28. Brahms X Reader

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     Requested by xxXXLeeanaXXxx
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Your footsteps were quiet as you padded down the stairs of the Heelshire house. It was late and you had just gotten into your comfiest pajamas for the night. You wandered into the den and lit a toasty fire in the fireplace before moving over to the bookshelves. You had gotten into the nightly routine of reading a book in front of a warm fire before you went to bed. It helped make you sleepy and you were usually out as soon as you fell into bed. More than once, you didn't actually make it to bed and wound up passing out right there on the couch. You always woke up covered with a warm blanket and a sandwich waiting for you in the fridge, courtesy of your sweet Brahms.

As your eyes skimmed over the spines of the many books on the shelves, you wondered if Brahms was asleep. You hadn't been able to memorize his sleep schedule as it was more than a little unpredictable. There were some days where you swore Brahms only slept a couple hours a night and others where he seemed like he couldn't sleep enough. You couldn't figure it out.

Finally, you settled on the classic, Jane Eyre, for your evening read. You pulled it off the shelf, gave the fire a few pokes, then got settled on the couch. You flipped open the cover and soon, you were immersed in the fictional world.

You hadn't been reading long when you noticed a shadow shuffle into the room in the corner of your vision. You looked up to see Brahms standing at the edge of the room, hands stuffed in the pockets of his cardigan.

"Hey, Brahms. Are you okay?"

Silently, he shook his head. You patted the spot next to you on the couch, inviting Brahms to sit with you. You knew he felt comforted just by being near you. Brahms obliged in your request and crossed the room, dropping onto the couch beside you.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"I can't sleep," Brahms answered in that childlike tone.

"Did you have a bad dream or are you just not tired?" You asked, lightly combing your fingers through his dark curls. You noticed the way he leaned into your touch.

"I'm not tired," Brahms said, letting out a frustrated huff.

You nodded, continuing to pet his hair in a comfortable silence. You knew exactly what it felt like to lie awake in bed, watching the hours slowly tick by, not the least bit tired. You understood why Brahms felt frustrated.

  "Well, why don't I read to you?" You suggested. "Books always make me sleepy. Maybe it will help you, too."

  After briefly thinking it over, Brahms nodded in agreement. You smiled and invited him closer, which Brahms gladly obliged. You wrapped your arm around his broad shoulders as he snuggled into your side. He brought his knees up to his chest, almost as if he were trying to make himself as small as possible.

  Like a child, you thought in the back of your mind.

  Once he had finally settled against you, you asked if he was comfortable. He nodded wordlessly as his chin rested on your shoulder. He was pressed as close to you as he could get. One arm was tightly wrapped around his knees that were pulled up to his chest while his other hand, in stark contrast, was lazily relaxed on your thigh.

  Once the two of you were snuggled closely, you opened the book on your lap, flipping back to the beginning. You hadn't gotten too far before Brahms showed up, so you didn't mind starting over.

  Brahms was a quiet listener. He didn't utter even a peep as your soft voice filled the room, mingling with the sound of the crackling fire. A few times, you weren't sure he hadn't fallen asleep on you, and had to make sure he was still awake.

  However, as the chapters went on, you definitely noticed when Brahms started to nod off. The way his head grew heavy against your shoulder told you that your sweet Brahms was drifting off into dreamland. You smiled as you continued to read in a soft, soothing voice, ensuring that his trip to dreamland would last the night.

Eventually, your own eyelids began to droop against your will. You struggled to keep them open, hoping to at least get to the end of the chapter you were on, but your body was firm in its decision. It was time for sleep. Reluctantly, you closed your book, setting it on your lap as you settled in for the night. You were careful not to rouse Brahms as you got comfortable and soon, you were drifting off into the land on unconsciousness.

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  You woke suddenly in the morning, as if you were having one of those falling dreams and you finally hit the ground. Disoriented, you rubbed your eyes as your senses slowly came back to you. Crisp morning light shone through the windows and you felt a chill run down your spine. The fire you had lit last night had burnt out long ago.

You looked around for Brahms, but found that he was missing from the room. You remembered how he had snuggled up to you, how you had read him to sleep last night. You smiled at the memory still fresh in your mind, at how sweet and innocent it was. Those moments were rare these days, what with the darkness hiding in Brahms' mind.

Standing up from the couch, you stretched your sore muscles and joints before making your way to the kitchen for some breakfast. You wondered if Brahms had had anything to eat yet. Maybe you could make him breakfast for a change.

The tile floor was cold on your feet as you made your way to the fridge for a drink. Of course, you weren't surprised to find a container with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich waiting for you inside. Your name had been scrawled in childlike writing on a piece of paper that sat atop the container. You smiled. You should've known Brahms would beat you to the punch.

ahhhh i've been working on this forever!!

i seem to say that a lot these days lol

anyhow i think this one turned out really cute x3

cuddling is always so pure lol

i hope y'all enjoyed it! lemme know if you did💕💕

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