Chapter 19: Forest and Kisses

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Y/N's POV:
I didn't get much sleep last night.
After receiving those texts, I couldn't. I was scared. This person didn't stop the first time. They haven't texted back since last night so I think it's over.
I sit straight up on my bed just staring off until Finn comes in.

"What you lookin' at" he asked. I quickly looked away and shot up from my bed.
"Nothing, I was just thinking about some things"
Yeah. Thinking about the horrific texts.
I felt bad I wasn't telling Finn. I didn't know how he would react. I was scared.
"Okay well I'm going to go out, I'll be back in the evening and we can go see a movie together?" He asked with a smile. I gave a smile in return and nodded my head as he put on his jacket and headed for the door.

Finn's POV:
Y/n seemed to be a bit off since last night, but I just assumed she got her period or something, I didn't want to ask anything or go into detail about any of that.
"Okay Finn, we bought all the red decorations, now for the cake?" Wyatt said.
"I'm going to get the picture of her and Jessica from when we went to the hill" I confirmed.
Joe and I decided to go together to get the cake. We played some Twin Peaks on our way there.
"You really love this girl finnie boy" Joe said with a chuckle.
"More than you know Joe" I said before Joe patted my leg.
"You got yourself a good one Finn, don't fuck it up" he said in a serious tone.
"I know"

I got the cake done so now we just had to plan, when, where and how?
"We can do it in your penthouse, set up while she's at work?" Sophia asks.
"Perfect, looks like our work is done for the day" I said before checking the clock. It was 6:30pm and I was still going to catch a movie with y/n.

Y/N's POV:
Since I basically was home the whole day, I took mike out for a walk.
I was walking through this beautiful forest and I took a picture and posted it on my instagram.

 I was walking through this beautiful forest and I took a picture and posted it on my instagram

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@y/n.l/n: Mike loves it here🐶💙

As I was walking, I heard a branch crunch. Like someone had stepped on it. I ignored it thinking it was the wind. Or so I thought.
I could her footsteps frantically around so I started speed-walking back to the house.
Right before I was going to exit the pathway, someone threw there hands around my neck causing me to choke.
I looked into the eyes of this....girl.

"I told you I was coming for you didn't I?" She said with a smirk. I was holding onto mikes leash for dear life.
"Get of-f of me y-you psycho b-bitch" I stuttered before I grabbed her hands and threw them off me. I ran out of the woods with Mike by my side. She continued to run after me until I made it out to the Main Street.
She was the one sending the terrible messages.
Tears raced down my face. I ran home and didn't look back. I was too scared.

Finn's POV:
I got home and called out to y/n.
"Y/N, you home?"
She wasn't anywhere at home. I went upstairs to check but she was no where to be found. Just then I heard someone run inside the house. Sobbing like there was no tomorrow.
I ran downstairs to see y/n on the floor crying.
"Y/N WHAT HAPPENED" I yelled with the biggest worried look on my face. My heart was racing. What could of happened?
"H-hayley, she—" she was hyperventilating so much, I could barley understand. Her cries were hiccuping. I heard the name Hayley and she pointed at her neck. I saw red hand prints.
Hayley choked her.
"Did she do that to you y/n" I asked as y/n nodded her head slowly.
"She has be-been sending me me-messages since yesterday" she said.

I was in complete shock. How come she never told me any of this.
"Why didn't you tell me y/n" I yelled.
"Because I didn't know how you'd react, I just thought it was a fan of you or something, I didn't know what to do finn, I- I'm sorry" she said before she covered her eyes and sobbed even more into them.
I sat next to her and pulled her into my arms as she cried into my chest.
It was so heartbreaking watching y/n cry. I tried to hold my tear back but one decided to fall. Now, I need to find out how to deal with Hayley. She's a girl so I can't do much. The only way she learns is if we call the police. Which I'm going to do.

The police arrived to the house and we gave them all the information. I had to take a picture of y/n's neck and it was so hard for me. She was crying through the whole process. She was shaking as well. She was so scared.
We pressed charges for assault and battery.

It has been a few hours since the police left and y/n and I sat on the couch. I turned on a movie as she had calmed down a bit. I kissed her forehead. Her head rested on my lap and she was slowly falling asleep. I then received a text from the police officer that was here.

Hayley was arrested and she won't be bothering you any longer

I was so relieved. Y/n was safe. I could see her mouth open as she was in a deep sleep. I went to my camera roll to delete the picture of her neck because I no longer wanted to see it. When I scrolled to it in my camera roll, I looked at it for a long time.

^that was the picture he was looking at

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^that was the picture he was looking at

Just looking at the picture made me shed several tears. This happened to her and I was so unaware. I had felt like I failed as a boyfriend. As even a friend. I wasn't there for her when she needed me.
A tear had landed on her cheek and her eyes fluttered open. She touched her cheek and felt the tear, that's when she looked up at me to see my red puffy eyes.
She caressed my cheek.
"Finn, please don't cry" she softly said.
"It's my fault y/n, I wasn't there" my voice cracked.
She wiped a tear from my eye.
"Your always here" she said while pointing to her heart.
"I'm just so sor—" I was cut off by her smashing her lips onto mine. The kiss lasted for what seemed like forever.

"I love you" She said softly.
"I love you more y/n"

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