2. Michael X Reader

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  You were humming to yourself as you ran a brush through your wet H/C hair. You had just gotten out of the shower, so you currently had a nice fluffy towel wrapped around your body. The mirror was even still a bit fogged up.

  Suddenly, you heard a noise. It sounded like a window in your bedroom opening. Your bathroom was connected to your bedroom and you instantly felt a chill run down your spine. Somebody was in your house.

  Your heart racing, you set down your hairbrush and crept towards the door, gently leaning your ear against it in hopes of hearing something. Your fears were only confirmed when you heard soft footsteps walking across the carpet.

  Grabbing the nearest thing to you for a weapon, you held your hairbrush like a club, prepared to hit any intruder over the head with it. You had no choice but to confront them. Your phone had been left in your bedroom when you went to shower, so you couldn't call for help.

  Your muscles tense, your heart hammering, and your brain going wild with fear, you reached out a shaking hand and opened your bathroom door, letting it swing open on its own. You didn't see anybody in your room, but you did see an open window that you hadn't opened.

  You carefully inched out into your room, eyes darting around, but the further you got, the more it seemed like your suspicions had been wrong. That is, until you turned in the direction of your door and saw a dark figure standing in the open doorframe.

  Flight won out in your fight or flight response and you screamed, instinctively throwing your hairbrush at the intruder. It harmlessly bounced off his chest and only when he stepped more into the light did you recognize him.

  "Oh, Michael!" You gasped out in relief, putting a hand to your chest. "You scared me so bad! I thought you were a burglar or something..."

  Michael Myers merely stood there in silence, as you expected him to. He wasn't much of a talker, as you so often joked with him. Not that it bothered you, though. His actions spoke louder than any words.

  You were just about to ask what he was doing here when you suddenly noticed the blood seeping out from underneath his white mask, colouring his neck and the collar of his jumpsuit. Your eyes widened and you walked towards him, your fingers delicately pulling his collar back, hoping you'd be able to see more.

  "Michael, what happened?" You asked. "Is this why you're here?"

  A single nod answered your question.

"Okay. I've got a first aid kit in the bathroom. Come, sit down on the bed and I'll get it for you, okay?" You said, gesturing towards your bed.

Michael wordlessly followed your direction, sitting down on the edge of your bed. If he was in any pain, he certainly wasn't showing it. You were still concerned nonetheless.

"Just give me a second to get dressed, okay?" You said, grabbing random items from your dresser.

Again, Michael gave no reply. You rushed back into the bathroom and shut the door, hurriedly putting on your underwear and pulling on the leggings and sweater you had blindly grabbed. You dried your hair quickly before tying it back. You then grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink and rushed back into your bedroom.

Michael was still sitting on the bed in exactly the same place you had left him. You sat down beside him and he immediately reached out for the kit. You hesitated, holding it away from him.

  "Let me help, Michael," you said softly. "A wound on your neck might be difficult to treat by yourself."

  Michael paused, sitting completely still for a moment. You knew he was contemplating it. You gave him the time he wanted to think, though on the inside, you were dying. Blood leaking from under his mask seemed urgent.

  Finally, Michael made up his mind. He removed his mask and tossed it to the side, silently giving you permission to tend to him. You smiled at him, then got onto your knees beside him so you could better access his neck.

  Two sizable holes were on his neck, only about an inch apart. They looked rough, like something had just ripped through his skin. The bleeding seemed to have stopped, but only just. The wounds still looked fresh. You sucked in a sharp breath.

  "Geez, Michael, what happened?" You said quietly. "It looks like you got clipped by a bullet!"

Michael turned his head towards you, those dark eyes staring directly into yours. Though the rest of his face was emotionless, his eyes told you everything you needed to know.

"You did get shot, didn't you?" You said and a single nod from Michael confirmed it.

You sighed and opened the first aid kit, wondering how Michael had managed to get so lucky. The bullet could've hit a major artery or could've gotten lodged in his neck and caused an infection... The list of terrible scenarios could go on and on.

As gently as you could, you cleaned his wounds, including the blood that had traveled down his neck. You felt terrible when you heard Michael hiss in pain as you applied a disinfectant. You muttered a quick 'sorry', knowing how it must have burned. You then applied the gauze, making sure it was secure before you closed up the first aid kit.

"That should do it," you said.

You settled beside Michael like you normally would, with your arms wrapped around him. You felt his hand gently pat your leg and you knew he was saying thank you. You smiled, snuggling closer to him. The comfortable silence continued for some time before you suddenly spoke up.

"It's important that that wound be watched, or else it might get infected. And your bandages will need to be changed," you started nonchalantly.

Michael gave no reaction.

"So..." You continued. "You could stay here and let me look after that? I mean, I have the supplies and it is in a bad spot for you to get at yourself, so..."

You trailed off and bit your lip, hoping Michael would take you up on your offer. Having him around the house would definitely make your weekend less lonely. Plus, it would be comforting knowing there'd be someone to protect you should anything happen.

It felt like forever, but finally, Michael answered with a nod. You let out a happy squeal, giving his arm a squeeze. You quickly sat up straight and gave him a kiss on his cheek and unless you were mistaken, you swore you saw the startings of a smile on his lips.

ahhhh that was so much fun to write!

i'm sorry i love my tol silent bois xD

i hope y'all enjoyed it as much as me!

leave me some feedback if you'd like or even a request! they're always open☺️

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