Chapter 22: Turks and Caicos pt 2

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Y/N's POV:
I woke up next to a shirtless Finn just to look down at myself to realize I was shirtless as well. I quickly got up to find my shirt and put it on.

I went to the kitchen, made myself some coffee and sat down outside admiring the warm breeze and the waves crashing on the beach.
That's when I felt Finn's hands grip my shoulders.

"Hey, you're up" I said with a smile.
He was still shirtless.
"I found my shirt, you couldn't find yours" I said before he let out a chuckle.
"Really wish you didn't" he said with a smirk as he kissed my cheek and went inside to make himself a cup of coffee.
I got up after him and followed him into the kitchen.
"You should've told me, I would've made you a cup" I insisted.
"No don't worry, Hey lets go to the beach after?" He asks. I nod in excitement because it was an amazing day to go to the beach.

I went through my suitcase to find my 2 piece bikini. It looked a bit revealing but it wasn't like I was naked so who cares. I put on my swim wear and looked in the mirror.

I admired the way my body looked in this. I felt okay. I sill felt a bit insecure. I always did. I frowned looking at my thighs. That's when I heard him.
"Baby, lets go" I hear Finn call out.
There's that words again.
The word that constantly sends shivers down my spine. A smile grew on my face as I looked in the mirror one more time before leaving.

We found a spot on the beach and put our towel down to mark our spot. I took off my cover before I looked at Finn. His eyes widened and jaw dropped.
"Wow, I'm speechless, you're so gorgeous" his words made my heart melt.
"Ugh you're so cheesy, let's go" I said with a big smile as I ran into the water.

@finnwolfhardofficial: my girl💖

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@finnwolfhardofficial: my girl💖

Shortly after, Finn joined me in the ocean and we just played around. I splashed him a couple of times as he splashed me back. I threw my legs around his waist and put his weight on my back. I looked down at my legs and my insecurities got the best of me. My smile wiped away and I got off his back.
"Why'd you get off" he asked with a confused facial expression.
"The waves pushed me off" I lied.
"Oh, here get back on" he said while turning around.
"No, it's fine" I said as I swam to shore.

Finn's POV:
I was worried. Her beautiful smiled completely left her body. Did I do something? Did something happen? I watched as she swam to shore. I swam after her.
She got out of the water and laid down on the towel.
I stood over her.
"What happened y/n?" I asked.
"Nothing Finn" she said hiding her face away.

I sat down next to her, begging her to tell me what was going on.
"I'm fat okay, is that what you want to hear" the words that came out of her mouth shocked me.
"Wha-y/n you are not fat" I said as she tried to hide her tears away. I saw one fall as it landed on her thigh and she just watched it roll down her leg.
"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, your perfect in so many fucking ways y/n, in and out, I'm not going to let anyone say anything like that to hurt you, ever, I love you more than anything in the world" I said gripping her onto her thigh and looking into her eyes.
She stared back into mine and I could see her tears in her eyes.
"You-you're beyond gorgeous" I stuttered.
She threw her arms around me and pulled me into a big hug. I could feel her tears running down my back. I felt so bad. What did she think of herself like that? Who said this to her that made her feel like it?

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