Chapter 29: White Dresses

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4 months later

Y/N's POV:
Oh sweet, sweet September.
Autumn was upon us.
The leaves were turning into different colours of yellow, orange, brown etc. Everything looked so beautiful. It was even more perfect because 2 months from now, I was going to marry the love of my life. Finn and I were doing better than ever. The wedding planning was going great.
Today I'm going to pick out my wedding dress with my mom, Jessica, Sophia, Hannah and Millie. I was beyond excited. Everyone else was too.

"Mom, let's go, c'mon we're going to be late" I yelled because my mom was taking forever.

"I'm coming" she said, running down the stairs. I gave her a smile before opening the front door and starting the car. Millie, Jessica, Sophia and Hannah were already waiting in the car so we were all set to go off.

I'm not the only one getting fitted today, Finn was going tuxedo shopping with Jaeden, Wyatt and Joe as well. Oh man, I feel like Finn is more excited than I am. Every morning, I wake up to a smiley beautiful curly headed boy, waiting for me downstairs after making breakfast. Each day, I've fallen more in love with him and couldn't wait to marry him and live the rest of my life with him. Every time I even had a thought of him, I'd smile. He made me the happiest girl in the world and he knew it.

We arrived in front of the dress store.
As we slowly stepped in the store, I took a minute to admire all the beautiful, dazzling and gorgeous dresses. Almost felt like I was in heaven. Snapping me out of my fantasy, a nice lady came up to me.

"Hello, you must be y/n?"

"Y-yes that's me" I said, still admiring the dresses.

She gave a smile.

"I see you're interested in the dresses" she says with a nice smile still.

"Very much" I said, giving a smile in return.

She sat all of us on a couch and asked me to talk about Finn. It was the easiest thing in the world.

"The reason I smile everyday is because of him. No matter what. He could never upset me, which is saying something. I'm always excited to go home and see him. I could never go a day without him, he means more than everything to me, I'm just so in love with him" I explained.

Everyone's face lit up as they saw mine light up.

"This boy sure is something" the nice lady, who goes by the name of Sheri said.

I smiled and looked at my mom as she gave a smile back.

"So, since you had already given your measurements in, we picked out a few dresses that might come to your liking" Sheri said, getting up and pointing to a rack full of beautiful white dresses.

My face lit up in excitement. Sheri's did as well.

"I'll try these on first I guess" I said, getting up and picking out one of the dresses.

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