Chapter 11

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*Nikki's POV*

Oh God. Please tell me he did not hear that. Oh God. I'm dead.

"Nikki i'm sorry. I didn't mean to forget! It was an accident." He cried

"An accident?! Really Matthew?! How is it possible to forget your best friend on accident?!" I shouted

"Nikki hear me out! When I started tour I was getting hung up with all the fans. Please." He said

"So your fans is more important than your 3 best friends?! Wow Matt! I've been so depressed since you left and since we stopped talking I've been nothing but crying myself to sleep at night!" I cried

"N-Nikki I'm sorry." He cried

"Matthew. You know what? Forget it. Forget everything we had. It's okay because you can turn on the fame to help you because this time I won't." I whispered

"B-but Nikki. I can't forget." He said.

"And why is that? You've done it before. Why not again." I said walking out of the room.

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Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now