47. Jason X Reader

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Requested by JazzyHands02
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You'd be back in a few hours. That's what you had told him before you left. Just a few hours to run some errands and that would be that. You'd be back before he knew it, you had told him. Now, Jason wasn't so sure.

"Daddy? Mama come back soon?"

A tiny hand tugged at Jason's pant leg. Immediately, Jason kneeled down to be eye level with his daughter, Pamela. He patted her head gently, nodded enthusiastically, but he couldn't ignore the fear gnawing at his insides.

  It had been days. Jason knew there was something wrong, that something had happened to you. You would never just leave him like this. You wouldn't leave Pamela either. Was it a car accident? Or did someone have the nerve to kill you?

  The thought is too horrible to consider, but Jason could feel the white hot rage building up inside him. It was a little frightening, ever since Pamela had entered the picture. Jason was terrified of losing control one day and accidentally hurting her.

  But he couldn't shake the thought that someone had done something to you. Jason knew there were counsellors at Camp Crystal Lake, setting up for another summer open. The Camp had been reopened for a few years now, but had mercifully been free of Jason's wrath. Ever since little Pamela had come into the world, she had been his utmost concern. Everything else was just background noise.

  But now, there was a terrible whisper in Jason's head, insisting that one of those...those intruders had taken you from him, from your daughter. Whoever was responsible, they needed to pay and they needed to pay now.

  Jason forced the blinding rage down. Looking into the sweet eyes of his daughter helped some. Jason compelled his touch to be gentle as he lifted Pamela up and carried her over to the makeshift bed that you had made for her. He set her down carefully, motioning for her to stay put.

  "Leaving?" Pamela asked, cocking her head in a way that made Jason's undead heart hurt.

  Jason nodded, stressing the importance of her staying in the cabin. Pamela frowned, reaching for her father.

  "No. Mama. Mama," Pamela repeated.

  Jason took her tiny hand in his, letting her little fingers squeeze him as tightly as she could.

  "Find Mama?" She questioned.

  Jason nodded eagerly, hoping his daughter could understand. He was going to find you, no matter what it took, no matter who he had to kill. He would find you. He would bring you home and make the family whole again.

/ /

Jason couldn't feel the blood soaking through his clothes. He couldn't feel the viscera that coated his hands and splattered across his mask. The rage he felt was something inhuman, had turned him into something inhuman. He had been stalking the campgrounds for hours, yet it felt like time had stopped. There had been more intruders than he had anticipated. There were still more, hiding somewhere.

  Jason hadn't yet discovered what had happened to you. The unanswered questions were maddening, settling under his skin like an incessant itch. He just knew one of these intruders had something to do with it. He just hadn't found the right one yet. There were still a few cabins he hadn't searched. Surely, the guilty party would be in one of them.

  The remaining cabins were on the other side of the campground. They were the ones closest to the main highway. Jason trudged his way across Camp Crystal Lake in what felt like seconds. He could see the cabins through the trees, but as he got closer, Jason sensed something wrong.

There were vehicles on the road. Bright flashing red and blue lights told Jason all he needed to know. Somehow, the intruders had managed to call for outside help. Jason knew he could easily cut his way through them all, but attacking outsiders would only bring more outsiders. He couldn't risk that kind of attention for Pamela's sake.

So he stayed in the shadows, letting the trees obscure his shape. The outsiders must have been inside the cabin with the intruders. There was nobody standing on the road with the cars. Jason wanted to sneak closer, to try and listen to them talking. Maybe he'd hear something about how they hurt you.

But before Jason could move, the door to the cabin suddenly swung open. A group of teenagers exited, being ushered towards the cars by a few police officers. They piled into the vehicles, desperate to escape Jason's reach. Jason could feel the cold weight of his mother's disappointment on his shoulders. He failed to stop them from escaping.

  There was nothing more he could do. So, Jason turned to head back to his cabin. He wasn't quite sure how long he had been gone, but however long it was, it was too long. Pamela wasn't used to being left on her own. You had always been there to stay with her. But now, there was no one and Jason was anxious to get back to her.


  A piercing scream cut through the air. Jason immediately whipped around, feeling as if his very veins had frozen. There, by the cars on the road, was a police officer. And he was carrying Pamela away. He was putting her in a car and he was going to take her away.

A cold wave of panic clawed its way through Jason. How was Pamela here? How had the cops found her? Had she left the cabin, looking for him? For one terrible moment, Jason was caught in terror's hold. He didn't know what to do.

You know what you have to do, Jason.

His mother's voice filled his head, urging him to do what he must. He took a step forward, but stopped when another voice floated to his ear.

Jason. Don't let them take our daughter away.

It was ghostly, barely there, but Jason knew. It was you. There was no mistaking it. The voice that had been painfully absent from his life for the past week now returned to him, hardly more than a whisper.

  A fresh wave of fury washed over him. This could only mean that he had been right. Something had happened to you. And now, those responsible were not only slipping from his grasp, but stealing Pamela as well.

  Kill them, Jason.

  Make them suffer for what they did to me, Jason.

  They're going to hurt you, Jason.

  They're going to hurt Pamela, Jason.

  Stop them.

  Stop them.

  With your voice in addition to his mother's, Jason felt emboldened and knew he had to set things right. He would kill them. The intruders and the outsiders. He would make them rue the day they took you away from him, that they tried to come between him and his daughter. And if more outsiders came? Jason would deal with them, too. There was no one safe from his wrath.

  Jason tightened his hold on his machete and walked towards the road.

whoo an update!!

you guys have no idea how excited i am to finally update x3

i really love writing these imagines and hearing you guys react

y'all are one of my best audiences so thank you💕💕

also important sidenote, i know i said earlier when i published the second book that i was going to finish the requests in this book before moving onto the next one, but i've thought about it and i think i'm gonna try to do updates for both books in tandem

so if i update here, there might also be an update there and vice versa if that make sense? but i mean i can't promise anything, but it's what i'm gonna try to do😊

either way i'm so excited to keep writing for you guys and seeing what amazing ideas y'all come up with!

thanks, as always, for reading☺️

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