Chapter 24: 1 Year Later

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1 year later

Y/N's POV:
It's been a year since I broke up with Finn. He had happily moved on and was dating Sadie, which caused me and Sadie to stop talking and for some reason she dislikes me now. Sophia, Millie and I all live together. Jessica and I were 19 now so she moved out of my moms house and went to live with Hannah who is also 19 and lives down the street from me. We meet up almost everyday.

Wyatt and Sophia are still dating.
I hadn't dated anyone since Finn because a part of me was still in love with him, I was not ready to move on yet. Jaeden and Wyatt were still my best friends and I could rely on them for anything. They were always there for me.

Today was Wyatt's 19th birthday and everyone was going to the club. After Turks and Caicos, I never stepped foot into a club. I drank at home but very little. Sometimes when no one was home, I'd burst into tears, just wondering how life went so wrong, so fast.

I was sitting downstairs watching Friends when Sophia tapped on my shoulder looking all dolled up.
"Sophia, you look so pretty" I said admiring her sparkling outfit.
She sat down next to me and placed her hand on my thigh.
"Y/n, I think it's about time you come out and enjoy some time with us, it will be fun I promise" she insisted.
"Sophia, I know you mean well but I, i just can't, I'm sorry" I exclaimed.
She shot up from the couch and looked at me.
"Okay fine, but if you change your mind, your whole outfit it set out on your bed and you know where to find us" she said with a wink before leaving the house with Millie and waving goodbye.

It had been a few hours since all of them left. They were at the club already and I knew that because they were all posting videos of it on there snapchat. I went upstairs and lingered by my door, staring at the dress Sophia left for me. Contemplating if I should go or not. I knew that the only person in our group that doesn't get super drunk is Jaeden so I decided to go but to stay with him the whole time. I put on the dress and admired it in the mirror. That's when I remembered.


"I love it too, get this one" finn said.

Flashback over

Finn had bought this dress for me. It was one of the most beautiful dresses I had ever bought. He didn't even offer to buy it, he just did. I wasn't sure if I should wear this but I did anyway. I put it on and threw a smile on my face while walking out the door.

I arrived at the club and took a big deep breath before I entered.
When I got in, my eyes quickly looked for Sophia, Wyatt, Jaeden and the rest. That's when I spotted Millie dancing with a bunch of drinks and Caleb. I ran over to Millie.
"Y/N, IM SO HAPPY YOU CAME" Millie said screaming over the loud music that was ringing in my ears.
"YEAH OKAY, WHERE'S JAEDEN" I asked, my eyes still wandering looking for him.
"HE'S BY THE BAR WITH SOPHIA AND WYATT" she said, pointing toward the bar, where I finally spotted them.

"HEY Y/N" Jaeden screamed.
I'm so happy he wasn't drunk. He was literally the only one that wasn't drunk.
"GOOD YOUR NOT DRUNK" I said in relief.
He laughed and my smile grew bigger.
"LET'S DANCE?" He asked. I nodded as I grabbed his hand, leading him to the dance floor.

We both danced like a bunch of crazy kids. Which is what we were, just trying to live life as it was even if it involves making mistakes. We both laughed at how terribly we both danced. I was backing up but immediately stopped when I noticed I hit someone in the face. I turned around quickly to say sorry only to see who it was I hit.
Finn Fucking Wolfhard.
"Y-y/n?" He called out.
"Never mind, I'm not that sorry" I said storming off with an angry look.

Jaeden grabbed my arm and asked what happened. I pointed to where Finn was only to realize he was with Sadie. They were talking. Almost like they were arguing. Did she see me?
"I won't let him do anything you're uncomfortable with" Jaeden said as we see Finn walking up to me. I tried to turn and walk into another direction but the club was too packed.

"Y-y/n can we please talk" Finn stuttered.
"Fine" I said as we walked near the bathrooms where it was more quiet. Jaeden secretly followed us so he could see if Finn did anything to me.

"Yes?" I asked as I crossed my arms.
"You never ever texted me back" he said, looking down at his shoes.
"I told you to never call or text me, I'm sorry did I not make that very clear?" I said with sass.
"I love your dress" he said with a smirk as I rolled my eyes.
"I'm sorry y/n how many times do I need to tell you"
"Sorry doesn't always fix things Finn, especially this" I exclaimed.
He tried to grab my hands but I quickly swiped them away.
"Don-don't touch me" I stuttered.
"Can we please just drop everything and be friends? Please." He begged.
"I'll think about it Finn" I said as I saw a smile appear on his face. I don't know why, but I wanted him to ask for another chance, I wanted to be able to forgive him. I missed him so much. I was still so in love with him. I don't think we felt the same way. He was happy with Sadie, at least that's what it seemed like.
"I'll text you later Finn" I said, walking away and waving goodbye.

I left with a smile on my face. My heart fluttered when he talked just like it used to. My butterflies came back and attacked my stomach.
"That seemed like a good talk" Jaeden said with a smile.
"I think it was" I replied.
"You wanna go home now? This music is becoming deafening" he said as I let out a small chuckle and nodded in agreement.

Jaeden walked me back to my house and thanked him with a hug.
"Thank you, not only for dropping me home, but for always being here" I expressed.
"Always y/n, I'm always here" he said with a bright smile. No. I didn't have feelings for Jaeden like that. He didn't either. I knew that.

"ALMOST, GOSH WHEN ARE YOU MOVING OUT" he yelled as I laughed. I ran downstairs to see him cooking in his kitchen. I had been staying with him for month, ever since Finn and I broke up.
"Bon appetite" Jaeden says, putting down a plate full of food in front of me.
We sat next to each other and just talked and laughed.
We gazed into each other's eyes for a little until he slowly leaned in and I did too. Our lips connected but quickly separated.
"I thought there was actually gonna be something" Jaeden said with a frown.
"Huh, me too" I said as we both laughed, promising to always stay best friends.

Flashback over

I hugged Jaeden goodbye again and shut the door. I changed out of my dress and put on my comfy pj's. I sat down in my bed and went on my phone. I unblocked Finn from everything and thought about what he said.
Should I forgive him or not?
It's been a year.
I think it's time.

Y/n: best friends?

He quickly started typing.
Than he stopped.
Than he started again.
Than stopped.
Finally he replied.

Finn: of course:)
Y/n: always:))
Finn: coffee tomorrow?
Y/n: sure, 11:00?
Finn: yeah that's good.
Y/n: alright, see you tomorrow
Finn: goodnight y/n:)
Y/n: goodnight Finn:))

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