Chapter 30: I Do

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2 months later

Y/N's POV:
Today was the day. The day I married Finn Wolfhard. I would have never thought this day would have came. He started off as a boy I saw in my favourite show, to a guy in my new high school who I fell in love with, to now, whom I shall marry and grow a family with. God, I was so thankful. There was nothing more I wanted in this world than Finn. He was just...everything.

I woke up, quickly turning over to Finn.

"TODAY'S THE DAY BOO!" I said, getting up and jumping on the bed.

"Let me sleep" he groaned as I made a shocked face.

"Wow, you're not even EXCITED"

"Of course I am, loser" he said, grabbing my legs, causing me to fall back next to him. He always did that every time I jumped on the bed.

I laid there, next to him, my face inches away from his. He slowly started to lean in before I grabbed his pursed lips.

"We might be getting married, but you still got morning breath babe" I said, with a smile.

"Just like the day we started dating" he chuckled.

"I got to leave in an hour to get ready, so how do you want to do breakfast?" I asked, getting up from bed and walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Uhm, Starbucks?" He said, leaving a smile on my face.

I ran out of the bathroom and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"This is why I'm marrying you"

"Hi, can I get two caramel macchiatos with two bagels and butter?" I said to the cashier.

"That'll be $8.56" the cashier said before Finn pushed in front of me and paid.

"I hate when you do that, let me pay for once!" I insisted.

"No" he said with a smirk causing me to scoff.

We sat down at a table for two and drank our drinks and ate out bagels.

"Our lives are going to change in a few hours" I said, looking outside at a couple with their kid.

Finn looked in the direction I was and saw the couple and their child. He grabbed my hand and looked back in my eyes.

"Best change I have ever made" he said, causing me to look back in his eyes.

"I love you Finn"

"I love you more y/n"

After a few minutes, I quickly checked my phone.

"Shit!" I said. Finn looked at me confused.

"I'm gonna be late to get ready, I gotta go babe, can you drive me?"I asked before Finn nodded. I picked up my purse. Finn got up and we both went to the car.

Finn dropped me off in front of my moms house. I waved him goodbye and he smiled back at me. He drove off and I turned around to glance at my old home. I kinda missed it. But that didn't get in the way of the fact that I'm GETTING MARRIED TODAY!

"HELLO MOMM" I screamed, entering my old home with my mom standing right in front of the door.

"Hey hun, your hair and makeup girls are already here, in the living room" she explained.
I took a look into the living room. The girls looked at me and gave a smile. I gave one in return.

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