Chapter 24

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I stayed behind the kitchen counter for a little bit more until I heard a scream. I ran towards the door to see that Shayla got out by Carter. He ran right passed me and when his back was facing me. I shot him.

"Dammit Nikki." He groaned and walked towards the elevator.

I chuckled at him and ran towards the elevator to see who was out. It was Jc, Shayla, Carter, Jack J, Trever, and Shawn. I stuck my tongue out at them and ran towards my room. I quickly ran inside scanning the room. I walked Into the bathroom and saw Chris fixing his hair.

"Oh stupid stupid little Chris." I said grinning like an idiot to him. His eyes got wide then I shot him right on the back of his head.

I chuckled at him and walked back outside just in time to see Nash trying to walk in. I quickly shot him as he turned around.

"Damnit. I'm out." He said. He walked back outside towards the elevator. There were more people there now. It was Nash, Cameron, Ricky, Shawn, both Jacks, Kian, Jc, Shayla, Carter, Trever,Chris, and Sam was there. That means only Aaron, Matt, Connor, Taylor, Brent, Angel, and Hayes. I ran to the nearest room and quickly hid inside the closet.

My idea was to text all the people that weren't out to see if there phone alert would go off. I texted all the people and made sure to put my phone on vibrate. I was waiting until I heard a text alert and then a cuss. Hehe. Aaron. I heard it coming from the kitchen cabinet. I saw him walk out of the kitchen and had his gun. He was about to walk out so he had his back facing me. I quickly shot his back and laughed. He flipped me off laughing and walked towards the elevator.

I was running down the hall way until I saw Connor. I quickly ran towards the nearest room and ran under the bed.

"Nikki. Come out wherever you are." He said creepily. I saw his feet walk by the bed and I shot his ankle.

"Crap." He said. I laughed then got from under the bed. I heard a noise coming from the kitchen and saw and orange bandana sticking from behind the counter. I shot him right on his bandana.

"BANANAS!" He yelled.

"Sowwy Tay." I answered. I walked them towards the elevator and saw that I only needed to get Angel and Matt. Hehehe. I know Angels weakness. I'll just do the same plan as earlier. Just text both people. I walked in Angel and Cameron's room. I tiptoed towards the closet to and called Angel. I heard the ringtone.

"Crap." She murmured. Under the bed. I quickly called Matt first to see if he was in here. I didn't hear a ring so I assume he isn't here. I stretched my legs from the closet to the bed so she wouldn't see my feet. I steadily aimed my water gun under the bed. I randomly shot places under the bed until I finally saw her get out of the bed.

"Nikki, I don't like you at all." She said. I just laughed at her but quickly looked at the door to see the final person. Matt.

"Hey babe." I said aiming the water gun to his head.

"Shit." He cussed under his breath.

"I love you." I said then shot him in the head. I grabbed his hand and walked toward the elevator.

"I won!" I cheered. They all laughed at Matt because he lost to me.

"I wouldn't be laughing because most of you guys got out by me." I stated. The laugher died down and I just chuckled at them.

We all walked back into my room and just sat down for a little bit until Nash announced something.

"You guys wanna do a YouNow?" He asked. We all agreed and he set up the camera.

"Hey guys! So today I'm with all of Magcon boys. Plus Carter's girlfriend Shayla. Cameron's soon to be girlfriend because he has ask her out or if he dosen't I will kick his ass Angel. I'm also here with one of my new best friends/ Matts new girlfriend Nikki. Please don't freak out but I am also here with all of o2l!" Nash said greeting all of us.

"OMG! I love you all! I totally ship #mikki and #cayla!" Was one of the comments.

"Ew, why the hell would Matt pick a slut like her." Was another one of the comments. Ouch, that hurt.

"Seriously Matt? You can do WAY better."


"Piece of sh*t"

"Go die"

"Just kill yourself already!" That one hurt. I couldn't help it anymore so I ran out of the room. I ran straight to the elevator.

"Nikki wait!" Some yelled. I didn't know who it was but it was probably Kian or something. I pressed the button to the roof an tried to close the door quickly but before it closed a hand got in between them. It quickly opened the elevators to see Calum.

"Calum? W-what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, the boys and I were on our way to see you but I saw you ran out the door. So, I quickly chased after you." He said panting. I closed the door again and this time aloud it to go to the roof.

The door opened and Calum and I walked over to the gated bars where you can look up at the stars.

"So, what happened?" He asked.

"Nash and them were doing a YouNow and there fans started hating on me and calling me names and stuff." I said.

"Nikki... Don't listen to them. There just jealous. Your beautiful, kind, smart, funny, and my best friend. I know I haven't know you for long but I feel like I've known you forever." He said looking at me.

"Thanks Calum." I said embarrassing him.

"No problem. Should we go back so the others don't freak out?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said and smiled at him.

Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now