Chapter 1; New school

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The picture above is your outfit.

November 02, 6:25 am



I smack my phone so the alarm shuts up.
Moving to Atlanta, Georgia already made me mad. The fact that I have to go to school here is even worse. I'm probably going to hate it. Even more than I hated Ohio, which is where I lived before. I groan as I get up from bed and I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I checked my Snapchat and I got a snap from my best friend Hannah. I love Hannah so much. It's sucks because she's back in Ohio and I miss her so much but she's coming to visit soon so I'm so happy. She's been my best friend since grade 3. We hung out all the time. She'd come to my house after school, and I'd go to hers sometimes. We were together through the best and the worst times. She's everything to me.

I hear my sister taking a shower so I turned on my faucet to fully hot so her shower would turn cold. "Y/NNNNNNNN" I heard her yell. My twin sister is Jessica Y/L/N. I love her so much but sometimes we argue like all siblings do. But I love her with my everything. She's a part of me. I wouldn't be who I am without her. I tell her about everything. She knows everything that happens in my life and I know everything that happens in hers. As soon as I hear her shower stop, I rush in to my shower.

I put on my outfit and blew dry my hair. My hair was naturally curly and i liked it like that so I left it as it was. I put on slight a bit of makeup. Some powder with underliner and mascara. By then it was 7:15 am and school starts at 7:40. Jessica and I race down the stairs to see what moms cooking. My parents are divorced so my dad lives in Ohio and we moved with my mom here. "Oh shit, it's 7:30, Y/N let's go" Jessica says. "Uhm language, jess" mom says. "Sorry mom" Jess said as I laughed.
We got our bags and ran out the door. The school was only 5 minutes away so we just walked. "Hey, did you finish season 2 of Stranger things yet?" Jess asked. "YEAH OF COURSE I DID" I screamed. Jessica and I laughed. We walked into school and me and Jessica only had 3 classes together but those were after lunch. So we hugged and separated our ways.

As I was walking to my locker some inconsiderate guy bumped into me and all my books fell. "I'm so sorry" said the guy. I could tell that voice from anywhere. I took a step back and saw his face. IT WAS FINN FUCKING WOLFHARD. "Oh my god, you're Finn Wolfhard" I said. "Ha yeah I am." Finn said. "And your name is?" He asks. "I'm Y/N". My voice shaked as I said that.

Finn's POV

I looked at her and I automatically just thought she was the most beautiful girl ever. Her brown eyes sparkled like a star in the sky. "I'm Y/N" she responded. I never wanted to stop talking to her. "What's your first class?" I asked. "Math with Mr —" I cut her off. "Mr. Antonio". "Yeah" she said as she chuckled. Her smile made the whole world brighter. Her laugh was the cutest little thing. "I'll walk you to class" I said. She nodded her head with a smile. As we continue walking, we were stopped in the hall by Millie, Caleb, Sadie, and Gaten. "YOU ALL GO HERE" She yells. "Yeah haha" Gaten says. "Guys this is Y/N, she's new and can she be in the —" Millie cut me off, "A THOUSAND TIMES YES, ANOTHER GIRL YAYY" Millie shrieks. Y/N was laughing. She was so beautiful. She was perfect in so many ways. I think I'm falling for this girl.


We walked to math class and Finn sat right next to me. He was so cute. His jawline was so sharp, it could cut a bitch. His voice was so deep and masculine. Not the mike I remember from season 1.


I had 3 more classes before lunch and Millie was in all of them. During lunch I sat with the gang. I talked about how much I loved Stranger Things and they all smiled. I went to go get lunch and I had to bring the gang to meet my sister. I found Jessica getting lunch. "I HAVE THE BIGGEST SURPRISE EVER" I told her. "WHAT IS IT" she yells. I point to the table with the whole cast and she screams. Everyone looks at her, even the cast. "SHUT UP DUDE" I said. "Does no one care that they go to school with like the most amazing people ever?" She asks. "Everyone's gotten used to it by now" I told her. "I made some friends too" she told me. She pointed to a table of girls I didn't know. "Are you gonna sit with them?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll talk to the cast later, I want you to spend some time with finnie boyyyyy" she said as she winked. "I hate you so much" I said as I laughed and hugged her. I walked back to the table. "Jessica said she's going to sit with her other friends and see you guys around later" I told them. "Okay that's fine. I was excited to meet her though" caleb said as he laughed. "Shut up Caleb" Gaten said. We all started laughing. I went on my phone and Finn took it from me. "HEY GIVE MY PHONE BACK" I yelled. "Waitttt I want to put my number in it" he said as he put his number in my phone. I HAD FINN WOLFHARD'S NUMBER IN MY PHONE OH MY GODDDD!!! After he was done, I took my phone back and I took a picture of him and I together and sent it to Hannah. Hannah quickly texted:

Hannah; I'm gonna faint
Hannah; I SHIP IT;))
Y/N; shut up😂😂
Hannah; I mean you've been in love with him like ever since Stranger Things came out and he put his number in your phone, I see a future thing going on.
Y/N; idk man. he's so fucking cute and i can't take my eyes of him holy like Jesus 😍🤤
Hannah; that's the Y/N I know and love
Y/N; I love you too💕

My mom picked us up from school. "How was the first day here sweeties?" She asked. "Well I sure love it more than Ohio that's a fact" I said. "That's great news honey" She said.
When we got home I got a text:

Finn; heyy Y/N
Y/N; heyy wassuppp
Finn; just really bored, what about you?
Y/N: same.
Finn; hey you wanna FaceTime?
Y/N; yeah sure.

We FaceTimed for 3 hours and talked about school and about how much Millie loves me now because there's another girl. He was so cute. I think, no I do, I have feelings for this kid. Ah shit. Not like he's ever going to like me. But so far, this is the best time of my life. I'm so happy we moved here. It's not gonna be so bad after all:)

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