23. Kid!Freddy X Kid!Reader

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The sun shone down brightly as you walked out onto the playground. You shielded your eyes with your hands as you scanned the playground equipment, ignoring the kids running to and fro. You were looking for that boy – you think his name was Freddy? – that had caused quite the scene earlier in class.

The class had been working on art projects and the teacher had said once you finished, you could have free time to do whatever you liked. You had finished your art project fairly early so you had more than enough free time to yourself.

You weren't a very social kid. You had one or two good friends, but otherwise, you didn't talk much to your fellow classmates. It wasn't that you were shy; you just didn't think you were good at making friends, so you tended to not even try.

You had spent some of your free time doodling in your notebook and then you switched to reading one of your library books. They were due tomorrow and you really wanted to finish this one. You had only been reading a short time when you heard a sickening thud from the back of the room.

Setting down your book, you turned to see Freddy standing at the back table with a hammer in hand. You noticed the door of the class hamster cage open. Only when the hammer came down a second time did you finally connect the pieces in your mind.

You stared at the boy in shock. You felt a mix of horror and morbid curiosity at his actions. What he did was horrible and disgusting, but you felt the nagging need to know why. What could make someone do something like...that?

When an early recess was called, you lagged behind the rest of the kids, seeing if you could catch a glimpse of the carnage Freddy had caused. The teacher was quick to shoo you out, though, so you didn't get to see anything.

That's why you were looking for Freddy now. You still wanted to know why he did what he did. You hadn't really talked to Freddy aside from obligatory group projects, so you didn't know that much about him. You wondered if he'd even be open to answering the questions you had.

After walking around the playground a little bit, you spotted Freddy sitting underneath a tree near the fence. You noticed some kids staring at him from a distance, pointing and whispering to their friends. You approached Freddy, promptly sitting on the ground beside him. He didn't seem to take any notice of your presence. Either that or he was ignoring you on purpose.

"You're Freddy, right?" You said.

Finally, he turned to face you. He stared at you for a long moment and you felt a little awkward under his cold gaze. He looked away once more, fiddling with his hands.

"Who are you?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"Y/N," you replied. "We haven't really talked."

A long, drawn out silence settled over the two of you. You wondered if Freddy was being quiet on purpose so you would get bored and leave. You wondered if he had any friends. After today, probably not.

"Can I ask a question?" You spoke up.

Freddy sighed. "What?"

"Why did you kill the class hamster?"

Freddy's gaze flicked over to yours for a split second. He shrugged. "I wanted to."

You tilted your head to the side. "Why would you want to do that?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to."

A pause.

"I thought it would be fun," he added.

"Oh," you said. You pondered on that for a moment. You had never heard anybody say things like this before. "Well, was it?"

"Was it what?"


Another pause. You saw the hint of a smile appear on Freddy's face. It was an odd smile. A cold smile.

"Yeah," he said. "It was."

"Is that why they make fun of you and call you names?" You asked, gesturing vaguely to the rest of your classmates on the playground equipment. "Because you do things like that?"

You had noticed the way the rest of the kids had teased and jeered at Freddy after he had killed the hamster. They had called him the son of a hundred maniacs. You didn't know why they called him that or what it meant.

Freddy shrugged again, looking towards the playground. Kids were still whispering and pointing. They were staring at you now, too.

"Why did they call you son of a hundred maniacs?" You asked. "What does that mean?"

Freddy visibly stiffened, exhaling sharply. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Why?" You pressed.

"Because!" He snapped.

You jumped, startled by Freddy's sudden hostility towards you. You looked down, away from his cold eyes, away from the hate that was so clearly written on his face.

"I want to kill them," Freddy said softly after a moment or two. "I want to kill them like I killed the hamster. I want them dead."

"Who?" You asked tentatively.


You looked up as Freddy gestured to your classmates. A few of them skittered away from watching the two of you, frightened by his gaze.

"Why?" You asked.

"I hate them."

"Well...if you're gonna kill them, can you not kill Elisa and Jen?"

Freddy glanced your way. "Why shouldn't I?"

"They're my friends," you explained, "and maybe they'll be your friends, too, since I'm your friend."

Freddy looked at you as if you had suddenly sprouted another head. "You're not my friend."

"Not yet, but maybe someday," you said with a hopeful smile.

Freddy continued to stare at you for a minute before looking away, crossing his arms over his chest. If you didn't know better, you'd almost think he was pouting.

"Yeah, whatever," he mumbled.

okay i actually love how this turned out???

omg kid freddy was so much fun to write lmao

so i hope y'all enjoyed this! lemme know if you did! i always love hearing from y'all💕💕

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