Lies *Matthew Espinosa* *edited

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*1st grade*

"Hi! Im Nikki!"

"I'm Matthew"

"Do you wannah be friends?"

"Best friends?"


*End of Flash back*

"Nikki! If you don't wake up, I swear we're leaving here without you." Says my dearest best friend, Angel.

I groggily open my eyes and yawn finally getting out of bed after being waken up countless times. "Okay, okay. I'm up. Now, can I help you?" I asked.

"Chris and Brent wanna hang out today so get ready." Said Shayla.

"What the, what time is it?" I asked. I didn't get the chance to look at my phone.

"11:37 and were leaving here by 12:15." Shayla told me. I groaned in annoyance at how I overslept again and now I was to rush to get ready.

"Okay, let me shower at least." I said while pusing them out of the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I pull my hair out of its pony tail that currently looks like a birds nest and turn on the shower for the water to heat up. I started stripping off my clothes putting them in my blue hamper. I stopped a split second, looking at myself in the mirror. Disgusting.Is the first thing that came into my mind.

One thing caught my eye though. It was my ugly scarred up wrists. I wasn't in the right mind when I started and I never planned on going back. I've been clean for about 3 months now, when I started 6 months ago. The day my best friend Mathew Espinosa left me, to handle this world on my own.

*Flash Back*

"It's raining outside Matt, was it really this important for me to walk her in the rain?" I asked sipping my hot coffee. Tasted amazing.

"Sorry about that, yeah this is pretty important." He said. My breath caught in my throat but I aloud him to continue.

"Im leaving Nikki." He said softly.

"Leaving? What do you mean?" I asked setting my coffee onto the table.

"Ever heard of magcon?" I shook my head no.

"It's a tour group, where I'll be with a bunch of guys that do the same thing I do." He said. Matthew was sort of "famous" because he made these funny 6 second videos on an app called vine. I didn't think it would get this far though.

"How long will you be gone for?"

"The longest I know about is 8 months." He sighed.

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say, or what to do.  Matthew was leaving me? I looked back up at him to see he was waiting for reaction. So I gave him one.

I stood up and ran away.

My house wasn't far from here which was a plus for me. I ran home, and wouldn't stop until I reached.

Once I got home, I ran straight into my room where Shayla and Angel soon followed because they were in the living room.

"Nikki? Please open up, what's wrong?" Angel asked. I couldn't answer, my head was spinning and I could barely breath. I heard the click of the lock and realized that Shayla had a key.

Tears streaming down my face, but yet they were still comforting me. That was until then Matthew walked through the door.

"Nikki, please don't be upset. I'm sorry." Matt pleaded

"How can I not be upset Matt? You're leaving me for 8 months." I cried.

"It won't be as long as it seems I promise." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I just do, trust me. We'll text, call, Skype, everything. It's like I never even left." He smiled a bit.

"But you actually are gone." I said looking down.

"Hey, don't worry. I promise we'll keep in touch." He said

"You swear?" I asked looking at his sadden face.

" I swear" He said.

*End of Flashback*

Truly the day I lost myself. After that, he left a few days later. He kept his promise for about 2 weeks, after that we lost all contact with each other. He changed his number, e-mail, and he wouldn't even answer my Skype calls. The day I lose my best friend is a day I won't forget. Although, the same day I met Chris and Brent. Now Shayla Rickard, Angel Andrews, Chris Collins, and Brent Rivera are my 4 bestfriends and so far life is pretty good.

Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now