35. Huntress X Female!Reader

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Requested by TsunamiiSeaWing
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  You didn't know when Anna's birthday was. Anna didn't know when Anna's birthday was. But you figured that no matter when it was, it would be close enough for you to justify giving her a gift. A gift that was almost complete.

  You had been working on your little project for a few months now. What had started as a new hatchet-holding belt for Anna had turned into a very sparkly fashion accessory. You knew the Huntress had a penchant for shiny baubles and colourful cloths, so you were sure she'd like it. You had even recruited her to – unknowingly – help create it.

  You knew she enjoyed hunting people as much as she did animals; it was no secret. And, knowing you wouldn't be able to stop it, you simply asked her to bring you back anything pretty. Anna was curious and had asked about your request. You told her it was something of a secret, but that you'd tell her eventually. Anna was a bit pouty at that answer, but complied all the same.

  And so, anything pretty that the Huntress did find, you quickly squirreled away into a back room of the wood cabin. You would carefully attach every broach and pin, piercing the soft leather with the brass needles. You would delicately wrap strips of bright, patterned, and lacy fabric around the belt's length, giving it a varied look and texture. You would sew on beads, bows, and ribbons wherever they would fit. And, slowly, as the months rolled by, the once simple tool belt transformed into a garishly overdecorated thing that you had a feeling Anna would lose her mind over.

  Once you were satisfied with the quality of your gift, you rolled it up and wrapped it in a plain square of animal skin that was left over from a new pair of boots Anna had fashioned. You tied the little present closed with some twine and then added a ribbon that was left over. You stood back, feeling pretty proud of yourself.

  Anna was out hunting, so you would have to wait until she returned to present your gift. You looked out the window of the cabin and saw the sun beginning to set through the trees. She would be back before dark, so you wouldn't have to wait long. You smiled. You couldn't wait to see the look on her face.

/ /

  Just as you had predicted, it wasn't long before the Huntress returned to you. As she lumbered in through the front door, you saw her hunt had been fruitful. Two adult deer were slung over her shoulders, blood staining almost the entirety of her shirt. It still amazed you how strong Anna was, how powerful she was in her tall stature.

  You saw the flecks of blood on her mask as her black eyes flickered over to you. She uttered a greeting in her native tongue before heading for the cellar where she would prepare the meat for keeping. You called out, halting her movements.

  "Hurry back. I have something for you," you explained, your Russian broken and amateur. Anna had been teaching you what little Russian she could remember, and you had been teaching her English. It was helping to bridge the language barrier between the two of you, but you both still had a long way to go.

  Anna looked at you, her head cocking to the side in the slightest before she continued on her way, disappearing into the cellar. You hurried into the back room and retrieved the gift you had made, setting it on the beautifully carved wooden table in the centre of the room. You sat down and waited patiently, knowing the Huntress would return soon. She was a talented butcher from years of experience. Two deer would hardly be a problem for her.

  Soon, Anna emerged from the cellar. Her clothes were even more blood soaked than they were before, but at least it looked like she had bothered to wipe her hands. That was something. You waved her over, inviting her to sit down. She cocked her head once more before walking over and sitting down in the chair that was just a little too small for her.

  "So...I made you something for your birthday. I don't know when your birthday is, but I figured now is as good a time as any."

  Anna looked at you, and you could see the blank look in her eyes that said she was confused. With your crude Russian, she still had a hard time understanding you. You thought for a moment, wondering how best to get your words across. You figured simple was probably best.

  "Here. Happy birthday," you said in Russian, pushing the little gift towards her. You repeated the sentiment again in English.

  Anna looked from the gift to you and back to the gift, processing what you had just said. She poked experimentally at the animal skin, looking to you once more.

  "Birth...day?" She said, her English heavily accented.

  You nodded. "For you."

  The look on the Huntress' face was nothing short of shock. You wondered if she was just surprised you had given her something, or if she even remembered what a birthday was at all. She admired the little package for some time before she finally picked it up. You saw her smile when she touched the little ribbon you had attached to the twine.

  As delicately as she could, Anna removed the twine, peeling back the animal skin to reveal the decorated belt inside. Almost instantly, the belt was in her hands and she twisted it this way and that, examining each and every bauble you had adorned it with. She let out a squeal of childlike glee as she held it up to the candlelight, seeing how it sparkled and shone. She squealed again and jumped to her feet, removing her old, worn belt and replacing it with the one you had given her. She turned erratically, trying to see how it looked on her from every angle.

  "Look good, bunny?" She asked you, her Russian so fast you had a hard time catching her words. "Look good? Look good?"

  You smiled shyly and nodded, happy the Huntress was so pleased with your gift. You knew how she loved pretty things. No wonder you had caught her trying to sneak a peek while you were still making it.

  Suddenly, you were being lifted out of your chair and off your feet as Anna hugged you tightly. You inwardly cringed, feeling the blood still damp on her shirt, but it didn't stop you from trying to wrap your arms around her in return. Anna laughed and spun you around, a rare sound that you were more than thrilled to hear.

  "Love! Love, love love!" Anna exclaimed in broken English. "Love cloth, love bunny, love birthday!"

  You found yourself laughing along with her as she refused to let you go. "I love you, too."



i'll stop yelling now xD

but for real tho i think this turned out so good!

i hope y'all enjoyed it! leave me some feedback if you liked it! i always love hearing from you guys💕☺️💕

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