Chapter 4: Back At School

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The outfit above is what you wore.

Y/N's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm going off again. I couldn't wait because in 2 weeks my best friend Hannah is coming to visit and it will be Christmas break. I went on my phone and scrolled through Instagram. After that picture Jack posted, so many people started shipping Finn and I and keep asking if we're a couple. There's good comments and than there are the hardcore MILLIE fans that hate me. Those comments don't really effect me at all because at the end of the day, we're still not a thing. Yes I do like Finn but those are my feelings. I put my phone down and got up and brushed my teeth and took a shower. I put on my outfit and some makeup as usual and ran downstairs. Jessica was there and she was eating breakfast. I pulled out Rice Krispies cereal and just ate that for breakfast. As soon as I was done, Jess and I started walking to school. "How was it with Finn?" She asks. "Well I mean, you saw that picture" I said. "Of course I did! Are you two dating now?" She asks. "No, no, no. We're not." I say with a sad look on my face. "It really seems like he likes you." She says. "Yeah I know, it seems like it. But it's hard if he just likes me, when I'm in love with him" I said as my voice shook. "IN LOVE, YOUR IN LOVE WITH FINN?" She yells. "SHUT UP" I scream back, "but yeah i am. Last night I looked at him and smiled and we gazed and I never felt anything like it, I knew I fell in love. And than when I fell asleep at Sadie's house, he kissed my forehead" I told her. "Y/N, HE DOES LOVE YOU WHAT THE HELL OH MY" she says as I laughed. I loved Jessica so much. I could go to her about anything and most siblings don't have that relationship and I'm so grateful to have that with Jess.

Finn's POV:
I saw Y/N walk into school with Jessica. Man, Y/N was the most gorgeous girl I'd ever seen. Friday at the beach, it was almost like it was magical. I'd never felt anything before. I'd die for her in a heartbeat. "H-Hey Y/N" I stutter as she says bye to her sister. "Hey Finn" she responds. "So Wyatt, Jaeden, Sophia, Jack and I are all going to watch a movie later today, do you want to come?" I ask her. "Of course! I just have to tell my mom." She says. "Okay right after school, were going to Sophia's since her house is the closest to the theatre so we'll just walk." I tell her. She nods and goes to her locker. I was about to walk away when I heard her yell my name. "Hey Finn?" she says. "Yeah?" I respond. "I had a really great time at the beach" She says while blushing. My heart was racing. I kept moving my head so she didn't see my red cheeks. "I had a really great time too" I respond. "Wait do you have Math first?" I ask. "Yeah" she responds. "Let's walk to class" I say. We walked together and I was so tempted to hold her hand but I didn't. Idiot.

Y/N's POV:

We were all getting our seats for the movies and we were watching A Bad Mom's Christmas. Finn on my left side and Jack was on my right. "awh my lovebirds always together" Jack says and I roll my eyes. Finn wasn't even trying to be subtle but he put his arm around me. I felt warm and happy. He made me so happy. I looked at him and started blushing. He was so cute. I rested my head on his chest and I saw him looking down at me and smiling. He was so adorable and I wanted to spend all the time in the world with him.

The movie had just ended and my mom had been calling and texting me but I was caught up in my distraction, Finn. "I gotta leave, my mom is going to whoop my ass if I'm not home on time" I said to Finn. "I want you to stay, with me" Finn said. "I want to stay with you too" I said as I smiled. He pulled me into a tight embrace and I started tearing up. I don't know why. I was just so happy. I had so many feelings in my mind and I had so many butterflies. I wiped the tear away before we exited the embrace. As I was walking away, he grabbed my hand and we hugged me again. We never wanted to let go. I never wanted to and I could tell he didn't either. We hugged for a long time. We than exited that hug and gazed at each other. That was love. He loved me. And I loved him. I had received a text message and I know it my mom. She ruined the moment. "I got to go" I said as I was about to tear up again. "Okay" he said as he was about to as well. I could tell. I than, kissed his cheek. We were both blushing but I felt so in love. My cheeks were warm and than I looked in his eyes. "Bye Finn" I said. "Bye Y/N". I never wanted to leave. I never wanted to leave him.

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