Chapter 21: Turks and Caicos

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Finn's POV:
Today was the day y/n and I left for Turks and Caicos.
We were both beyond excited. Wyatt and Sophia were looking after Mike while we were gone.
"Are you all packed babe" y/n called out to me.
"Yeah, you?"
"Just gotta put in my makeup and we're good" she said walking into the room to reassure that I'm packed.
"You don't need makeup, you're beautiful" I said holding onto her shoulders as she gazed into my eyes with a smile.
"But I like makeup so I want to pack it" she said tapping my shoulder.

Our luggage was downstairs in front of the elevator ready to leave, along with Wyatt and Sophia waiting for us to leave because they were staying in our penthouse.
Y/n came running down the stairs with her purse.
"Okay let's go" she said.
We hugged Wyatt and Sophia and thanked them for looking after Mike while were gone.
We got into the elevator with our luggage as Wyatt and Sophia waved goodbye.

We loaded the bags in the Uber and both sat in backseat. Y/n rested her head on my shoulder and I gave her a kiss on her forehead. She slowly started to fall asleep but the airport was only a 15 minute drive so she couldn't sleep for long.

"Y/n..wake up" I whispered softly in her ear. She slowly moved her head up and groaned. We both exited the car and got our luggage.
Y/n smile grew bigger the second we stepped foot in the airport.

We checked in and went through security. We were waiting in line to board the plane.
"You're really excited aren't you" I asked with a chuckle.
"More than ever" she said with a gorgeous smile.
I intertwined my hand with hers and kissed her cheek.
We showed the flight attendant our tickets and boarded the plane.
I plugged in my headphones and listened to Holding Roses by Twin Peaks.
Y/n also plugged in her headphones and listened to New Flesh by Televisions.
We held hands and looked out the window together as the plane went up.

 We held hands and looked out the window together as the plane went up

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@y/n.l/n: bought plane wifi just to post this because aesthetic am i rIght? @finnwolfhardofficial❤️

l/n: bought plane wifi just to post this because aesthetic am i rIght? @finnwolfhardofficial❤️

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@finnwolfhardofficial: makes my life complete❤️ @y/n.l/n

Y/n slowly started to fall asleep on my chest again and this was a 5 hour flight so I didn't mind. Every time I looked at her, I just fell in love with her more and more.

5 playlists and 2 movies after, the plane was landing. Y/n was so excited to get off the plane. She took another picture of the landing.

Shortly after, we got off the plane and got through security

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Shortly after, we got off the plane and got through security. We felt the breeze and saw the palm trees. It almost felt like a dream.

Y/N's POV:
I quickly texted Jessica a picture from the plane.



Jessica: have a good time boo, ily

Y/n: ilym❤️

It did feel like a dream. A dream I never wanted to wake up from. I was with my favourite person on the face of this planet at the most amazing place.
We got into a car that lead to our villa that Finn rented.
"This feels like a dream Finn" I said as I looked out the window at the beautiful palm trees.

"Well it's real baby"

His words sent shivers down my spine.
Every time words came out of his mouth, I just wanted to kiss him. So I did.
I pressed my lips against his soft lips. We held hands and looked out the window together, admiring all the beauty about this place.

We arrived at our stunning villa.
It seemed like heaven to me except I felt more alive. I quickly started taking pictures of the suite and sending it to my group chat with Millie, Sadie, Sophia, Jessica and Hannah.

y/n: im about to spam all of you with pictures of our villa

Jessica: fine make me more jealous than I already am
y/n: yeah guys. it's night time right now but I'll send more in the morning.

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Hannah: OH THATS BEAUTIFUL CAN I COMEJessica: okay I'm officially killing you when you come back

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Jessica: okay I'm officially killing you when you come back.
Sophia: I WISH BRO
Millie: ^ @ Wyatt step up ur game
Sadie: ^
Y/n: 😂❤️ alright gn loves

"Seems like you're enjoying yourself" Finn's says as he let out a chuckle.
"Are you kidding me, this is so amazing Finn" I said gazing into his sparkling brown eyes.
"Anything in the world for you y/n" he said gripping onto my waist. I pulled him to a passionate kiss and threw my hands around his neck.
"I love you so much Finn" I expressed.
A smile on his face appeared and he kissed my forehead.
"I love you more".
He looked me in the eyes with a smirk. We both knew what was coming.

He smashed his lips on mine vigorously. His lips found their way down my neck. We took this to the bedroom and shut the door.

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