Chapter 20

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I woke up the next morning with a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I looked behind me and saw Matthew. Awh, he looked so cute.

"Matt, Matthew. I have to get up." I said laughing.

"No, stay with me." He mumbled not opening his eyes.

"Matt, I have to pee!" I complained.

"Nooo." He groaned

"Okay, I guess I'll just pee here on the bed." I stated.

He quickly released his grip on me and I walked to bathroom. I did my business then walked back outside with everyone else.

I looked over and saw Hayes was awake. He was on his phone.

"Hi Hayes!" I said sitting down by him.

"Hi Nikki!" He said chuckling. Awhh he was so adorable.

"You wannah go get Starbucks with me?" I asked him.

"Sure!" He said standing up.

"Nikki! I thought you loved me! Not that dweeb!" Nash yelled over dramatically.

"Awhh, I do love you Nash! But your annoying soo...bye!" I said grabbing Hayes's and running out the door. We ran towards the elevator and hit the down button.

When the elevator opened we hit lobby and waited till it opened again. Before we got down to the lobby thought someone joined us on the elevator. It was Matthew on another floor. I wonder what he was doing?

"Hey Matt! I thought you were in the room?" I said hugging him.

"Oh, yeah I was but I was just talking to my girlfriend." He said. He has a girlfriend? How come when he said that I got a sudden sharp pain in my chest. Oh well just shrug it off.

"You have a girlfriend?" I said it hurt every time I thought of that or said it. Did I like Matthew? No I couldn't, I just can't he's my best friend.

"Yea, her name is Charrise." He said smiling.

"Wow, I would love to meet her!" I said.

"Sure! You want me to call her? We can meet up with her or something?" He said

"Sure! Just asked her if she wants to meet us at Starbucks in the lobby." I said

"Kk." He said pulling out his phone.

We walked out of the elevator and pulled open the door to Starbucks.

"She said she's on her way down." Matthew said.

"Kk, Hayes what do you want?" I asked walking up to the cashier.

"No Nikki, I can pay for myself." He said

"Nope! I invited you now I'm paying for you!" I said. He realized I wouldn't give up so he just gave me his order.

"Can I get 2 medium Caramel Frappes and a medium Mocha Cookie Crumble please?" I asked the lady.

"Sure thing, that'll be $15.63 please" she said. I gave her the money and walked back over to Matthew. He was on his phone untill we looked up and saw a beautiful girl with wavy brown hair and hayzel eyes.

"Hey Matt!" She said kissing him. Ow, that hurt.

"Hey babe! This is my best friend Nikki." He said pointing to me.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you!" I said

"Hi, I'm Charisse. Nice to meet you too." She said looking rather annoyed. Damn it not this again.

"2 Caramel Frappes and a Mocha Cookie Crumble!" The lady said at the pick-up counter. I walked over to the counter.

"Thank you." I said

"No problem!" She said with a smile. I walked back over to the rest of then and have Hayes and Matt there drink.

"Awhh you still remember? Thank you!" Matthew said taking a sip from the drink.

"Uh, so hey Matt? You wannah hang out today?" Charisse said ignoring me.

"Um, sorry babe but I was planning on hanging out with Nikki today." He said looking at her. Hah.

"Oh, um Matt can I talk to you outside for a minute?" She said pulling onto his arm.

"Oh um, yeah I guess." He said following her outside.

*Matthews POV*

I wonder what happened to Charrise? She's been acting a little weird since she met Nikki.

"Matthew, I don't like Nikki." She said.

"What? Why?" I said

"That dosen't matter I don't want you hanging out with her as long as your dating me." She said. I was so pissed but I love Charrise and Nikki.

"Bu-" I started but was cut off.

"No Matt, go tell her that you can't talk to her anymore now." She said sternly. I started walking inside. Wait what was I doing? I walked up to Nikki.

"Hey Matt wh-" I cut her off.

"Nikki, I can't talk to you or be friends with you anymore. Bye." She looked confused then looked like she was about to burst into tears. I felt so guilty.

"But Matt I thoug-" She said tears starting to stream down her face.

"No just stop talking to me!" I yelled in her face. God I'm such an idiot but, I love Charrise.

She ran out of the store crying and Hayes running after her. Before he left he mumbled something to me. "Jerk."

"Good Job! Now we can hang out now!" She said linking arms with me and walking me towards her car.

*Nikki's POV*

What just happened? One minute Matts my best friend then the next he's not?

He yelled at me so I ran. I ran to Chris and I's room because I really needed to talk to someone. I need my real best friend.

"Nikki, open the door! Hayes yelled.

"Hayes, I'm fine I just need to think right now." I said. I heard the banging stop and heard Chris.

"Hey Nikki where we- woah, Nikki are you okay?" He asked referring to my tear stained face and red eyes.

"M-Mathew said that I c-can't be friends with h-him anymore then h-he yelled at me." I said running up to hug him.

"What? Why?" He said hugging me in his arms.

"I-I think it's because of h-his girlfriend." I said still crying.

"Matt has a girlfriend? Wow, is it another Shannon?" He asked annoyed.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered out

"It's okay Nikki shhh I got you." He cooed. I'm gonna call the others okay? I nodded and Chris headed outside to get the rest of the gang. I thought Matthew and I were close? I just got him back then lost him? Why does is always have to happen to me?

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