Chapter 7: Hope

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Y/N's POV:
I woke up in the same bed as Finn. Don't get all weirded out, we didn't do anything dirty minded. I slowly open my eyes to see the cutest human being on the face of this planet. Finn Wolfhard. His hair was a mess but he still was a sight for sore eyes. I thumped his nose. "Wake up sleepy head" i quietly said. "fineeee" he groaned. "You look so beautiful in the morning like damn boo" he said. My face turned as red an apple. He leaned in for a kiss and right before they met, I put my finger over his lip. "You might be hot in the morning but you still got morning breath" I said with a smirk. He smiled and went to the washroom to go brush. I was one of the happiest people in the world. I decided to check my phone and I woke up with a billion notifications.

@finnwolfhardofficial: sHe tHoUgHt tHe sUnRiSe wAs pReEtY bUt i tHoUgHt sHe wAs pReEtIeR @y/n

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@finnwolfhardofficial: sHe tHoUgHt tHe sUnRiSe wAs pReEtY bUt i tHoUgHt sHe wAs pReEtIeR @y/n.l/n ❤️

@y/n.l/n: i lOvE yOu, fInNiE bOi
@wyattoleff: FINALLY OH MY GOD
@hxnnah_s: her dream come true. I'm proud💙
@jackdgrazer: MOM AND DAD

Living my best life. Finn walked out of the washroom. I ran and pulled him into a warm hug. "What's this sudden presentation of affection" he asked.
"Are you complaining?" I responded.
"Never" he said.
I ran and brushed my teeth and than we went downstairs together. Wyatt, Jaeden, Sophia, Jack, Jessica, Caleb, Sadie, Millie and Hannah were all standing there. "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE" Jack screamed. We both blushed and looked at each other. "Let's celebrate? Indoor Pool place?" Sadie says. "I'm down, let's go" Wyatt and Jaeden both agree. Sophia, Millie, Sadie, Jessica and Hannah all follow me upstairs. "Girls only, sorry boys" Jessica says as all the girls laughed.

"SOOO HOW'D IT HAPPEN LIKE WHAT THE HELL?" Sophia asked. "You guys were all sleeping and I woke up while he was still awake, we went out on to the balcony to talk and we just kissed" I said. "YOU KISSED? Y/N!!!!!!" Hannah screamed. "Yeah and than we told me he wanted to be with me and I said the same"
"Y'all do the dirty after?" Jess said with a wink.
"NOO WAY, nothing like that"
"How about you Hannah, what's up with you and Jack?" Sadie asks.
"I don't know guys. I feel like he likes me but he shows mixed feelings. I really like him though" Hannah explained.
"He probably does like you, you should tell him" Sophia said.
"Okay, I'll try"
"Guys, Finn is turning 17 in like 2 days and I don't know what to do or get him?"
"Wait, how long are your moms gone for?" Millie asks.
"Probably a week. Why?"
"Do you know where they keep the alcohol?" Millie says with a smirk.
"Drinking? For his birthday?" Jess asked.
"Yeah, Finn drinks but he doesn't get like really drunk" Sadie says.
"Okay, we can do it tomorrow night so we'll be up at 12 and celebrate his birthday". I said.

We all got ready and went to the indoor pool. We walked because it wasn't that far. Finn held my hand as we walked and Hannah and Jack were both flirting behind us.

When we got there, we all undressed out of our coverups. "Damn bae, you lookin like snack" Finn said jokingly. I stared at him slowly before pushing him into the pool. "HOLY SHIT THIS IS COLD" he screamed. I was laughing so hard before Sophia threw me into the pool. We all laughed.

Finn and I kept splashing each other. He pulled me close to his face and his lips smashed into mine. Our foreheads were against each other's as we were swimming around. Everyone else was just splashing each other and laughing. "GET A ROOM" Jaeden yelled. We both laughed and blushed. Hannah and Jack were talking and smiling and blushing. It was because Hannah had just told him she liked him. He liked her back too. So that's when they announced that they were dating to us. "WOAH WE GOT 2 COUPLES NOW" Millie screamed. "I can make it three, Jessica" Caleb said to Jessica.
"In your dreams, hun" Jessica responded

We all got out of the pool and we're drying off. Finn was checking his phone and the smile he had on had wiped off. "What is it" I asked.
"It's nothing don't worry about it" he replied.
I didn't really want to know if it was something bad so I didn't say anything more. He went to Millie and started discussing something. He seemed annoyed, frustrated and angry. I was kind of scared. But if it was really serious, he would tell me.


It was 8:30pm and we all were just having dinner and talking. It was nice. I really have fun with these people. They made my life better and happier. Finn kept checking his phone. I still was concerned but didn't ask, which I know I should but I trust him. Why shouldn't I?

A few hours had passed of us just laughing and talking and everyone was pretty much tired so we all went upstairs to sleep except Caleb, Wyatt, and Jaeden. They slept on the couches in the living room. Jessica, Millie, and Sadie all slept in the master bedroom. Hannah took my room with Jack. NO THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING DIRTY OKAY. And I didn't want to use Jessica's room so I slept in the guest again with Finn.

"Hey is there something I should know about?" I asked because I couldn't handle the fact that he might have been hiding something from me.
"It's nothing to worry about, don't worry" he says calmly.
I turn to face him in the bed.
"You know you can tell me anything right" I said.
"I know, and I will"
"I love you Finn"
"I love you more, Y/N" he said as he kissed my forehead and closed his eyes. I turned back around and just thought about what could possibly be bothering him. I wasn't going to check his phone because I'm not that kind of person. I just keep believing he'll tell me. Hopefully. Just hopefully.

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