Chapter 12

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*Nikki's POV*

I quickly stormed out of the room and ran down to the beach. I grabbed my penny board out of Nash's room because he borrowed it and I walked to the elevator. I hit lobby. Right before the door closed Chris walked in with his penny board and hugged me. I silently cried into his chest.

We got down to the lobby and we rode our penny boards to Venice. We were talking abbout what happened and all the good times we had together. We were strolling through the board walk untill I bumped into someone. But not just anybody. I bumped into Luke. I gasped and quickly helped him up.

"Oh my gosh Luke i'm so sorry!' I said pulling him up.

"No no it's fine I wasn't looking where I was going." He chuckled.

"Anyways. Where's the other guys?" I asked looking around the boardwalk.

"There getting some pizza. Wanna join?" He asked pointing to the guys behind him. I looked at Chris and he nodded. I smiled and we started walking over to the rest of the guys. I quickly greeted them and hug each of them. When I got to Calum I could feel his smirk form on my neck.

Chris and our ordered our food and sat down with the rest of the guys. I was talking to Ashton about some gig that they had in a couple weeks untill I got a text from Calum.


Calum- Lukes looking at you again ;)

I quickly look from my phone to Calum and to Luke. And just as I expected he was looking at me. He blushed a little then looked down.

Me- Lol he was! He's so cute when he's embarssed.

Calum- Ohhh.. Look's like Nikki's falling... Pretty hard... ;)

Me- Shut up! Now eat your pizza!

And with that I locked my phone and continued eating until I got ANOTHER text but this time from Chris


Chris- I saw your messges. ;)

Me- Shut up!

Chris- Lol but do you actuallly like him?

Me- Idk im not sure.

Chris- I ship Nuke or maybe Natthew? or is Mikki better?


I saw the smirk on his face as he continued to eat.

When we finished eating I sais bye to all the guys and Chris and I rode back to the hotel. When we got there the first thing that happened is Brent, Shayla, and Angel pulled me and Chris into Brent's room and the first thing that happened. Is Brent huggged me.

"Nikki i'm sorry that I wasnt there for everything that happened." He said he sniffled like he was about to cry.

"No Brent don't cry! No no it's not your fault! I love you babe!" I said starting to tear up but laughing a little. We both laughed but continued on with the day. Nobody dared to talk about it because they thought I wasn't ready. We had a movie marathon and had a sleepover in Chris and I's room.

Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now