Chapter 16: 3 months after

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Y/N's POV:

It's been 3 months. Finn and I still live together in the beautiful penthouse with our dog mike. It was kind of hard to convince my mom I wanted to move out but luckily she really likes Finn and thinks he'll treat me right. Finn always treats me like a queen. Like I'm the only girl in the world.

But recently, something's been different. Really different. He's been staying out late, by the time he comes home, I'm sleeping. He also doesn't wake up until I leave the house for the day to go to work. I work at Sunrise Records. Jessica also works there so that's when I get to see her a lot. I told her about how he's been acting different and she told me to go on his phone. I wasn't the type of snoopy girl to do that but I was just extremely curious.

I got home early today from work and Finn was still sleeping.
Jessica's voice starts ringing in my head.
"Check his phone y/n"
So I did.
I tip-toed in his room so he wouldn't wake up and I slowly took his phone from the side table. There were so many messages from a girl by the name of "Hayley". Asking him to come over constantly. All the days he'd been coming home late, was he with this Hayley girl? I quietly put his phone back and tears ran down my face. I took a glance at his face sleeping and more tears raced down my cheeks. I ran out the house and went to Millie's.

I knocked on Millie's door and she opened very quickly.
"Y/n, Hey" she said with a smile until she acknowledged my red puffy eyes.
"What happened y/n?"
"Millie, who's Hayley?" I said wiping another tear away.
Millie's face was in complete shock. Like she's heard the name before.
"Ho-how do you know about Hayley" she said with a questionable look in her face.
"So you know her too" I said back to her.
She told me to come inside her house and so I did, removing my shoes and sitting down on her couch.

"Hayley was Finn's ex. He was head over heels in love with her, he would go to the ends of the world for her" Millie explained.

"So how he acts with me" I asked as Millie's face turned confused.

"A bit more with her" Millie said while my mind went blank.

"So what happened?" I asked.
"They would fight really badly. It was an abusive relationship, she would hit him constantly and slap him and when it got too much for him, he would grab her wrists and push her" Millie said and more tears fell from eyes. I wasn't exactly sure why I was crying. Did I feel bad? Maybe. But he was talking to her again.

"Finn was so heartbroken, he'd cry almost every night for a month and he barley came out of his room. He would get drunk a lot and act really dumb and aggressive" Millie went more into detail.
"Now how do you know about her y/n?"

"Finn's been going to her house a lot lately. I saw messages on his phone.
Finn and I haven't talked for a bit because when I wake up, he's sleeping and when I come back from work, he's gone and doesn't come back till I sleep" I explained to Millie.

Millie's face was so surprised.
"Finn wouldn't, he couldn't" Millie said.

"Well I thought that too, I don't know if I should confront him about it"

"You definitely should y/n, he cannot get back to his old habits. Stay up tonight, and wait till he gets home to talk to him" Millie makes a plan.

~time skip~

It was 11:34pm. I was sitting upstairs in my room waiting. I would've been sleeping right now. That's when I heard it.
The elevator button went off. He was home. But he wasn't alone. I heard a girls voice. Hayley.

He was drunk.
She was too.
Finn barley got drunk.
I hear moaning. They were making out. I could hear it through the thin walls. All the smooches. My heart broke. Tears ran down my face and I sat in my room and sobbed. I didn't want to be here at this house anymore.
I packed a bunch of clothes in a bag and texted Sophia if I could sleep at hers tonight.

Y/n: sleepover tonight?
y/n: thanks💞

I ran down the stairs and Finn saw me and his face was in shock.
"Y/N!" Finn yelled as I glanced at him and Hayley looked over at me as well.
"After everything she did to you Finn, I'm disgusted, I can't be here anymore, I'm going somewhere else tonight, I don't want to see you or talk to you" I said while sobbing. Hayley quickly ran out of the house.

Finn ran up to me and grabbed my arm as I tried to walk away.
"Y/N, I-I'm so sorry" Finn said as his breath reeked of alcohol.
"Why were you with Hayley?" I asked.
His face turned into a shock. He was so surprised.
"How do you know a-about her" he slurred his words again.
"That's not an answer, why were you with Hayley Finn?"
"How do you know about her y/n" his voice raised a little.
"I just do Finn, now tell me" my voice went higher.
He couldn't answer. He stood there.
I started to walk away and he grabbed my wrist.
He screamed. I was scared. This wasn't normal.

"So we're becoming an abusive relationship too now, wow, I thought we were more than that" I said.
Finn let go and stood there. He didn't do anything else.
Speechless. Causing me to cry even more.
"Bye Finn" I said as I left the penthouse. Finn tried to walk after me but the elevator door closed on him.

I sobbed in the elevator. He chose an abusive ex over me. I sat down in the lobby hyperventilating and crying as my phone went crazy.

Finn: y/n
Finn: y/n answer
Finn: where are you
Finn: answer me
Finn: I'm so sorry
Finn: I'm sorry okay
Finn: I fucked up

My heart felt like it cracked a bit more reading these. But I left them on read and left the building. Still sobbing. Still hyperventilating. Still trying to contemplate what the fuck just happened.

In the car ride to Sophia's house, I cried silent tears. Reading more messages from Finn.

Finn: I'm going to come look for you
Finn: y/n
Finn: just answer
Finn: I know I'm stupid please
Finn: I'm sorry

I got to Sophia's doorstep and rang her doorbell. I was still crying. She opened the door to see me crying.
"Y/N?!" She yelled.
"Soph, I need to tell yo-you what happened" I stuttered as I was still hyperventilating.

I told her everything. Every single detail. She hugged me really tight and wiped my tears.
"It's going to be okay y/n, it is" she said comforting me. I showed her the messages he was sending. She read them carefully and so did I.
She was still comforting me.
She set a bed up for me and told me to get some rest.
I laid down next to her. Our backs faced each other because she sleeping and I was still crying silently.

Finn: please come home
Finn: I can't lose you
Finn: I just can't
Finn: I love you

That last one just broke me. I wasn't even sure if he meant it. After he said that, every "I love you" he's ever said to me, repeated in my head causing me to start completely sobbing. My shirt by now was drenched. I slowly cried myself to sleep.

Ding dong
Sophia's doorbell rang. I woke up and checked my phone to see the time.
3:20am plus 23 texts messages and 14 missed calls from Finn.

Sophia went down to see who was at the door. She opened it to reveal the one and only, Finn Wolfhard.
He then did something unthinkable.
He got on his knees and started crying.
"I-I'm so sorry y/n" he said causing me to start crying again.
"Hayley saw me at a bar one night and every night after, she got me drunk and spiked my drink and made me, I only ever and will love you" finn started to sob.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry".
He was begging for my forgiveness. I couldn't think of anyone else in the world who would do that.

I got him up from the ground and gazed in his eyes. I then pulled him into a tight hug and cried on his shoulder.
"I love you so much y/n"
"I love you too Finn"

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