Chapter 27: Home

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Y/N's POV:
I walked in, admiring my old home. That's when I heard him. A large furry object came running towards me, eventually jumping up at me and licking my face.
"MIKE, LOOK HOW BIG YOU'VE GOTTEN" I said in awe, petting his ears. I think my heart eyes were starting to show.
I sat on the floor and played with Mike until Finn asked me a serious question.

"Does this mean you're moving back in?"

I really didn't know how to respond. Was I going to move back in? Even if, how would I tell Millie and Sophia? I would have to pack everything, but I slowly realized majority of my old clothes were here. After Finn and I broke up, I never came back to get my things. All my makeup, clothes, everything was still here. I eventually bought more clothes and makeup when I moved out but he did have reasons of why I should move back in.

"I'm not sure, we just got back together, I want to see where this goes, you know?"

"Yeah, of course, take all the time you need" he frowned. I felt bad. I wanted to take his mind off of it.

"How about we go out?"


"I know the perfect place" I left him curious. We both walked, hand in hand, out of the penthouse, downstairs to my car.

"Finn, it's beautiful, how did you find this place?" I asked.
"I used to come here when I was thinking or having a bad day" he said as he looked over the city.

"I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD WOO HOO" Jaeden screamed as we all laughed at him.
Flashback over

I took him back to the hill, where I fell in love with him, more than I ever thought I would.
We both got out of the car and looked over the city.

"If I'm the king of the world, are you my queen" he asked softly.

"Of course I am" I smiled at him before he pressed his lips against mine.
They were soft and plump. I wanted it to last forever. Our hands interlocked. I smiled up at him and looked back the city below. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of our hands.


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@y/n.l/n: it's him and i💕

I didn't tag him because I know everyone would go crazy. We were about to leave but I wanted to do one last thing, just to cherish this moment forever.
I put on the song "Every Breath You Take" by The Police, the song we first danced to together.

We were all in the basement. Everyone had a few drinks, I had the least. That's when one of the most amazing songs played. Every Breath You Take by the Police. I smiled at right when I heard the first note. This song made me so happy. Finn noticed I had been smiling had the song and put his hand out in front of me.
"Will you join for a dance m'lady" he smiled.
Flashback over

I smiled at the thought of the song. He noticed and started smiling as well.
It felt so surreal.


He put his hand out and asked.

"Will you join for a dance m'lady?"

I smiled as he did as well. I took up his offer and grabbed his hand. He placed his hands around my waist as I placed mine on his shoulders.

"I remember this exact moment" I said as we looked into my eyes.

"I couldn't remember the exact moment because I was drunk, but I remember the feeling, that's all that mattered to me"

His words made my heart melt. Like every look he gave me, anything he ever did, made my heart melt.

The song finished and we shared a small kiss. Small but enough.
We got back in the car and drove back to his house. I've never been in love with someone so much. Someone who every time they were around, I'd get butterflies, my heart would melt, I'd feel so happy. Happier than ever. And I could tell, he changed, for real this time. I wanted to spend all the time in the world with him.
While driving, I checked the time.
It was almost 12, Sophia and Millie must be worried sick.
Only love could get you that caught up.

We stopped in front of the house and I stayed in the car as he got out.

"You aren't coming in?"

"As much as I want to, I gotta get home, Sophia and Millie are worried sick and I know there going to be even more unhappy once I say I'm moving out" I smiled.
His smile grew 10x bigger.

"I love you y/n y/l/n" he yelled out his door.
"I love you more Finn Wolfhard"
He closed the door behind him, leaving a smile on my face. I sat back in my seat and just smiled and laughed. The thought of Finn even made my heart melt.
I drove him just thinking about a life with him.
That's when my heart bursted and melted.
The smile on my face was impossible to wipe off.

I got home and walked in, closing the door quietly just in case Sophia and Millie were sleeping, still with a smile on my face.

I tip toed to the kitchen, pitch black but the light quickly switched on and scared me for dear life. Only to reveal Sophia and Millie.

"Where have you been y/n? We've been worried sick" Sophia exclaimed.

"Wait, she's smiling. Y/n, what happened" Millie studied my face and looked back at Sophia.

"THAT'S HER FINN SMILE" Sophia screamed.

"YOU'RE BACK WITH FINN" Millie yelled.

I nodded my head in excitement while they squealed of happiness. They both threw their arms around me in excitement.

"But guys, I have some bad news" I said loudly, trying to get them to hear over there squealing.
They both backed away and looked at me, trying to hide their smiles.

"I have to move out, I'm moving back in with Finn"

They both looked at each other, still trying to hide their smiles.

"Y/n, it's fine, go, we're just so happy that you're happy, FINALLY" they screamed. I was so happy to have best friends like them.

"I love you guys" I said, pulling them into a hug.
I ran upstairs and texted Finn quickly.

Y/n: I'll be there tomorrow roomie

Finn: is it okay if I'm in love with you roomie:)

Y/n: it'd be a problem if it wasn't okay cuz I'm in love with you too:))

Finn: than I guess I'll see you tomorrow, I love you❤️

Y/n: I kinda love you more roomie❤️

I smiled at the messages. I felt warm and at home.
Finn was my home.

Happy New Years guys💛

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