Chapter 14: New Years

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Y/N's POV:

It's December 30th. Finn has been in a coma since his seizure on December 26th. I stayed in the hospital day and night. By his side, holding his hand. I cry myself to sleep most nights. Trying to find a possible way if this is my fault.

My mom brings my clothes and food everyday. She's trying to support me right now. I distanced myself from everyone else except Finn. Every night I do a prayer for Finn and I hold his hand hoping he could hear me.
I hold his hand and sob into it, saying,

"Finn, please, you can't do this to anyone, to me, why did you just leave me, you promised I would see your face that morning? Why did you do this? Just please, wake up, I love you so much more than anything in the world. I can't live without you. Nothing is helping me. Please just come back to me"

And that's how I cry myself to sleep with every night. Asleep. With my head on his hand.
Finn's parents had came to see him earlier this week. His mother has come in and out of the hospital checking on him because she knew I was staying. I was always staying. I don't care if he was dead. I am always going to be here. Staying and waiting. For him. To just come back. Come back Finn.

Tonight after I cried, Millie, Sadie, Caleb and Gaten came to visit me in the hospital.
"Hey y/n" Millie says as she looks into my puffy red eyes. Her facial expression changes from a smile to make me happy, to an automatic let down.

"Hey Millie" I respond with a sniffle.
Caleb rubbed my back in circles as I sat right next to Finn holding his hand.
"Have you let go of his hand" Sadie asks.
"When my mom comes to give me stuff or when I go to get things, other wise, I'm always holding it" I said looking at his dry hand.

We all chatted and talked. They decided to stay the night in the hospital as well with me. I was kind of happy to have people with me. I felt safe.

"Flatlining" a nurse says as she's heavily breathing.
"We're losing him" another nurse repeats.
I see Finn. They're performing CPR. He's dying.
"FINN" I screamed.
"FINN, NO, NO, STAY PLEASE JUST STAY" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I start to sob.
I go to touch his hand and.....poof.
He faded away.
"FINN, FINN!" I screamed over and over again as I was still sobbing.

"Y/n" someone says but I can't see who.
"Finn?" I ask still crying.
"Y/n, y/n," someone continues saying but I can't see who.


I woke up with surrounded by Millie, Sadie, Caleb, Gaten and some nurses.
"y/n, are you okay" Gaten asks as he rubs my back.
I just burst into tears.
Finn still in a long sleep.
Why won't he just wake up?
Why can't he just come back?

December 31 2017
I play with the necklace as it's probably covered in my tears. I can't help but stare at Finn.
"When are you coming back" I asked him.
No answer.
I don't know what I was hoping for.
For him to just wake up.
For him to say "y/n, I'm here, don't worry"
I play with his hair because it's really the only thing that gives me meaning by him anymore.

My mom came in with some clothes and food again.
"Hey sweetie, it's New Years tonight, are you sure you don't want to go out" my mom asks.
"He said he had a surprise for me on New Years mom, part 2 of my Christmas gift, there's no one else I want to spend it more than him" I responded wiping a tear from eye.
"I understand baby" she says as she gives me a tight and warm hug. I continue to sob on her shoulder. I could feel my mom start to cry too.
As we exit the hug, I see her wipe her tears.
"I better get going hun, I love you" my mom says while she's leaving.
"I love you too"

Hmm...I love you. Those three words. Those three fucking words I didn't get to say to him the night before I lost him. Those 3 fucking words that meant everything to me. I was in love with this guy. IN LOVE. And I didn't say I love you that night. I had finally found a way to blame myself. Blaming myself for not telling him I loved him. I sat back down, holding his hand, repeatedly saying,
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I fucking love you Finn Wolfhard"

December 31st, 2017 10:38pm

Yeah, it was going to be a whole other year in a hour and a half. And I wasn't going to be able to live it with the one person I wanted to with. I passed back and fourth around the room just waiting for the New Years celebration to be over with. I stop and just look at Finn. Admiring and studying his face. Those soft lips I kissed everyday. His red cheeks when people would talk about us. I received a text from Sophia:

Sophia: hey boo, are you sure you don't want to come out for tonight?

y/n: thank you for the invite but I'm sorry I can't leave him soph

Sophia: y/n don't worry, I understand, I love you

Y/n: I love you more

Everyone just thought I was probably going crazy in here. I think I would be crazier if I wasn't in here. I tossed and turned in the chair I was sitting in, in complete confusion of life. How I was going to be able to live it without him? If I was even going to be able to. He was my life. He was everything in that matter.

11:55pm, 5 minutes before New Years

I held onto his hand again. For these last 5 minutes of this year. One of the best years of my life. The year I met him. The year I fell in love with him. The year he fell back in love with me. Just to sob at the end to think, the year he fell into a coma, right beside me.
"I love you" I repeatedly said.

They're came the texts.
"HAPPY NEW YEAR" Majority of the hospital screamed.

I remained in the chair. Holding onto his hand.

12:27am, January 1st 2018

I still continue to read the messages I keep receiving. As one of my arms is still attached to Finn's hand. I hear his heart rate start speeding up.


"NURSE, PLEASE COME" I screamed down the hall.
A nurse came running inside trying to see what was going on. She checked his pulse and it kept speeding up. I started to sob even more.
"He's dying, he's dying" I kept thinking to myself.
I'm praying to god at this point. My hands together asking for help.
"Ma'am, it's nothing to worry about" his heart beat goes back to normal. She exits the room and I sat back down crying on his hand again. Sobbing my heart out.

I sobbed for at least an hour and I hadn't slept yet. Just then, god showed his existence.

"y/n-n" Finn's voice shakes and I look up into his eyes and see them open.

His eyes were open.

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