Chapter 29

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Hey guys! So I was wondering if you guys could check out this book! It's called "Unforgivable" Hayes Grier. It's by the other owner of this account (Shae) Its a SUPER good book and I highly recommend it! Also for Nash girls check out the story "Forgotten" by brieyonce_. Another book thaat I recommend is "Secrets" It's by another owner of this account. Her name is Angel and I am honestly in love with her story!That's it! Thanks you all!

Stay Cloudly

Stay Beautiful

Stay You.

I woke up the next morning and noticed that Chris wasn't here. Last night was probably the best nights of my life. Luke and I are now officially dating. I couldn't be happier. I know people would judge me about being a slut and stuff but It's worth It be with him. Atleast, I hope.

I walked out of bed and saw that it was 10:57 . I felt disgusting so I decided to take a shower. I plugged in my phone to the ihome and put on my music. I got into the shower and decided to take extra long. Its my birthday mine aswell look good for it. Today I was 17. Today all I want is to hang out with all of my friends. That's all i'm asking. I finished up my shower and chose my outfit. It was just denim shorts, a black tank top, and a "' flannel. I plugged in my straightener and stroaked ut through my hair. I finished up and walked outside of my bathroom. It was now 11:34. I decided to text Jack J to see where they were.


Me- Hey, do you know where everyone is?

JackJ- Yea, were in Nash's room come join us.

Me- Mhkay, see you.

Jack J- Kayyy

End of Messeges

I grabbed my phone and walked out the door. I was too lazy to put on shoes so I just walked out with my socks. I walked over to Nash's room and knocked on the door. I waited a little bit util Jack G opened the door.

"Hey! Happy Birthday!" He said hugging me.

"Awh! Thanks!" I said as he embraced me in a hug. He let me inside and I was greeted by everyone like the magcon boys, o2l, 5sos, Jenn, Jack,Shayla, Angel, Brie, and this other boy. He was really skinny. He was wearing skinny jeans and a purple flannel.

"Hey! I'm lohanthony! Also, happy birthday!" He said.

"Hey! Thanks!" I answered. He smied at me and talked to everyone. I walked over to Angel and Cameron and decided to make fun of them a little.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Dallas." I said smirking at Angel.

"Hey Nikki. Or should I say, Mrs. Hemmings?" Cameron said raising his eyebrows at me and I imediately looked at Angel because I only told Angel, Shayla, Jade , and Brie. She smirked at me as I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey babe." I looked behind and saw Luke.

"Hey" I said smiling back at him.

"I got something for you." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup!" He answered taking out a necklace. It had a cross on it with gems.

"Awh! Thank you!" I said kissing him. He smiled at me as I heard someone yell my name.

"Calum!" I yelled hugging him.

"I see you and Lucas here is thing now?" He said smirking at me.

"Yup!" I said. I smiled I just remembered something. I'm leaving in three days. What's going to happen after that?

"Hey Calum? Can I talk to you outside for second?" I said looking at Luke for I it was okay. He nodded at me and snaked his arms off. He nodded at me as we walked out to the balcony.

"What did you need bud?" He asked me.

"Calum... I'm leaving in 3 days. What am I supposed to do?" I asked him.

"That depends. Do you really love Luke?" He asked. I didn't know. It was too soon to even think about it.

"I don't known Calum." I said looking down. He shrugged and just looked at me.

"Hey, don't be sad. It's your birthday? Remember?" He said dancing around trying to make me feel better. I chuckled at him and walked back inside. That was until a pair of light brown eyes met mines.

"Hey Nikki." Matthew said.

"Uh, hey." I answered.

"So I hear your dating Luke now?" He asked.

"Er, yea." I said. Wow, was this awkward or what?

"Oh. I hope he treats you better than I did. I'm really sorry Nikki I didn't want to hurt you." He said.

"Then why did you?" I asked him.

"I-I honestly don't know Nikki." He answered looking down.

"I just. I don't want you to leave while your still mad at me." He said looking back into my eyes.

"Matthew. I'm sorry. I just can't forgive you yet I'm sorry." I said walking away as I heard Luke and Calum in the other room.

Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now