Chapter 26

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*2 days later*

-filler in-

Shayla and Carter are broken up but I'm pretty sure Sam and Shayla are hitting it off. Jade is flying in today to visit Nikki. Nikki's birthday is tommoro. They all have forgiven Carter but Carter is still dating Shannon and he thinks that she's agreed to be nice but still is an asshole when he isn't noticing. We met Jc and Nash's girlfriends Brie and Mackenzie. They were REALLY nice and funny! Were planning on hanging out with them on Nikki's birthday too.


*Nikki's POV*

"Who wants to follow me to pick up Jade?!" I screamed yelling through the door that connected all of our room.

"Me!" Calum and Luke say running out followed by Kian, Connor, Taylor, and Matt.

"Mhmmkay. Leggo." I said.


"Su-" I was cut off by Matt, Connor, and Kian.


"NUH UH!" Taylor argued. I just laughed at them and had Calum drive. We got into the car and drove to the airport. It was silent but it was a comfortable silence.

We pulled into the airport and I looked at the board to see what time Jade's flight would end. It said that she should be here by now.

"Nikki!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see Jade.

"Jade!" I yelled. I ran and hugged her

"I missed you so much! I haven't seen you in what? 2 years?" I ask.

"Yea! Who are these people?" She asks referring to the other guys.

"Oh! Well, you know Matt. You've met him before." I said

"Yea! Nice to see you again Matt!" She said walking up to him and hugging him really quick.

"And, this is Calum and Luke from 5 Seconds of summer." I said walking in front of them.

"Nice to meet you guys! I love your music!" Jade exclaimed.

"Awh thanks!" Calum smiled kindly.

"And Last but not least, this is Taylor Caniff, Connor Franta, and Kian Lawley." I said.

"Nice to meet you Taylo, Connor, and Ki-" Jade started but quickly cut off her voice. She looked straight into Kian's eyes.

"H-hi your really p-pretty." He stuttered. Awh. There in love.

"Thanks y-your pretty t-t-too." Jade said. Wow nice job Jade.

"S-sorry I me-" She started but was cut of by Kian.

"It's fine." He said.

"Uh, okay. Awkward! Well, lets go so you can see and meet everyone else!" I said.

Kian grabbed her suitcase for her and we walked back to the car. I had Matt drive while me in the passenger seat. Calum, Luke, and Taylor in the front with Kian, Connor, and Jade in the back.

When we got back to the hotel I saw Brie there! I quickly ran up to her and greet her.

"Hey! How's it been!?" I asked.

"Great actually! I was wondering if all the girls wanted to come shopping?" She asked.

"Sure! Let me just introduce everyone to Jade. Hold on." I said. Everyone was in the room already so it was fine.

"Guys! This is my cousin Jade and her and Kian are in love and are going to have beautiful babies!" I said. Kian and Jade glared at me while blushing and I just chuckled at them. I grabbed Shayla and Angels arms along with Jade and Brie and pulled them out of the hotel room to start our day.

*At the Mall*

"So, where do you guys wannah go first?" I asked.

"Uh, lets go Pacsun?" Shayla insisted. We all agreed and walked to pacsun. I looked around looking for cute things to buy when I finally came across a beauitiful white dres with a heart cut out in the back. I grabbed that off the rack and looked for the other girls.

I found them by the boys section to see what they bought. Shayla had 2 shirts. One that was a black tank top with sunflowers on it and a Plain Black Shirt Crop top. Angel had a teal diamond sweater and a boys t-shirt.

"What's with the dude's shirt Angel?" I asked.

"Uh, well Cameron is taking me out of a date on the 2nd of February." She said.

"What!? How come you didn't tell us!?" Shayla asked.

"Don't know." She shrugged. I just chuckled at her and looked at whats Jade and Brie bought. Jade had a navy blue skater skirt and a flower crown. Brie had 2 flower crowns Black and white cropped baseball tee and a pair of blue ripped denim shorts. My opinion, Brie was really pretty! She had brown hair with golden streaks that went mid- waist. It was kinda liked Jades except without the blonde.

"We all done here?" I asked. They all nodded there heads and went to checkout. We paid for our clothes and walked out.

*After shopping*

"Oh, gosh what a day." I said trying to carry all of the shopping bags I had.

"Yea, I know right? I'm starving." Jade said.

"How long were we out?" Angel asked.

"About 2 hours." Shayla responded checking her phone. It was about 3 now.

"You guys wannah stop by Taco bell and buy some food for the guys and us?" Angel suggested.

"Sounds good" Brie said. We walked out of the mall and to our car. How are we going to fit all these bags? We shoved our bags into the car until it actually fit.

"Damn, I thought they would never go in." Shayla said wiping her forehaed.

"Yea." I said panting, Brie drove with Jade in the passneger seat and Shayla, Angel, and I in the back. We drove to taco bell and just ordered 2 of the 12 party packs. We ordered a baha blast for each of us and drove back to the hotel.

We drove just jamming out to the radio and singing at the top of our lungs and dancing like idiots. When we finally got to the hotel we grabbed the bags and food for everyone and went to our door. I opened it to reveal everyone yelling and dancing like idiots.

"Uh, we brought food!" I screamed over the noice. They all looked at me and mobbed us grabbing there food and drinks.

"Where's Matt?" I asked. Noticing that he wasn't here.

"Uh, I think he's in Carter and his room." Nash said still mobbing his food.

"Mhkay thanks." I said. I grabbed his food and walked towards there door. I knocked on the door a couple times and nobody answered. I decided to just walk in. I really wish I hadn't though. I saw Matt in there. Not by himself though. But with Shannon making out. I dropped his food and drink on the floor.

"M-matt?" I stuttered. He quickly pulled away and looked at me a his eyes got wide.

"Nikki it's not what it lo-" He started but I cut him off.

"Oh really!? It looks like your cheating on me! Nevermind. Screw you. Were done." I said walking out the door tears already streaming down my face.

"Nikki wa-" I cut him off and slammed the door. I ran down the hall way. I don't know where im going just not here. I couldn't see very well but I ran into a hard body. I looked up to see Luke.

"Nikki what's wrong?" He asked croutching down on the floor by me pulling me onto his lap and stroaking my hair. I didn't answer. I just embraced him into a hug holding on like my life depended on it. I just broke down in the middle of the hallway in Luke Hemmings arms.

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