5. Pennywise X Reader

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      ✨Requested by -lovebites
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  You smiled to yourself as you watched the children run to and fro on the playground. Volunteering at Sunrise Preschool was the biggest contributor to the joy in your life. You weren't a teacher, but since your parents had founded the school, you were more than welcome. You loved working with the children whenever you had the free time. You made sure to have that free time often.

From your spot on the bench, you had a perfect view of the entire playground, including the street beside it. It was fenced off, of course, but that didn't stop anyone determined from crossing it.

Like now, for instance.

You saw a boy – it looked like Dylan – attempting to climb over the fence. For a boy of only 5, he had some spunk. You jumped up from your seat and raced over to him. He heard you approaching because he immediately got down from the fence, probably hoping he could escape getting in trouble.

"What were you doing, Dylan?" You asked, an authoritative tone in your voice.

"Nothing," Dylan lied.

"Don't lie," you scolded, albeit gently. "I saw you climbing the fence. You know you're not supposed to do that."

"I was only trying to get my Hot Wheels back!" Dylan was quick to counter.

You raised an eyebrow. "What happened to it?"

"I was racing it and I pushed it too fast and it zipped under the fence," Dylan explained hurriedly. He then pointed to the far side of the street, towards the hole that led down to the sewers. "It stopped over there."

You nodded. "Well, how about you go play with your friends and I'll get your Hot Wheels back. Okay?"

"Okay!" Dylan happily agreed, quickly running off to find his friends.

You watched him go, then turned your gaze back to the sewer opening. You had a suspicious feeling that you knew exactly why Dylan's toy car had stopped there.

You walked to the gate, pulling out your key ring from your pocket to unlock it. You locked it again once you were on the other side, then quickly strode across the street. You crouched down by the opening, reaching down to grab the little toy car when suddenly, a white gloved hand shot out of the sewers, seizing your wrist in a firm grasp. You gasped sharply, but soon recovered from the initial scare. You peered down into the darkness of the sewers, seeing those familiar glowing yellow eyes.

"Don't do that, Penny!" You hissed, trying to break free from his grasp. "You scared me!"

"You're not supposed to be here," Pennywise hissed in return.

"I told you," you said, finally pulling your wrist free from his hold, "I won't let you have any of the children at the preschool. This is my territory."

  Pennywise pulled his hand back into the darkness, but then he stepped forward, letting the light reveal his face to you. You immediately recognized the look on the clown's face. He was hungry.

  "Can't you just give one up?" Pennywise tried to bargain with you, an eerie smile crossing his features.

  "No, Penny," You said firmly. "If you want to feed, then go somewhere where I can't see you."

  "But I like being near you," the clown replied, a certain playfulness appearing in his voice.

  You merely chuckled at his childish behavior. For an entity almost as old as the universe, he sure didn't act like it sometimes.

  "You're such a goof," you muttered.

  You pressed 2 fingers to your lips, then transferred the kiss by pressing them to his lips. In the back of your mind, you thought how most people wouldn't be this brave, but you knew Penny. More importantly, you knew that he liked you.

  For the few seconds your fingers were on his lips, Pennywise playfully nipped at them. You giggled and retracted your hand.

  "Hey, no biting!" You pretended to chastise.

  "It was just a nibble," Pennywise countered with a silly little laugh.

You rolled your eyes, a smile on your face as you dug around in your pocket. You pulled out a packet of fruit gummy snacks, holding it out to Pennywise.

"Since you're so hungry, try these," you offered. "We keep them on hand for the kids who get hungry during recess. I don't think they were made with cosmic shapeshifting entities in mind, but you can give them a try."

Pennywise snatched the packet from your hands and began to investigate it. You tried to hold back a laugh as he acted eerily similar to a pet being given a new kind of food. Hopefully, it would keep him occupied and distract him from the kids on the playground.

"If you want more, just let me know," you said with a smile, amused by how interested he was in something so simple.

He looked up at you and flashed you a quick smile before slinking away back into the darkness. You grabbed Dylan's toy car and made your way back onto the playground. Soon, you saw Dylan and called him over.

"Did you get my car?" He asked excitedly as he came bounding over to you.

"Sure did," you answered with a smile, handing him back his prized Hot Wheels. You gave his hair a gentle ruffle. "Try not to lose it again, okay?"

"I won't! Thank you!" He said quickly before he ran off to play again.

You settled back onto your bench, watching the children play. However, it wasn't long before Dylan once again came up to you. For a moment, you thought he had lost his Hot Wheels again, but were relieved to see it still clutched in his hand.

"Can I have some fruit snacks, Y/N?" He asked politely.

"Sure thing," you responded.

You reached into your pocket, but were surprised to find it empty. Amused, you realized you had given your last pack to a certain clown in the sewers. Standing from the bench, you beckoned Dylan to follow you.

"C'mon, buddy, I'll take you inside to get a pack. It seems I gave my last one away," you said with a little laugh.

omfg i love how this one turned out!

penny leave those kids alone xD

this was for my boo ev so i hope you liked it luv!💕💕

remember, if any of y'all wanna request something, visit the request page and go right ahead!☺️

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