3. Norman X Reader

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You felt absolutely horrible.

You didn't even know how it had happened, but somehow, a bug got in your system and you spent most of the night awake and throwing up. The vomiting had finally subsided, but only after the sun had already come up. You were exhausted, you were sore all over, and you felt like death.

  Norman had stayed by your side the whole time, forfeiting his entire nights sleep to make sure you were okay. He had sat with you on the bathroom floor and rubbed your back, whispering whatever words of comfort he could think of. He would bring you water, medication; he would get you anything and everything you asked for.

  You were so thankful to have him.

  You had been sleeping most of the day, catching up on the hours you had missed during the night. You woke up from your current slumber, feeling just a little better than earlier. It was an improvement, no matter how small. You turned over in bed to find Norman sitting on the floor beside the bed, his head resting in his arms, fast asleep.

  You let out a soft sigh. He must be exhausted, too, with having to look after you. As hard as you tried, you couldn't help but feel a little bad. He had enough to look after and now with you sick, you couldn't do anything to help.

  You reached out, lightly running your fingers through his mussed up hair. He stirred, his eyes opening a moment later. He still looked sleepy, but you could see that ever present concern in his eyes.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," you said, your voice still weak.

  "No, no, i-it's okay," Norman said quickly, giving his eyes a harsh rub. "Are you okay?"

  You let out a quiet hum. "I feel a little better than this morning, but not much."

  Norman reached out a hand, placing it on your forehead to feel for your temperature. You let out a contented sigh, the coolness of his hand feeling nice against your hot skin.

  "Your fever still hasn't broken," Norman said, a twinge of disappointment to his voice. "I'll get you some more medicine, okay?"

  "And a cold cloth?" You suggested.

  Norman nodded, a small smile gracing his features. "Of course, darling." 

  You smiled in return. You loved his sweet little pet names for you. After pressing a quick kiss to your forehead, you watched as Norman left the room, hearing his footsteps on the staircase.

  You pulled the blankets up higher, snuggling deeper into the bed. For having a fever, you sure felt chilly. You let your eyes drift shut, just resting while you waited for Norman to return. However, you were slightly startled when you heard the familiar voice of Mother shouting downstairs.

  Shouting at Norman, you thought sadly.

  Your thoughts were only confirmed as you heard Norman yelling back at her. However, his voice didn't have near as much fire as hers did. Mother's voice always held such bitterness, such disdain, towards her son. You just hoped that she wouldn't gain full control. You knew that the alter of Norman's mother could be extremely aggressive if she wanted to be.

You couldn't tell what they were arguing about, but it only lasted a few minutes longer before it ended and soon, Norman was back upstairs and by your bedside. You were thankful to see that he was still himself. He was silent as he set the bottle of medication on the bedside table. He knelt beside the bed once again, gently laying the cool cloth over your forehead to help your fever. As nice as it felt, you were worried about him. He seemed visibly shaken by whatever Mother had said to him.

  "Norman...are you okay?" You asked. "I heard Mother downstairs."

  Norman didn't respond, keeping his gaze locked on the floor. You could tell he was fiddling with his hands, something he often did when he was upset.

  "Norman?" You pressed.

  He kept quiet for a few moments longer before he started to speak, his voice shaky.

  "I-It's just... Mother thinks I'm...not taking good care of you," he said, his words coming out jumbled. "She wants to be the... She wants to look after you. She said I wasn't... I'm incapable, she says."

  You let out a soft sigh, consistently upset with how Mother spoke to Norman. Norman was such a sweet boy and he didn't deserve to be beaten down all the time by his overbearing alter.

  "Don't listen to her, Norman," you responded. "I think you're doing a great job of looking after me."

  Norman perked up ever so slightly. "You do?"

  You nodded, giving him a gentle smile. "Absolutely. I'm really thankful to have you."

  You reached your hand out to him. He understood your meaning and wordlessly, he took hold of your hand. You couldn't help but giggle as he pressed a sweet kiss to the back of your hand, a genuine smile breaking out over his face.

  "I'm thankful to have you, too."

so i'm not a hundred percent happy with this one, but i think it still came out pretty cute!

i would die for norman bates tbh lol

i hope you all like it! leave me some feedback if you want! i love hearing from you guys <3

oh and also i added the creeper from
jeepers creepers to the request page so if you want to request a oneshot with the sniffy boi, now you can! :D

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