17. Bubba X Reader

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Requested by dearblueagony
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  You were awoken by the sound of something crashing downstairs. Disoriented by the sudden wake-up call, it took you a moment to register that the sound was a plate breaking. You ran a hand through your hair, hoping that Bubba's family wasn't home and giving him a hard time.

You stumbled out of your room, making your way down the stairs and into the dilapidated kitchen. You were expecting the worst, so it was safe to say you were relieved to see that Bubba had just dropped a plate on accident.

  You walked over to him and knelt down beside where he was kneeling, trying to pick up the broken pieces of the plate. You started to help him, startling him slightly as he hadn't realized you had come in.

"Had a little accident, huh?" You said in a light tone.

Bubba nodded fervently, letting out a whimper. You frowned.

"What's the matter? Did you hurt yourself?" You asked.

  You took his hands in yours, turning them palm up, looking for any cuts or slices that might be there. You couldn't find anything, but the sudden touch made Bubba jump. You inwardly cringed. You should've asked first.

  "What's wrong, sweetheart?" You asked gently, looking up into those honey coloured eyes.

  Bubba pulled his hands back, anxiously clutching at his shirt as he frantically stuttered out a lengthy explanation. You could hear that he was scared and you put the pieces together in your head.

  "Bubba, you're not in trouble," you said to him slowly. "Accidents happen. It's okay, really."

  However, Bubba adamantly shook his head, undoubtedly expecting some kind of punishment for his mistake. Instead, you merely took his hand in yours once again, giving it a comforting squeeze.

  "Don't worry," you reassured him. "I won't let anything bad happen to you. Okay?"

  Bubba didn't respond to your comment, but simply looked down at the floor. The silence persisted for some time; you wanted to give him the time he needed in case he wanted to say anything. However, after a while, it was clear he had nothing to say, so you figured it would be best to get him distracted.

"C'mon. Let's pick up the rest of these pieces, huh?" You suggested lightly, giving him a smile.

  A small moment of silence passed before Bubba nodded. The two of you got back to work and carefully picked up the remaining pieces until the floor was clear. Bubba insisted on keeping the pieces instead of throwing them away. You figured he would probably try to glue them back together in his spare time.

  "There. The floor is safe once more," you said, hoping to prompt a laugh from Bubba. He didn't laugh, but you did see a small smile. It was something.

"So, whatcha doing up this early?" You asked. You could see through the kitchen window that the sky was still tinged pink.

Bubba explained hurriedly, pointing from the fridge to the stove and to the cabinets.

"You were making some breakfast?" You guessed.

Bubba nodded and looked down, fingers fiddling with the end of his tie. He mumbled something, pointing at you. His eyes flickered up to yours before quickly returning to the floor.

"You were making breakfast...for me?" You asked softly. Bubba nodded again. You broke out into a smile. "Aww, you're so sweet, Bubba."

You stepped toward him, delicately tilting his chin up so you could look into those sweet eyes of his. You pressed a quick kiss to his lips before wrapping him in a hug. Flustered, Bubba merely stood there for a moment before he hugged you back tightly, muttering both excitedly and embarrassedly. You had no doubt he was blushing under his mask.

  Abruptly, he let you go. He grasped your wrist and pulled you towards the counter, babbling happily. He was pointing and gesturing so fast, it took you a moment to understand what he was saying.

  "You want me to help cook?" You finally said.

  Bubba nodded quickly and you could only laugh at how excited he was at the prospect of cooking together. You were more than happy to join him.

And so, the two of you spent most of the morning cooking the best breakfast you could imagine. Of course, there were limited supplies, but the two of you made do. Bubba surprised you by showing his talent in the kitchen. He was clumsy, yes, but there was no doubt he knew what he was doing. You almost felt embarrassed by your inability to cook anything halfway decent, but that embarrassment was soon washed away when Bubba would come close, muttering what you knew to be very kind, detailed instructions, helping you every step of the way. In those moments, you didn't mind being a terrible cook, not when you had such a caring teacher.

  After everything was prepared, the two of you set the fanciest table. Well, as fancy as was possible. You had suggested it and Bubba was thrilled at the idea. There was no real reason, no special occasion to be so fancy. You just thought it'd be fun and Bubba wholeheartedly agreed. He loved being extravagant.

  After everything was set and ready, you took a step back to admire all the work you and Bubba had done.

  "Everything looks pretty darn good, I gotta say," you said, smiling. "Well, you did most of the cooking. I didn't contribute much there."

  Immediately, Bubba shook his head, pointing insistently at you, muttering intensely. Well, as intensely as somebody with his size of heart could manage to be. You laughed softly and nodded, getting his message.

"Okay, okay," you said. "If it's that important, I'll take equal share of the credit. Alright?"

  Bubba let out the cutest happy squeal you had ever heard before he rushed over to you, lifting you off your feet as he squished in a big bear hug. You eagerly returned the hug, pressing a delicate kiss to his temple, and even though you couldn't see his face, you knew the big guy was blushing.

okay i think this oneshot turned out super cute so i hope y'all think so too

omfg i love my boy bubba so much

this was requested by dearblueagony so i hope you enjoyed it luv!💛

sorry i'm so behind on requests everybody

rest assured i am actively working at getting caught up

i mean it's slow work but hey i'll take what i can get xD

also it's like 5:30am and i need to sleep so xD

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