26. Norman X Reader

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  It was the middle of the night when you were woken up. A tight grip on your shoulder shook you, rousing you from your slumber. Rubbing your eyes, it took a moment for your sleepy mind to register what was happening.

  "Norman...?" You said, voice hoarse from sleep. "What is it...?"

  "Y/N, you gotta help." Norman's voice was tight with fear.

  You blinked in the dim light, trying to get your eyes to adjust. "What's wrong?" You asked, reaching for the bedside lamp.

  "Mother, she's... She's done something," Norman stammered. "S-Something bad."

  You clicked the lamp on, your eyes protesting at the sudden light. Blinking a few times, you were finally able to see Norman clearly. You gasped. His hands were coated with blood and you could see how it had splattered across his face, dripping down his neck.

  "Norman, what happened?" You breathed.

  He shook his head, his whole body trembling. "I-I-I don't know! I-I went to bed and then I saw Mother just...just covered in blood!" He frantically explained. You could hear how hard he was trying to suppress his tears. "I... I think she might have done something to the woman that checked in today."

  You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as you struggled to process everything. It had been so long since Mother had hurt anybody, you had foolishly hoped that maybe she had finally relaxed in her old age. You should've known better. Mother was so possessive of Norman, it was only a matter of time before she killed again. She was like a ticking time bomb.

  You pulled your self out of your thoughts, seeing Norman pacing the floor in your room, nervously wringing his blood covered hands together. You weren't entirely sure he could even see the blood on himself. Getting out of bed, you threw on a hoodie and some shoes. Midnight events were common in the Bates house so you were always prepared.

"Come on, Norman," you said in a gentle voice.

You motioned him forward and he followed like a dutiful pet. You lead him to the bathroom where you wet a washcloth. Carefully, you washed each of his hands, making sure to check his palms for any cuts. Sometimes Mother was overzealous in her killing and her hand slipped from the handle of the knife onto the blade. Norman had a few scars on his palms because of it.

Fortunately, there were no cuts this time. Once you were satisfied, you moved onto his face, trying to be as gentle as you could. It looked like the blood had sprayed all across his face, the residual trailing down his neck. Arterial spray? You cringed. You hoped not.

  "Which room was she in?" You asked as you finished washing him up.

  "Cabin 4," Norman answered quickly. He was a nervous wreck.

  You nodded. "Okay. Well, let's go down to the motel and clean up the damage."


  You placed a hand on Norman's shoulder. "Hey, look at me. It's gonna be okay. Mother's not gonna be hauled away to an institution or anything. You know that, right?"

  Norman let out a shaky breath. "B-But what if someone comes looking for the girl? They'll find out Mother did it a-and they'll take her away!"

  "Hey, hey, shh. It's okay," you reassured him. You ran your hand through his hair which was still slightly mussed from Mother's wig. "We're not gonna let that happen. Right?"

  Norman stayed silent for a moment or two, eyes closed deep in thought, before he finally nodded. "Right."

  Now that you had calmed Norman down somewhat, the two of you could focus on the task at hand. That task being cleaning up a murder scene and disposing of a dead body. You shuddered. When did this become your normal?

  Nevertheless, you followed as Norman led the way from the house down to the motel. Your heart pounded in your ears as you approached the fourth cabin. You had seen more than your fair share of grisly sights, but it never got any easier.

  Norman unlocked the door and the two of you stepped into the room, taking in the gruesome scene. Sure enough, the woman who had checked in today was dead. She looked like she had been pulled right out of bed, putting up quite the struggle in the process. Her body was lying on the floor face up. Numerous stab wounds littered her torso and legs. Her neck had been reduced to a gory, fleshy mess, her head nearly detached from her body. You grimaced.

Norman quickly turned away from the sight, hand clasped tightly over his mouth in a mixture of shock and nausea. You knew that seeing the results of Mother's actions quite often made him sick. You didn't blame him. You always felt a little sick yourself. There was one time when Mother had completely eviscerated someone, their entrails strewn across the ground in a bloody, disgusting mess. That was one of the rare times you had stepped outside and promptly thrown up.

Trying not to focus too much on the carnage, you started the cleaning process in your head. What needed to be done? What needed to be cleaned? What needed to be replaced?

"We're going to need new sheets," you heard Norman say from the doorway where he was desperately trying to escape the heavy copper smell.

You nodded, starting to delicately peel the soiled sheets from the bed. "I'll pick some up in town tomorrow."

"Okay," Norman said, exhaling sharply. "I'll get the carpet cleaner."

  Over the next few hours the two of you worked like dogs, cleaning that room within an inch of its life so there wasn't so much as a trace of what had happened. The bed was stripped, the walls were washed, the carpet was cleaned and cleaned again. The windows and door were opened to air out the horrible smell of blood and guts. The woman was wrapped in the bloodied sheets and dumped in the trunk of her car with all her belongings. The car was swallowed by the swamp and even then, you and Norman went back to the room to do one last sweep for belongings or suspicious stains.

The sky was beginning to lighten by the time the two of you had finished. Exhausted, you and Norman trudged back up to the house, collapsing on the sofa in the living room beside each other. You were both too tired to trek all the way upstairs to bed. You leaned your head on Norman's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around you, snuggling close.

"Thank you," Norman said after an extended silence. "For...y-you, know..."

"Don't mention it," you replied, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. "It's what we do, you know?"

"Yeah..." Norman muttered, his face turning about three shades brighter than normal.

  You simply smiled and snuggled up to him. The silence persisted but it wasn't uncomfortable. And as the first rays of early morning light streamed through the windows, casting the living room in a warm glow, neither you or Norman were awake to see it. The two of you had fallen asleep within minutes after such a long night. And in that moment, things almost felt normal.

omg so this idea came to me in a dream and i just knew i had to write something about it!

love me some angst and love me some norman x3

and for those of you who were hoping for a part 2 of the jason x male!reader i posted last, fear not!

a part 2 is being worked on so hopefully it'll be out soon☺️

thank you for reading and i hope y'all enjoyed!💕💕

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