20. Xenomorph X Short!Fem!Reader

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         Requested by KitsugaOwO
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You had been spending a quiet night alone in your private quarters. With how hard you'd been working aboard the ship, you felt like you deserved a break. Snuggled deep in the covers of your bed, you had an old movie from the early 2050s playing on your holoscreen. It made you a little homesick for Earth.

You perked up, though, as you a heard a soft scratching coming from the vent covering in the ceiling. You pulled yourself out of bed, crossed the room, and climbed up on the counter. You pressed the button on the control panel and the covering slid open. The dark shape of a xenomorph loomed in the shadows of the ventilation shaft.

You smiled. "Hey, Zee."

  As you stepped down from the counter, the xenomorph gracefully hopped through the vent opening and onto the floor. It was quick to scurry over to you, rubbing its head against your leg like a cat would. You had figured out that this was its way of greeting you.

  You had started calling the alien Zee not too long ago. Tired of never being sure how to refer to it, you spontaneously called it Zee upon one of your meetings. You were met with a series of high pitched chirps and chitters (which you soon figured out was a xenomorph's equivalent to a purr of sorts) and the name just stuck.

  Of course, no one else knew of your secret companion. You were extra careful to make sure of it. You just knew that if anybody learned there was an alien stowaway aboard the ship, they would try to hunt it down and kill it. Or maybe try to capture it and experiment on it. You couldn't let that happen to your Zee. Never.

After greeting you, Zee stretched up to its full height so it could look into your eyes. Of course, Zee towered over your small frame so it wound up still semi-crouching. You found it incredibly cute. You reached out, your fingers brushing against the xenomorph's skeletal-like hand. It softly hissed, startled, but soon you felt those sharp little nails scratching at the back of your hand. It didn't hurt – it actually tickled a bit – and you knew it was an affectionate gesture.

"I was watching another movie tonight," you said, smiling. "I'm not very far into it. Wanna watch with me?"

  Zee chittered happily, bumping your shoulder with its elongated head. Before you had even turned to head back to bed, Zee had scampered across your quarters on all fours and jumped onto your bed, perched waiting for you. You merely laughed and approached your bed in your slow, human way.

  You sat down in bed, pulling the covers over your legs. You patted your lap and almost immediately, Zee was on you, curling itself into an impossibly small circle atop you. You smiled, running your fingers across the numerous ridges on the alien's body. Zee chirped.

  Accessing your holoscreen's controls, you restarted the movie from the beginning so you and Zee could watch together. You figured most people wouldn't be this relaxed watching a movie with an oversized alien laying on them, but for you, there was nothing better in all the universe.

  Of course, Zee continuously made itself more comfortable during the duration of the film, stretching out here and there until it was practically overtaking your spot on the bed. You never minded, although it did bug you when Zee's tail started to wander. You always worried the tip would scratch you up, or you'd turn and accidentally get stabbed. You were constantly trying to get that through to the xenomorph, but it was stubborn.

  Just then, you felt the razor-edged tip of Zee's tail brushing against the back of your neck. You twisted around, pushing it away.

  "Hey, you, keep your tail to yourself," you said firmly.

  Zee hissed.

  You gave the alien a stern look.

  Zee bared its teeth at you.

  You rolled your eyes.

  "You're such a brat, you know that?" You said, unable to hold back a chuckle.

  Zee made some sort of garbled noise and attempted to curl up in your lap once more, a near impossible feat considering the alien was at least three times your size. However, it always managed it somehow and soon, Zee was wrapped into a tight ball, letting out a soft rattling sound as it exhaled. You smiled. You knew it would only be a matter of time before the xenomorph took over your entire bed once more.

And so the two of you watched the movie peacefully for the rest of the night. Zee changed positions throughout, switching from laying on you to wrapping its body around you to wandering the room when it got antsy. You wished every night could be like this, with just you and Zee spending time together like there was no one else in the galaxy.

At some point, you fell asleep and you didn't even realize it until your were awoken by a pounding on your door. You jumped, startled, and immediately scanned the room for your xenomorph companion. There was no sign of it. Maybe Zee had left while you slept.

Satisfied that it was safe, you sleepily made your way to the door, hitting the control panel to open it. It was one of your engineering buddies standing in the hall, and looking quite haggard.

"What's going on?" You asked, groggily rubbing your eyes.

"Anything and everything," he responded wearily. "Sorry to wake you, but you're needed below deck."

"Say no more," you sighed. "I'll be out in a few."

"Alrighty," your friend said, and before he left, he pointed into your room. "How many times have I told you to keep the vent cover closed?"

You nodded. "I know, I know, sorry. It was rattling again, keeping me up," you lied easily.

"Well, get it fixed. Who knows what could get in the vents with you leaving them open all the time?" Your friend scolded you, but there was no denying his smile.

You laughed. "Yeah, yeah, I know."

Shutting your door, you strolled over to your wardrobe to grab your uniform. There was a long day of work ahead of you, you had no doubt, and the sooner you started, the sooner it'd be done. Begrudgingly, you closed the opening to the vent on your way out and as you left, you swore you heard the displeased hiss of a xenomorph from within the vents.

ahhhh i love how this turned out!!

this was my first time writing a xenomorph so hopefully i did okay☺️

i hope y'all enjoyed it!

also whoo!! two fast updates!😊

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