal of his mask?

  "Do you not want me to see your face?" You ventured a guess. "Is that it?"

  Nodding slowly, Jason lowered his eyes, no longer meeting yours. You felt terrible for him. You knew Jason had been deformed as a child and you knew that his impossible resurrection had not helped matters in the slightest, but you didn't care.

  You didn't care what Jason's face looked like; he was still your sweet, lovable Jason. And even after all this time, Jason was still afraid to reveal his face to you. He was still afraid that once you saw him, you wouldn't love him anymore. 

  You cupped his face in your hands, pressing a gentle kiss to the forehead of his mask.

  "Jason, you know that I will always love you and that I will never leave you," you whispered to him. "You know nothing could drive me away from you. I love you more than you could possibly know."

  Throwing your arms around him, you pulled Jason in and hugged him tightly. He was motionless for a few moments, but eventually, you felt his rough hands wrap around you in return, his chin resting on your shoulder.

You let the hug go on for as long as Jason needed it to. You wanted him to know that he was safe and that your love was as unconditional as you claimed it to be. After a long while, Jason began to pull back and you released your hold on him. Several minutes of silence passed before Jason reluctantly reached up, carefully removing the hockey mask that covered his face.

You looked upon Jason's face without judgement, knowing just what kind of hell he had been through. His skin had been discoloured from his time spent in the grave. His asymmetrical eyes weren't as apparent without his mask and his cheeks were sunken in, shallow looking. The flesh around his nose was partly stripped away, exposing part of his skull, and his lips were unfortunately nonexistent, revealing jagged and broken teeth. A part of his forehead looked swollen slightly, unlike the other side of his head. You wondered if it was painful at all.

You caught the look in Jason's eyes and he still looked so scared, despite all your previous reassurances. You knew immediately that you had to remedy that. Cupping his cheeks softly – you weren't sure if the deformities and decompositions were at all tender or painful – you brought his face forward and placed another lingering kiss on Jason's forehead, just as you had done with the mask on. As you pulled back, you saw the shine of unshed tears in Jason's eyes. You smiled.

"There's my sweet, beautiful Jason," you said, your thumbs brushing delicately over his near exposed cheekbones. "You're as lovely as I always thought."

Something of a smile made its way onto Jason's face as those unshed tears spilled over onto his cheeks. You carefully wiped them away, musing on how your Jason's smile was the most beautiful you had ever seen.

ahhhh this actually took me forever!! >.<

i hit a l o t of writer's block with this one but i was determined to finish it lol we haven't had some jason in a while

i kinda took some liberties and came up with sorta my own version of what jason's face could look like so i hope y'all are cool with that!

idk i just thought it'd be fun x3

anyway i hope y'all liked this one! leave me some feedback if you did☺️

also if any of y'all are interested i just published a new story! it's a halloween au where michael isn't lethal and instead is just laurie's weird older brother xD there's sure to be lots of fluff so go check it out if that interests you!!

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