21. Beetlejuice X Curvy!Reader

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Requested by Cara-Doughnut-Lady
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  It was a day like any other. You had just gotten home from a stressful day at work, so you summoned your best friend into your home to help you relax. Of course, other people might have found it odd that your best friend was a ghost, but to you, it was the most normal thing in the world.

Even though Beetlejuice was far from normal.

  You had been standing at the kitchen counter when you made the decision to call upon the self proclaimed bio-exorcist. You said his name three times and sure enough, Beetlejuice appeared in your home. You shouldn't have been surprised, however, that he chose to appear hanging upside down from your kitchen cabinets, scaring the living daylights out of you in the process. It was like that scene from Spiderman, only far more terrifying than romantic.

  "Oh, Beej!" You shouted, stumbling back. "Oh, don't do that, you jerk!"

  "Ah, c'mon, Y/N! A little scare never hurt nobody!" Beetlejuice responded, letting out one of his obnoxious laughs that you had unfortunately grown fond of.

  You let out a sigh, unable to fight the smile forming on your face. "Whatever. Get down from there, come on."

You turned to head towards your living room, motioning for Beetlejuice to follow as he floated back down to solid ground. You jumped as he teleported in front of you instead of walking behind you like a sane person.

"So, what kinda trouble you wanna get into today, huh?" He asked, that devious little grin on his face. He clapped his hands together. "Ah! Possess the neighbours and make 'em do the macarena for 6 hours straight, yeah? Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?"

You rolled your eyes, chuckling to yourself. "Okay, first of all, no. Second of all, I thought you promised no teleporting in my house!"

In the blink of an eye, Beetlejuice was at your side, his arm slung across your shoulders. You let out a yelp.

"Oh, come on, babes. You know I never keep my promises," he said in a casual voice.

You were about to argue, but immediately, you knew it'd be useless. Arguing with Beetlejuice was about as effective as arguing with a wall. He suddenly transported himself across the room, appearing perched on the arm of your couch.

"So why'd you call me out if not to torment the locals?" The ghost with the most asked, quirking an eyebrow.

You sat down on the couch. "I had a hard day at work, so I just wanted to...hang out with a friend, you know?"

"Well, hey, I always knew you had good taste in friends," Beej replied with a snort.

He plopped down on the couch beside you and wrapped an arm around you, squeezing you close in an exaggerated hug. You laughed, trying halfheartedly to push him away.

"Let me go, BJ!" You giggled. "Gah, you smell like garbage!"

"Aw, shucks, Y/N, you always say the nicest things," Beetlejuice replied, finally releasing you from his hold.

You laughed to yourself as you smoothed out your ruffled hair, musing on how lucky you were to have a ghost in your life like Beetlejuice. And before you even realized what you were saying, the words were already out of your mouth.

"I can't believe I like you."

Almost instantly, you clapped a hand over your mouth, but it was too late. The words had come out and you couldn't take them back. You felt your cheeks heat up and dared not look in Beetlejuice's direction.

It was true, you had been harbouring feelings for the ghost with the most. Over the past month, you had slowly come to the realization that, yes, maybe you did like BJ more than just a friend. But you had absolutely sworn to yourself that you would never tell him. You two had such a good friendship and the last thing you wanted to do was make things awkward between you.

Yet, now, that's exactly what you had done.

Of course, Beetlejuice had completely missed your meaning. "Well, I mean, who wouldn't?" He joked. "What's not to like, you know what I'm sayin'?"

He laughed to himself, but when you didn't give any sort of response, it twigged him on that something was wrong.

"Hey, Y/N, what's goin' on?" He asked, his tone still somewhat lighthearted. "What, I break your funny bone this early or something?"

You didn't look at him, trying to cover up how hard you were blushing. From the mortified expression on your face, you knew it wouldn't be long before Beej figured out what was going on. He was no dummy, you could at least give him that much.

"Wait, you weren't... You're not...serious, Y/N..." He said, letting out a nervous little chuckle. He paused. "...Are you?"

You covered your face with your hands, a frustrated groan escaping you. "I'm so sorry, I didn't wanna make things weird," you said hurriedly. "I just... Ugh, I'm sorry."

A moment of silence passed and you could just imagine your friendship with Beetlejuice falling apart. Of course, you had to go and ruin your relationship with one of the best friends you had ever had. However, when Beetlejuice spoke, you were surprised by what he said.

"Why would it make things weird?" The ghost asked, a surprising amount of thoughtfulness in his tone.

Your dropped your hands, looking at him incredulously. "Well... I just thought 'cause... Well, you're my best friend. I thought it might make things awkward if...if you knew I liked you and you didn't like me back..." you explained timidly.

You were taken aback as Beetlejuice let out an obnoxiously loud laugh. "Y/N, the last thing you coulda done was make things weird. I mean, come on, I've had a hard-on for you since we first met, if I'm bein' honest."

You made a face. "Okay, too much information, Beej." You shook your head, smiling. "But I appreciate what you're trying to say. Thank you."

  "Hey, that's what I'm here for, babes." Beetlejuice gave you a cheeky smile. "And since all this is out in the open now... C'mere!"

You squealed as Beetlejuice grabbed you, much like he had before, only now this time, he was trying to kiss you. You laughed, trying once more to push him back and failing miserably.

"Too fast, too fast!" You cried out, laughing.

ahhh i'm so happy with this!!

this is my first time writing the garbage ghost man so i hope i did okay!

lemme know in the comments if you liked it!

and also i hope i fulfilled your request good cara! this was really fun to write x3

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