46. Michael X Reader

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  ✨Requested by Kage_Gaara1
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  Anybody who knew you, if they had to describe you, they would say you were a complete and total horror fanatic. You loved watching all of the scariest new movies, burying yourself in chilling books, and immersing yourself in heart pounding video games.

  So it was safe to say that finding companionship in the Boogeyman wasn't very surprising.

You weren't quite sure exactly when it was that you first noticed a shape following you. Any time you left the house, somebody was tailing you from the shadows. You had quickly deduced that it must be the infamous Michael Myers.

Even being the horror fan you were, the idea that Michael Myers was stalking you was more than a little unsettling. The first few nights, lying awake in bed, you were worried he might try to kill you on your way to work. But, days passed and nothing changed. Michael remained in the shadows, nothing more. His constant presence every time you went outside quickly grew from frightening to familiar.

And as time passed, you began to talk to him. Usually, it was nothing more than a greeting in the morning and a farewell in the evening. Just a simple acknowledgement that yes, you knew he was there and no, you didn't mind. Obviously if Michael had wanted to kill you, he would have done so by now. You didn't understand exactly why he hadn't, but you weren't going to question it.

This routine continued for a while before the night where everything changed. The day had started out like any other. When you left the house to walk to work, sure enough, Michael was lurking nearby, just out of sight. Strangely, though, when it was time to head home for the day, Michael was nowhere to be seen. You had become pretty good at spotting him even if he was hidden to the rest of the world, but today, you genuinely couldn't find him. He wasn't there.

The realization affected you more than you thought it would. You had become accustomed to Michael's silent presence, even found it comforting in a way. But now that he wasn't here, an empty feeling had settled within you. Michael wasn't here and, as foolish as it might sound, you missed him.

So, you returned home, feeling quite sullen. You wondered where Michael could have gone. Had the police caught up to him? Had he grown bored of you and moved on to someone more interesting? A myriad of scenarios had played through your head by the time you walked through your front door.

You had barely closed the door behind you when you suddenly noticed the shape standing in your living room. You gasped, your heart beating out of your chest. You knew it was Michael.

The relief you felt at seeing him mingled with a small strand of fear. This was still Michael Myers, after all. The prospect of him being inside your house was both exciting and terrifying. You knew what he was capable of. Had he just been waiting all this time to kill you?

You felt glued to your spot as Michael slowly walked towards you. Instinctively, you felt yourself pressing back against the front door as he drew closer, your body's natural survival instinct trying to keep you away from him.

Michael came to a stop right in front of you. The room was too dim for you to see his eyes behind the mask. It was like staring into nothing. You saw the knife in his hand, wondered if he was going to use it.

Slowly, he raised his other hand and you were shocked to see him use it to pull the rubber mask from his head. He dropped it to the ground and looked at you with a face seldom seen by anybody.

You barely had time to admire him before his lips were crashing into yours with a desperateness that had clearly been building for a while. A muffled sound of surprise escaped you, but the surprise didn't last long as you kissed him back just as fervently. His empty hand had snuck onto the back of your neck, holding you firmly in place. You felt the tip of the knife dragging along your thigh, up towards your hip. Michael was restrained enough not to hurt you, but it was sharp enough to be nervewrackingly exciting.

It wasn't long before you both had to break for air. The two of you separated, gasping, and you could hardly believe what just happened. You had just locked lips with Michael Myers. The thought was insane and exhilarating and you felt more than a little lightheaded. You wondered if he was experiencing any of the same feelings you were.

  You jumped as you heard the knife clatter to the ground. You felt his fingers thread through your hair before grabbing hold and tugging, wrenching your head back and exposing your neck. The fingers of Michael's other hand trailed delicately along your skin, passing innocently over your jugular. There was a frightening sort of thrill being touched by him in this way, knowing what he could do if he tired of you.

But somehow you knew he wouldn't. Call it intuition or maybe just a foolish horror fanatic's fantasy, but you knew Michael wouldn't hurt you. Something in those dark, imperceptible eyes of his told you so.

  His touch was light as it explored down your chest, a sharp contrast to the rough hold on your hair. He looked at you and you saw no monster, no evil in the dark. Just a man who was completely enamoured with the fact that finally, finally, he could be with the object of his affection.

  And you completely understood, for you felt exactly the same way about him.

omg i finally got something done!!

i hope you all enjoyed it☺️

i saw halloween kills last night, so i guess the inspiration hit lol

don't leave spoilers in the comments! be kind to those who might not have had a chance to see it yet, okay? 💕💕

i'm slowly working my way through requests, so thank you all for the patience! if you want to leave a request, visit my slasher x reader oneshot book 2! remember though that i'm committed to finishing the requests here before i tackle the ones in that book okay?😊

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