24. Freddy X Reader

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  Requested by _SunnyWritesThings_
this is like a continuation of the previous oneshot, so be sure to read that first if you haven't already!☺️

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  You had been having strange dreams over the past couple of days. Every night, as soon as you closed your eyes, you were transported to some dark, dingy boiler room. Something was always chasing you from the shadows, frightening you with menacing laughs and the ear splitting screech of metal against metal. No matter where you tried to run or how fast, your pursuer was somehow always there to thwart your escape. Every dream ended the same, too. Right when you were about to be captured, right when the shadowy figure was about to step out of the darkness...you'd wake up.

You had no idea what any of this meant. You tried looking it up online, researching the meaning of dreams and such, but nobody else had had dreams like yours. Not even close. You scoured every dream site you could and never was there any mention of boiler rooms, being chased, or sinister laughter. You were perturbed. These dreams were becoming a problem, affecting your quality of sleep.

  That night, you reluctantly got into bed despite not finding any answers. As you expected, the moment you drifted off, you found yourself back in that dark boiler room. You sighed, strapping in for another long night.

  The dream progressed as it usually did. You'd run and get chased. Metallic squealing and cackling. No exit in sight. Pursuer three steps ahead, as always. Eventually, you came to the part where you'd usually wake up. You somehow got yourself cornered with no where to turn. You looked up to see the one who had been chasing you, cloaked in shadows.

You waited for the inevitable frustrating conclusion to your dream, where you'd wake up without learning a thing, with more questions than answers. However, this time, it never came. The figure kept walking closer and closer, dragging those finger knives across the various pipes. The sound was horrific and you resisted the urge to clap your hands over your ears.

  Eventually, the person stepped enough into the light to make out some details. It was a man wearing a dirty red and green striped sweater. He was wearing a glove, which was the source of the finger knives. Each finger had a sharp blade attached to it. He wore an old hat and his skin was horribly burned.

  He smirked at you and in an instant, he had pinned you against the wall. His blades were dangerously close to your face and you shut your eyes tight, turning your head away.

  "This is only a dream," you said defiantly. "You're not real. None of this is real."

  You felt a blade on your chin as you were forced to meet the man's eyes once more. They had a cold, sinister look in them and, strangest of all, you almost thought it was familiar, like you had seen that look in someone's eyes before.

"I'm offended, Y/N," the man said, lips curling into a smile. "25, 30 years go by and you forget me just like that?"

You blinked. "What?"

He laughed at that, backing away from you. You were so confused. This was a dream, wasn't it? It's not like this guy was real. So, why was he acting as if he knew you? And that you should know him?

"Oh, I remember it like it was yesterday," the man continued wistfully, but there was no denying the underlying mocking tone. "You, me, a dead hamster... What better way for two brats to meet?"

Memories long forgotten began to stir. The thud of a hammer. A class pet, killed. A little boy with so much hate in his eyes. The tentative friendship that was formed out of a horror. Your eyes widened.

"No way..." you breathed. "Freddy?"

The man smiled. "The one and only."

Your mind was reeling. "Okay, what is going on?" You said. "How can you be in my dreams like this? And why do you look like...that?"

"Try harder and you might just insult me," Freddy said.

You chuckled nervously. "Sorry."

You jumped as Freddy was suddenly by your side, arm slung over your shoulders like the two of you were close friends catching up over the weekend.

"It's a long story, sweets," he said. "The fine citizens of Springwood burned me to death. I'm back for revenge."

Ignoring his twisted smile, you pressed on. "You were killed? Why?"

Freddy groaned. "Don't you watch the news? Remember any particularly nasty business from around, oh...10 years ago?"

You racked your brain, trying to remember any big stories from Springwood. It was a small town, so not too much happened. The only thing you could think of was the Springwood Slasher, a kid killer. Eventually, he was caught, revealed to be...

You gasped.

"Shut up!" You exclaimed, putting the pieces together in your mind.

Freddy appeared in front of you, looking offended. "I didn't say anything!"

You waved a hand. "No, not like that! You were killed because you were the Springwood Slasher! I followed that case the whole way through."

"Still got that morbid curiosity, huh?" Freddy said. "Not surprised, considering how many questions you asked every time I killed a small animal or something."

"I remember how shocked I was when it was you, but at the same time, I wasn't," you said. "You were an odd boy and when we lost touch after elementary, I often wondered what happened to you."

"Oh, so you thought about me?" Freddy teased, with a lewd smirk.

You rolled your eyes. "Shut up, and this time, it is directed at you."

"C'mon, Y/N, you know I'm just playing," he said with a laugh. "You are awfully fun to play with."

You sighed. "Are you gonna be here every night?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on how often I feel like toying with you."

You couldn't help but smile. Even after all this time and these weird circumstances, he was still Freddy. The same, old Freddy.

"Lucky me."

okay i did not expect the last oneshot to be so popular lol

and then _SunnyWrites Things_ had such a great idea for a part two, i couldn't not xD

so i hope y'all enjoyed this! i had a blast writing it x3

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